Do: The easiest way to get the work done with anyone

Do offers an easier way to share tasks, projects and files with anyone you work with in a productive easy way.

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Sworly: Discover, Listen and Share Music

Sworly provides you with unlimited access to over 20 million songs readily available throughout the web. Why pay when you can get your music for free?

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Burpple – App of the Week: Never Forget Beautiful Food Again!

Ever heard of a “foodfolio”? Well you will once you’ve tried out Burpple, which lets you remember special restaurants and home cooked creations through yours and your friends’ photos.

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Intel’s ‘Me The Musical’: Bring Your Facebook Timeline to Life

Intel’s ‘Me The Musical’ creates a personalized animated musical movie which takes all of us Facebook users on a journey through our timeline.

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Social Media Tools: Glossi – All Your Social Media Profiles On One Page

 Is your social media content spread out over multiple social networking sites? Glossi aims to become the one page you use to showcase it all, in a beautiful, simple way.

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Wanelo – Find unique products from stores you’ve never heard of

If you’re looking for clothing that nobody else has, Wanelo can help. Wanelo features unique products and stores you’ve never heard of.

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Vyclone – App of the Week: Magically Co-Create Videos With Friends

Vyclone is a video app for iPhone with an intriguing difference: It lets you and your friends co-create, sync and edit multiple videos of the same event, from different angles!

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Tripl: How To Travel The World Through Your Friends

If you fancy travelling the world without actually leaving your home, Tripl is a cool way to follow your friends’ experiences and pictures while they’re travelling instead!

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Boxnutt: Like Pinterest, But Funny!

Pinterest has been 2012’s ultimate Internet phenomenon, so it’s unsurprising everyone else is trying to hang onto its ever-growing coat-tails. We reviewed the Top 10 Best Sites Like Pinterest recently, and here’s another to add to the list: Boxnutt is like Pinterest… only funnier!

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CircleMe: A social network for ‘like’-minded people

Circleme is an innovative social network that allows you to connect with ‘like’-minded people (excuse the pun!) With Circleme you can manage the things you love (restaurants, books, movies, parks, etc) and discover new passions effortlessly.

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AFP e-Diplomacy Hub: Learn About US Foreign Policy on Twitter

The AFP e-diplomacy hub is a superb, interactive guide to online diplomacy in action. It helps you scrutinize the e-diplomacy (via Twitter) of major World powers across the globe.

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Gabi – A New Way To Browse Facebook On Your Mobile

Over 60% of people who use Facebook do it from their mobile. If you’re one of them, and you’re as frustrated as we are with the content Facebook’s app is bringing you, Gabi has a very beautiful solution…

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