Phantom Islands: A Sonic Atlas

Phantom Islands let you explore the sounds of islands that may or may not exist.

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Prince Estate: Prince’s Discography, Annotated

The Prince Estate showcases all of Prince’s discography with annotations.

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Autodraw: Fast Drawing for Everyone

Autodrawauto4 is a free drawing tool that uses machine learning.

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Local Lingual: Hear People’s Voices Around the World

Local Linguallocallingual5 is an interactive map containing audio clips of people’s voices around the world.

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Thngs: Browse and Discover New Things

ThngsOur world and lives is full of things, and those things can have impact on our lives or how products develop over time. Discover all of these things with Thngs.

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Is Japan Cool?

Is Japan Cool?To many, Japan is a country we wish we could visit. But to many, it’s home and filled with so much history and culture unique to just them. Go behind the scenes of an incredible culture in Is Japan Cool?

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