The Top 10 Best Websites Like Pinterest

We all know about social bookmarking website Pinterest – it’s the biggest thing to hit the Internet since “Charlie Bit My Finger” on Youtube. And following its meteoric rise in early 2012 (it’s now the 39th most used website in the World!), we’ve noted a predictable but nevertheless interesting trend of websites cloning  its trademark style, for different niche interests. These are the 10 best websites like Pinterest that we’ve found. Which will you choose to ‘fave‘?

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Piccsy: Meet the Pinterest-alike about to take on Google Images

Piccsy: a visual dairy tailored specifically towards your tastes. Whether it be animals, food,  fashion or sports,  Piccsy streams images that match your interests giving you the power to customize your own scrapbook. The best part about it, its free, and will always be.

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VoteIt: An Easier Way Than Facebook to Make Group Decisions

Have you ever tried making a group decision online? You know, for anything from deciding on dinner location with friends to having your colleagues agree on a strategy at work. If you have, you’ve probably used Facebook to get your answers, but there’s an easier solution: VoteIt, a real-time, social decision making platform that works both online and on mobile.

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Who Needs eBay? Facebook Will Sell Your Products For You

Have you ever wanted to sell something online, but didn’t want to deal with the hassle of setting up an online storefront or eBay account? Look no further. ShopLocket is a clever, online selling platform that helps you sell whatever you like online, wherever you like.

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Top 10 Cool Websites: What’s Interesting So Far In 2012

Every week, to ensure you’ll never be bored, we scour the web to find ten interesting websites. We like to call these top websites our ‘Weekly Faves‘. They can be any kind of sites: fun sites, games sites, news sites, video ones, great pages for shopping, artists, design… literally anything. Every week, one or two stand out as particularly unique or fun, and we decided that they deserve their own monthly post. But seeing as we haven’t done any for 2012 yet, here’s our list of the top 10 best websites of 2012… so far!

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Curisma: Find top gadgets in a community of geeks like you!

The best thing about finding a sexy, beautifully designed, smart (and probably useless) new gadget is sharing your passion about it with people who understand your enthusiasm. Curisma is a community for lovers of top gadgets, it allows you to follow people of similar taste and discover new gadgets while providing you with a place to bookmark all your “I must get it some day” cool gadgets.

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Twimbow: A Rainbow Colored Twitter Client for iPhone or Online

One for all the Twitterati out there: This is our review of latest Weekly Fave, Twimbow – a rainbow colored Twitter client and social media hub that makes tweeting a lot more fun (and colorful!)

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Flapcast: A Great Way to Discover, Share & Stream Podcasts Online

Flapcast is a fast and simple way to listen to, share, organize and broadcast podcasts direct from your browser… Read on to see how it works!

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Lendle – Borrow and share Kindle books in a book lover community

If you are like me and must always have an eBook lined up on your Kindle (device or app…) then Lendle is about to become your next big hobby! Lendle is a new social community website for us poor book lovers. The website functions as a free social eBook library in-which you peek at other people’s eBook stock while allowing them to see the eBooks you own. If you find a title you fancy you can make a request to borrow it.

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DIY – Empower your children’s creativeness

DIY is a website that provides children with a platform to show off their creative side. When kids sign in they get their own webpage that displays their homemade works so that people can see just how creative they are. The sites main idea is to make kids take pride in their ability’s and not hide them, DIY’s motto is that they are a community of kids who make, and that  kids’ creativity must be preserved.

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On May 15, 2012, Millions Will Share Their Life With You

On July 24, 2010, thousands of people around the word uploaded videos of their day to Youtube to take part in Life in a Day’ – a historic cinematic experiment by Ridley Scott to created a documentary film about a single day on earth. On May 15, 2012, will attempt to do the same, but with photographs, giving you the opportunity to be a part of an equally historic online experience, and we are happy to share it with you.

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Storenvy: Pioneering Social Commerce & Social Shopping Community

When it comes to shopping, there are two kinds of people: brand followers and bargain hunters: you either love big brands and will spend to get them, or you love a cool bargain, and will hunt through independent stores, charity shops and online until you get it. If you’re the latter, allow me to introduce you to Storenvy, a pioneer of social shopping on a huge platform for indie sellers, traders and their very unique customers.

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