How do you follow your favorite celebrities? The paparazzi rags – stuffed to the brim with naughty candid shots of Britney Spears eating pork rinds in her front room – are more about spying on stars than connecting with them. We all know about the power of celebs on Twitter. But your never-ending news feeds swallow up individual stories and lessen the impact of sharing. One website is making it easier than ever to get closer to real stars’ real lives… it’s called WhoSay, and you’re about to discover it!
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There’s an app creating an awful lot of noise in the App Store right now. It’s called Draw Something, and it’s been downloaded over 350 MILLION times since it’s release A MONTH AGO! But what is it and how on earth has it overtaken absolutely everything since its release?
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A great way to describe our latest Weekly Fave, Cowbird, is Twitter for the soul – or in slightly less lyrical terms, the complete opposite of Twitter’s endless rush of instant, throwaway one-liners. Cowbird is a never ending web of online storytellers, linked almost magically by the subjects of their stories: the people, places and themes they evoke. It’s thoughtful, visual, engrossing: a modern day diary for the online generation.
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This group of young upstarts are on a mission. They’ve built RideFrog, a handy little startup based completely on one of Facebook’s most popular features: events. And saving the environment too. How? Very simply: you connect your Facebook to RideFrog, see your upcoming events, find out who’s going to them, and let your friends know whether you’re prepared to drive, or whether you need a lift there. And that’s basically it!
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Here at All My Faves we enjoy the simple pleasures in life: We love our friends, and we love our food. We also love making new friends. And our latest discovery Grub With Us shares our sentiments… It’s a food loving socialite’s delight: You create or join a group meal at your favorite restaurant, and network with potential new friends or business contacts!
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Here’s a question for you: How many of your ‘friends’ on Facebook would you actually consider to be your friend? (Answers in the comments box below!) If you’re like me and shuffled uncomfortably in your seat when trying to answer that question, you’ve probably also wondered this: Do you really want to be sharing the photos from your vacation, your baby’s birthday or your latest night out with all 800 of your Facebook acquaintances and that guy, Bob, who you met at the 2009 office Christmas party and hastily added as a friend only to perpetually ignore him ever since…
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The rise of the internet has coincided with a rise in voter apathy, especially among youth populations all over the world. But as we have seen over the past couple of years, when such youth get worked up about something online, and spread their feelings over social media like Facebook and Twitter, today’s youth can wield more power than it ever has before. The internet has the power to enhance democracy dramatically, and Votizen, funded by, among others, Sean Parker (one of Facebook’s early investors), is ready to harness its power just in time for the 2o12 Presidential Elections.
Continue Reading → – I’m the kind of person that spends the whole year saving money for holidays, especially when I’m going to travel abroad. In fact, I love planning vacations so much that as soon as I get back home with sand between my toes and a beautiful tanned skin, I get started on my new research. The only problem is… how can I possibly decide my following destination in such a wide world? And that’s when I thank my lucky stars for this latest Weekly Fave discovery, Jetsetter!
Continue Reading → – Want to listen to music online, without having to part with your hard earned cash? Think Youtube’s your only answer? Well, if like me, you’ve noticed that it’s incredibly limited when it comes to creating an iTunes-like library of your musical favorites… then get ready to get excited: Loudlee’s taken Youtube, and made it better!
Continue Reading →, by online lifestyle publisher Glam Media, is a site that’s launched with very grand aims: to become a Facebook/Twitter hybrid… for food! Before you start groaning at yet another social network however, this does seem to have a reason to exist. For a start, you couldn’t say with much conviction that Facebook or Twitter provide a real niche towards food, recipes and restaurant sharing. And that’s exactly what Foodie provides.
This social basis enables to become a sort of interactive food magazine: you can browse delicious looking pictures of new and exciting recipes currently. And you have the ability to follow and interact some of the world’s most exciting chefs, who will post recipes and ideas on their feed; as well as top restaurant lists and shareable menus. All sounds rather delectable if you ask me! Click here or on the big pic below to join this fast growing foodies’ network.
Foodie allows you to follow top food writers & chefs, as well as get inspiration for meals in and out with tasty recipes
Don’t forget to check out our All My Faves Recipes Faves Page – with some great sites that any food enthusiast would salivate over (or just find some good ideas for tonight’s meal!). – We’ve all got one. A favorite tune. That song you just can’t stop listening to on your fave online music streaming site.
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There’s been a lot of conjecture recently about how the average consumer is getting a raw deal while big corporates roll home with all the money. Well with Mulu, you can take some of that money back by creating an account and acting as an endorser of products you like. Every time someone takes up your recommendation, clicks on your link and buys that product, you share a small percentage of the profit from that sale with Mulu (a product on Amazon can make you between 4 and 8 per cent, depending on what it is!)
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