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Piccsy: a visual dairy tailored specifically towards your tastes. Whether it be animals, food, fashion or sports, Piccsy streams images that match your interests giving you the power to customize your own scrapbook. The best part about it, its free, and will always be.
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When I read the name ‘Free Cabin Porn‘, my first thought was: “Hmm, there’s probably something interesting to see here” (Cabins, of course, what were you thinking? That dirty mind of yours…) Ok, I’ll be honest, I let my imagination get carried away by the misleading address and found myself sailing through the unexpected: dozens of beautiful pictures… Just not of what I expected! I’ll leave you the job to find out exactly what. But just in case you’re already having seconds thoughts, let me tell you that pleasure is still the keyword to this website.
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What do you want to do before you die? This website – ‘Before I Die I Want To’ collects the wishes people share on a polaroid: the things I want to do before I die. It’s poignant, emotional and one of the more interesting websites we’ve seen this year!
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Think of a city you’ve been to: Paris, Rome, New york? Now think of a must see in each one of them. Doing it quickly and randomly, I would name The Louvre, the Sistine Chapel and the MOMA. Art, art and more art. Andy Warhol used to say that “An artist is somebody who produces things that people don’t need to have.” In my opinion, art’s not something you need to have, but is definitely something you need to see. So on that note, let me introduce you to ThunderChunky – a website all about art and up ‘n’ coming artists… and something genuinely important to do with your day.
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Bustler is the sister site of renowned online architecture and jobs community, Archinect, and so as you would expect, it’s something of a mini-Mecca for all things architectural. Sort of.
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We’re totally into the idea of taking comics online here at All My Faves, as you may have seen in our very positive review of Julian Hanshaw’s The Art of Pho – a weekly fave a few weeks ago. We love how artists are migrating online to create motion comics: a fusion between comic book graphics, intense sound, motion picture and interactivity, and Brandon Generator – Microsoft’s attempt to enter the online motion comics genre with the help of Sean of the Dead director Edgar Wright, illustrator Tommy Lee Edwards and kooky British comedian/narrator Julian Barratt – is definitely something worth checking out.
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Whether or not you’re the proud owner of an iPhone or an Android smartphone, there’s a high chance that at least 1 Facebook photo in every 3 of yours was taken on one. Since the rise of the App Store the number of cool looking photography apps offering to edit your pictures into photo masterpieces has become almost mind-boggling. Cutting through the rubbish is what we do at All My Faves, so read this list of the top 10 best camera apps in the iPhone appstore and Android market before you download.
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We all know the expression, “a picture paints a thousand words”. Well in Spanish (I’m Argentinian by the way!) the expression goes: “a picture says more than a thousand words”, and having explored this week’s most fashionable Weekly Fave, WishWishWish, it would appear that its author Carrie has nailed the idea!
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