Jewish Warsaw: Poland’s Capital Seen Through Its Jewish Residents

Jewish WarsawWarsaw means many things to many people and it’s a city filled with history of all varieties. But if you were to ask the Jewish people, answers may vary. Jewish Warsaw aims to look at a city through a particular group of people’s eyes.

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Brigade: The First Network for Voters

BrigadeArguments can tend to occur when opposite political sides start discussing politics, and it feels good when we find others with similar view points and agree on something. Brigade helps bring like minded voters together.

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Party Pooper: Shut the Party Down

Party PooperHow fast can you help a friend clear his unwanted house party in Party Pooper?

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IFLScience: The Lighter Side of Science

IFLScienceScience isn’t always the most exciting or interesting topic to many, but what if it could be funny? Check out IFLScience!

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Vitrima Lens: World’s FIRST 3D GoPro Camera Lens

Vitrima Capturing an event or moment through video is great, it helps recreate a moment in time. But normal video doesn’t always do it justice. Vitrima Lens is changing video to let you live in 3D.

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Game of the Week: Mr. Timan

Mr. TimanThere is pretty much only a few moves to play in Mr. Timan, but are those moves always the right decision? Find out when you play.

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Shine: Daily Texts for Self-Fulfillment

ShineSometimes it’s hard to get your day going, but make getting up a little easier with Shine.

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Signal: Privacy That Fits In Your Pocket

SignalWith some conversations, who cares if anyone sees it. But many of our conversations are meant to be private. Signal makes privacy possible and easy.

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App of the Week: Door Kickers

Door KickersIf you think you have what it takes to lead a SWAT team, put your skills to the test in Door Kickers.

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GOAT: Buy and Sell Sneakers Safely

GOATSelling items such as clothing through apps isn’t always the safest or most reliable. So GOAT is making it that way, buy and sell sneakers safely.

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Moovit: The Public Transportation App

MoovitSometimes there isn’t a straight path when you try to get from point A to point B and it can get a little frustration. Moovit lets users ride public transportation smarter.

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Your Brain on Poker

Your Brain on PokerPoker is one of those addictive behaviors where facial expressions can mean everything. But what about the way our brain looks? See how our brains change during a simple card game with Your Brain on Poker.

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