A great way to describe our latest Weekly Fave, Cowbird, is Twitter for the soul – or in slightly less lyrical terms, the complete opposite of Twitter’s endless rush of instant, throwaway one-liners. Cowbird is a never ending web of online storytellers, linked almost magically by the subjects of their stories: the people, places and themes they evoke. It’s thoughtful, visual, engrossing: a modern day diary for the online generation.
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DooID – How do you show yourself off on the internet? Your Facebook page? But there’s too many drunken photos of you on there to truly showcase yourself, especially professionally… Your Twitter? Maybe, but it’s very at-the-moment, and what you remarked on three days ago will probably already be forgotten tomorrow… How about a personal website? But it’s too expensive and time consuming you say… Well, actually it’s neither time consuming nor expensive to build a multi-platform personal website if you use dooID!
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This group of young upstarts are on a mission. They’ve built RideFrog, a handy little startup based completely on one of Facebook’s most popular features: events. And saving the environment too. How? Very simply: you connect your Facebook to RideFrog, see your upcoming events, find out who’s going to them, and let your friends know whether you’re prepared to drive, or whether you need a lift there. And that’s basically it!
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Last week we brought you Colossal. It featured art. And a lot of it. We honestly thought there couldn’t be a better display of what’s hot and trendy out there right now. But then the good thing about art is that there’s always something else out there, just waiting to tap you on the shoulder and make you turn around in a blaze of color. Step forward ‘Inspiring Artists‘; yet another beautiful Blog of the Week for you to enjoy.
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How many hours do you sleep each night? How many fruit and veg do you consume each day? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? If you want to improve your stats on these or countless other possible goals, and like the rest of us, don’t feel like you have a particularly easy way of doing it… you may want to start ‘chaining’ your life together!
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This week, we want to draw your attention to a new puzzle game that you can play for free on All My Faves. It’s another charmer straight out of the bulging Armor Games collection called Wooden Rolls, and it’s quite the little challenger!
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We’ve featured a number of education sites recently, in anticipation of the release of our brand new education faves page, and a growing trend we’ve noticed is a desire to “democratize” education – using the internet to allow absolutely anyone to teach or learn absolutely anything they want. ShowMe is another contender in this category, with an added Apple-shaped twist…
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This website and corresponding iPhone app is basically attempting to be a Google, but for apps!
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Cloud computing. You’ve probably heard of it. But do you know how you could use it to organize your life? It’s basically the ability to store any information on an internet server you’ll never see, but be able to access it absolutely anywhere: on your computer, on your smartphone, on your tablet. Now think of that information as all those paper documents cluttering your home office, and you can start to see how our latest Weekly Fave, Doxo, could help you…
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This is Colossal. And this is a great site to find exciting, new art too…
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Here’s a question for you: How many of your ‘friends’ on Facebook would you actually consider to be your friend? (Answers in the comments box below!) If you’re like me and shuffled uncomfortably in your seat when trying to answer that question, you’ve probably also wondered this: Do you really want to be sharing the photos from your vacation, your baby’s birthday or your latest night out with all 800 of your Facebook acquaintances and that guy, Bob, who you met at the 2009 office Christmas party and hastily added as a friend only to perpetually ignore him ever since…
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The rise of the internet has coincided with a rise in voter apathy, especially among youth populations all over the world. But as we have seen over the past couple of years, when such youth get worked up about something online, and spread their feelings over social media like Facebook and Twitter, today’s youth can wield more power than it ever has before. The internet has the power to enhance democracy dramatically, and Votizen, funded by, among others, Sean Parker (one of Facebook’s early investors), is ready to harness its power just in time for the 2o12 Presidential Elections.
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