Hashtagcharity connects volunteer IT professionals with nonprofits that need help with a relevant project.
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FishingBooker is a platform to search, compare & book fishing charters worldwide.
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These splendid palaces are among the most famous monuments in the world.
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Google’s 1,000 Chrome Experiments celebrates six years of creative coding from around the world.
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Sportscar Racing is a flash racing game in which you race as one of the top sportscar teams, winning money to enter new races along the way.
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Sondry contains a collection of personal stories written by anyone and everyone.
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Highbrow expands your knowledge in just 5 minutes a day, delivering miniature e-mail courses to your inbox.
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Alto’s Adventure is an amazingly-designed new iOS snowboarding game.
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Huckberry is an online shop and journal that inspires more active, adventurous, and stylish lives through members-only sales, original story-telling, and unique experiences.
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Documentary Addict is the largest and best curated collection of documentaries on the planet.
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