11 of the Coolest Homes in the World

worldscoolesthomesYou wouldn’t believe they existed unless you’ve seen them for yourself.

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Pop.co: Free Custom Email and Webpage for Everyone

popco4Pop.co lets you register a custom domain name and e-mail address in less than 60 seconds with no credit card or technical skills required.

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Top 50 Sexiest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models

swimsuitedition2The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is published annually by American Sports Illustrated magazine. The cover photograph features fashion models wearing swimwear in exotic locales.

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The Music Selfie Experiment: Turn Your Selfie Into Sound

themusicselfieexperiment5Lincoln’s Music Selfie Experiment lets you celebrate your individuality by turning your selfie into sound, as personal and unique as your own thumbprint.

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Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Blob’s Tale 3, Chain Reaction Shooter, Thin Ice…

topStart your weekend with the best games of the week! We already took care of the sorting to bring you only the very best of what the games world has to offer. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did.  Join us on our Online Games page and discover the best free games. And check out these awesome Pinball games too!

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