Who Needs eBay? Facebook Will Sell Your Products For You

Have you ever wanted to sell something online, but didn’t want to deal with the hassle of setting up an online storefront or eBay account? Look no further. ShopLocket is a clever, online selling platform that helps you sell whatever you like online, wherever you like.

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Try On Glasses Online In A 3D Virtual Fitting Room

Ditto – There’s never been an easy way to shop for glasses online. Everybody’s head is a different shape for a start, so how on earth are you going to know what fits yours, simply by looking at a glossy photo of a pair of glasses on a website? And that’s why Ditto has created an utterly cool way of shopping for glasses online: with a 3D virtual fitting room… You’ll need to see it to believe it!

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Lendle – Borrow and share Kindle books in a book lover community

If you are like me and must always have an eBook lined up on your Kindle (device or app…) then Lendle is about to become your next big hobby! Lendle is a new social community website for us poor book lovers. The website functions as a free social eBook library in-which you peek at other people’s eBook stock while allowing them to see the eBooks you own. If you find a title you fancy you can make a request to borrow it.

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Storenvy: Pioneering Social Commerce & Social Shopping Community

When it comes to shopping, there are two kinds of people: brand followers and bargain hunters: you either love big brands and will spend to get them, or you love a cool bargain, and will hunt through independent stores, charity shops and online until you get it. If you’re the latter, allow me to introduce you to Storenvy, a pioneer of social shopping on a huge platform for indie sellers, traders and their very unique customers.

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I see your true colors (live from Paris and Milan)

Let’s play a little association game: Think of a DIY tool and a colour… (If you thought of a red hammer you picked the same as 98% of the people asked this question at the All My Faves HQ!) Now think of a DRESS and a color… Not quite so easy this time is it… unless you use the Pimkie Color Forecast that is! Pimkie – a European clothing label for “energetic young women” has developed the Color Forecast – a fun, little tool to help you pick the perfect color outfit to wear… it lets you seeĀ what colors people are wearing right now in the fashion capitals of Paris, Milan and Antwerp… and it’s not creepy at all… honest…

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Did someone say Mothers Day?

Well moms, it’s nearly that time of year again, your special day is fast approaching… but we do wonder whether your precious loved ones have remembered this little bit of news… Maybe it’s time to ‘gently’ remind them šŸ˜‰

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Giftiki: Why Crowd Sourcing Gifts Makes Happier Birthdays

Giftiki – Every birthday when I was younger was always slightly disappointing when it came to gifts from my friends – from receiving old pens and coins as a ten year old, to going shopping, not knowing what to buy and ending up being owed money by friends who agreed to contribute to my birthday gift but never forked out for it. If you’ve had similar issues, andĀ want to avoid cheap / awkward gifts, keep clear accounts and your friendships safe, Giftiki has a group gifting solution for you: Crowd sourcing birthday gifts!Ā 

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Threadflip Review: Second Hand Fashion Shopping Just Got Easier

An online second hand clothes sale with real vintage style

There’s an interesting statistic that’s been floating around the All My Faves HQ this week (found by yours truly of course :)): Apparently most of us wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time! But why are we wasting our old clothes, locking them away in a closet when someone else might think they haveĀ vintage style! Too much of a pain to get rid of them? Well not anymore, because ThreadflipĀ has built an online outlet mall for second hand fashion shopping and sales!

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Priceonomics: Say Bye Bye To Overpaying…

In the not-so-great economic times that we’re currently living in, shopping has turned from a fun and relaxing activity into a responsible and thoughtful investment of both time and money. When cash is hard to raise, it also becomes hard to spend. Solution? Before you make your next big purchase, you might wanna do a bit of research research on Priceonomics…

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PurePhoto – Directly connects art collectors to photographers

PurePhoto.com is all about making photography collection social: it connects art collectors to brilliant photographers and their work. So artists struggling to break free from the shackles of namelessness in the commercial world of photography can use PurePhoto to post their work, and beĀ  seen directly and purchased by the collectors using it. A reciprocal social art network then, where you can discover new talents or get your talent discovered, that makes a buzz around what is worth buzzing about!

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Chipping in with Crowdtilt: An Easier Way To Pool Money

Crowdtilt is all about taking the stress out of pooling and collecting money from a group. It’s a platform allowing you to describe an event you’re planning, gift you’re group-buying or sponsored challenge you’re undertaking; set the amount needed to raise and then invite people to join in on the purchase or sponsoring by Facebook, Twitter or Email. Only after you’ve reached your target (or “tilt”) is the money is charged from the participants’ accounts and into the organizer account.

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Carsabi – The Used Car Search Engine

Finding your next car is easier than you think…

Carsabi – Why does it have to be so hard to find a new car? That’s the question Carsabi.com’s founders asked before creating a website that makes finding a new (used) car in your local area child’s play… with a used car search engine!

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