Quote.FM: Discover, Discuss and Share Great Articles

Quote.FM is the best way to discover, read, collect, recommend, curate, and discuss written stories. It’s the perfect way for you to find stories that worth your time.

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Botl: How Far Will Your ‘Message in a Bottle’ Go?

Botl is the “message in a bottle” social network.  Share images, music, audio and text, and see how far your messages go!

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Fourist: The World’s Best Weekends… Captured on Instagram

Fourist shows you what weekends look like in cities around the world allowing you to experience them through other people’s Instagram.

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Klout: How Influential Are You Online?

Klout is the Standard for Influence, discover your online social media influence and compare with others you may know.

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Wrapp: Gift Cards Get The Facebook Treatment

Ever wondered what to get your friends for their birthday? Well never fear, for it’s now easier (and cheaper) than ever to send a gift card to one of them… as long as they’re your friend on Facebook that is!

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Momentile: The Photo Diary of your Life

Momentile is a “picture a day” photo diary that makes it dead simple to chronicle your days and observe the interesting moments of others.

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Ridejoy: The Carpooling App – Sharing Rides Just Got Easier!

Ever tried carpooling? Well with Ridejoy and its new iPhone app, you can find your perfect money-saving, ride-sharing match on the go, whether you’re the driver or passenger.


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YouNow: Online Reality TV Network, Become an American Idol!

YouNow is a social video platform that allows users to broadcast live video & interact with their audience in real time. YouNow is the web’s first “online reality TV network”…

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Geekli.st: A Social Network for Developers and Engineers

Geekli.st is a vibrant platform for developers and engineers to discover, connect and share the work they have done.

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Mixlr: Broadcasting Live Audio made Easy and Social

Mixlr makes broadcasting live audio simple. It allows you to share your sounds live with friends and fans, chat and interact with them in real time.

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NewsWhip: Viral News on Facebook & Twitter

NewsWhip publishes links to the fastest spreading stories on Facebook and Twitter. If so many people think its good, then it probably is.

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Bizzabo: Hone your Networking & Discover New Business Opportunities

Bizzabo helps professionals discover new business opportunities at conferences and enables event organizers to engage more effectively with their attendees.

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