Mulu – Find Cool Products, Recommend them, Earn Money!

Posted on Monday, February 6th, 2012 by

There’s been a lot of conjecture recently about how the average consumer is getting a raw deal while big corporates roll home with all the money. Well with Mulu, you can take some of that money back by creating an account and acting as an endorser of products you like. Every time someone takes up your recommendation, clicks on your link and buys that product, you share a small percentage of the profit from that sale with Mulu (a product on Amazon can make you between 4 and 8 per cent, depending on what it is!)

The recommendations by users appear in slick Tumblr-like pictures, and it’s really easy to get around the site, and browse products based on your particular tastes. So Mulu works for a consumer who’s looking for something cool to buy online, or for anyone who wants to make a bit of extra cash recommending products they like. Apparently there’s even some famous users (including Ivanka Trump!) who’ve been creating Mulu profiles to recommend products they love, so click the pic, or click here, to join them and take a look around on Mulu!

Recommend a product you love, and make money when someone buys it, on Mulu! Click the pic to try it.

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