We’ve featured a number of education sites recently, in anticipation of the release of our brand new education faves page, and a growing trend we’ve noticed is a desire to “democratize” education – using the internet to allow absolutely anyone to teach or learn absolutely anything they want. ShowMe is another contender in this category, with an added Apple-shaped twist…
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The Kids Should See This – There’s millions of videos on the internet. And if you’ve got young kids, I’m sure you’ll have had the same fear as many of us, that the large majority of those videos were not made for kids… and those are the ones your kids will see.
Well this brilliant collection set outs out videos – as dramatically and purposefully as we’ve seen any Tumblr blog set out by the way – that were not made for kids. Or were they…
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With over 75 million hits and counting in just one week, this is possibly the biggest viral campaign in history: A brilliantly made short documentary by film maker Jason Russel, attempting to expose one of the world’s most feared murderers, Joseph Kony.
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DrugCite – I don’t mean to scare you at all, but… did you know that 5.61% of Aspirin users reporting adverse events to the FDA reported gastro-intestinal hemorrhages after taking it? Did you know that 6.2% of Ritalin (the ADD medication) side effects reported were negative neurological side effects? Did you know that 5.16% of people who took Alka Selzer Plus Cold (a common cold medication) and reported side effects to the FDA needed Cardiac investigations for adverse side effects on their heart rate and blood pressure? No, I didn’t either…
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Wondermind – If you have kids, and naturally they’re better at using the internet than you are, make sure you direct them towards this wonderful site. This is modern, online education for kids, as it should be.
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30 Second MBA, from Fast Company – Ever wondered how they do it, the Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerbergs of this world? How did they create and continue to grow some of the globe’s biggest businesses?
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Udemy – We’ve been very enthusiastic about some of the great video-based education sites popping up around the web recently. Grovo – the site that creates groovy video tutorials to some of the net’s most popular services – of course won our coveted Best Education Site of 2011. And Udemy is fast becoming a contender for the 2012 crown!
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Who needs actual books when you have this! Thanks to Apple’s latest era-defining technology, iTunesU, you can access all the materials for an entire college course in one free app; and even link it up with your computer for complete synergy.
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Notewagon – One for the students here: A fully fledged marketplace for College notes for ANY subject! If you make great notes, and always thought you could probably make some cash out of them, now you can. And if you’re looking for a bit of help in your own studies, you can pay for the privilege of getting some great, ready-made notes.
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Well folks, happy new year. In a blaze of fireworks and e-greetings, 2012 has finally arrived. And as we stride over the finishing line of a tumultuous year for the internet, All My Faves – your one stop easy guide to the Web – has decided to look past Facebook and Twitter to find 2011’s most unique and interesting sites. We selected the 10 coolest sites in categories like music, travel and education; and then handed the job of picking the absolute best in each category down to you, allowing you to vote on your favorites. And here they are. Ladies and gents, never mind Facebook, here’s our review of the Best of the Web in 2011.
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MentorMob – Information is more accessible today than ever before, but even with the world at our fingertips and 24/7 access to experts everywhere, we find ourselves stuck behind a virtual brick wall; We know there is great, free content out there that we could use to learn just about anything, but we also know that for every great article or video on the Internet there are 100,000 terrible ones to beat it to the top of the search engine results.
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With Pronunciator you can learn up to 60 different languages, using their uncomplicated set of online vocabulary databases. It tests how well you’re pronouncing the words you’re learning with cool speech recognition software. And it’s filled with handy quizzes to help aid your quest to speak as many languages as you can. And it’s cheaper than Rosetta Stone!
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