Be yourself. Everyone else is taken!

Is Shoptiques just another shopping website? Not a chance! Shoptiques is a whole new experience in personalized online shopping, with the most unique and fashion-forward inventory from the best local boutiques.

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Sneakpeeq: “The Undiscovered at Scandalously Low Prices”

Sometimes you can spoil yourself… without spoiling yourself!

Have you ever gone shopping to buy a friend a present, bought a great item you discovered…only to late decide you’d rather keep it for yourself? With Sneakpeeq, that’s not a decision you have to make. Once you’ve used it to discover living, style and treats you’ll love, you’ll see their prices are so low that you can buy one for your friend and yourself!

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Chomp: Like Google, But For Apps!

What kind of app are you looking for?

This website and corresponding iPhone app is basically attempting to be a Google, but for apps!

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Dollar Shave Club: Are Your Shaving Habits Wasting You Money?

Dollar Shave Club – Are you a man? If not, do you know a man? Do you, or that man, shave? If the answer to these questions is yes (and we know it is!) then we’re about to do you a very big favor…

Continue Reading → Find the “Next Big Idea” (that already exists) is not just another trade site. It’s much more than that. “Broodr was designed to directly connect sellers and their creations with customers to discover and purchase the most unique and exciting products”. And the site’s definition of itself couldn’t be more accurate.

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Casa – Possibly the Best Looking Online Home Store around…

Casa’s Online Home Store,, is really beautiful looking: It even takes the online pinboard idea currently being hyped to the brim with Pinterest, and makes a nice looking virtual pinboard with all the categories of home & living goods ready to be bought by you on the site. We don’t often feature big stores’ websites, but Casa here shows all the other specialist stores how it should be done! Some nice products, easy to get around, enticing looks. What more do you need? Click here to go shopping 🙂

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Bureau of Trade – A Collection of the Most Unique Items on Ebay & Craigslist

Bureau of Trade – If you’re into making new and interesting discoveries (which you hopefully are if you like reading about our website and app discoveries each week on here!), then you may love this site.

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Sortable – Buy the Perfect Camera/Phone/Laptop/TV for You!

Sortable – There’s so many seemingly great cameras, phones, laptops, TVs and other electrical goods out there, crying out for you to spend your hard earned cash on. But how often do you get home only to be a little disappointed with the product you chose? How often does it not quite fit your perfect requirements? And how often is that down to the fact that the salesperson was in fact selling you the product their store wants you to buy?!

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Styloko – Find the Latest Fashion; Scrapbook it; Buy it

Styloko is ready to crash the market for shopping for the latest styles and fashions online.Styloko – We love fashion and style at All My Faves – we even made a homepage featuring some of the top fashion sites, and we also created a page where you can find all the best apparel shopping sites on the web too. Perhaps that list needs shaking up now however, because Styloko is ready to crash the market for shopping for the latest styles and fashions online.

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FindTheBest – Compare the Best of Almost Anything!

FindTheBest – This, ladies and gents, is the comparison site to end all comparison sites. We’ve seen them popping up all over the internet over the past few years; each one covering a different life decision, from choosing cheap car insurance to getting your groceries. Never before though, have we seen something as comprehensive as a site like Find the Best, that compares nearly anything for you. And I really mean nearly anything!

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Valentines Day Gift Ideas – Amazon’s Helping Your Romance!

Amazon’s Valentines Day Gift Ideas & Deals Extravaganza! – Yes, yes it’s that time of year again; the dreaded Valentines Day. There’s billions of expectant boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives and partners out there, waiting for that perfect bottle of cologne, or that diamond necklace in the Tiffany’s window they’ve been salivating over for years. And yet your significant other probably hasn’t told you what they’re waiting for.

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Mulu – Find Cool Products, Recommend them, Earn Money!

There’s been a lot of conjecture recently about how the average consumer is getting a raw deal while big corporates roll home with all the money. Well with Mulu, you can take some of that money back by creating an account and acting as an endorser of products you like. Every time someone takes up your recommendation, clicks on your link and buys that product, you share a small percentage of the profit from that sale with Mulu (a product on Amazon can make you between 4 and 8 per cent, depending on what it is!)

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