Have you ever gone on Google Maps, and tried to find all those incredible places you read about or see on the Travel Channel? If you’re that person, then this little marvel of a site is right up your street!
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Sometimes you play a game on All My Faves and just can’t stop. This was one of those times. Since being given the task of running good ole’ Papa’s pancake shop, the ‘Pancakeria’, I got more and more engrossed in the need to satisfy every one of my, erm, diverse customers (you’ll see what I mean when you play!): making sure their waiting time for their pancakes wasn’t too long; making sure their pancakes were perfectly cooked; making sure their toppings were perfectly administered on my freshly cooked pancakes…
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We’ve asked this before (see the brilliant TourWrist or Cinemagram): Are photos becoming outdated? As more and more apps start creating dynamic, moving alternatives to the traditional, flat photo, this question is getting asked more and more often. Whether this is actually a replacement for taking photos (we don’t think it is yet…), Spincam is a really fun, novelty $1 app that allows you to create an often hilarious spinning 360 degree dynamic image of what’s around you.
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Dollar Shave Club – Are you a man? If not, do you know a man? Do you, or that man, shave? If the answer to these questions is yes (and we know it is!) then we’re about to do you a very big favor…
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The Kids Should See This – There’s millions of videos on the internet. And if you’ve got young kids, I’m sure you’ll have had the same fear as many of us, that the large majority of those videos were not made for kids… and those are the ones your kids will see.
Well this brilliant collection set outs out videos – as dramatically and purposefully as we’ve seen any Tumblr blog set out by the way – that were not made for kids. Or were they…
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This Land – Is it an e-book? Is it an audiobook? Is it a photo expose? Or is it an interactive point-n-click adventure? Actually, it’s all of them. And it’s eye opening, engaging and above all, beautiful. Come discover with us the amazing story of documentary filmmaker Dianne Whelan’s 16 day snowmobile expedition across 2000km to Canada’s northernmost tip…
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Highlight – In our latest iPhone app of the week, you will find a fun, new way to meet new people… by finding out who’s standing near you, and showing you a little bit about them!
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We Are Friends – This has to be one of the cutest games we’ve played for a while… Help three little blobs help eachother progress through nice, clickable puzzles. They’re friends, and they won’t leave any blob behind! Play it for free on All My Faves Games right this minute 🙂
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Get Loupe – Sometimes you just have so many photos you want to share with your friends. And sometimes Facebook just doesn’t cut it. 1) It’s not personal or private enough. 2) It’s just not that interesting, and it’s certainly not creative… Loupe on the other hand, is as personal as you want it to be, and about as interesting & creative as online photo sharing gets!
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DrugCite – I don’t mean to scare you at all, but… did you know that 5.61% of Aspirin users reporting adverse events to the FDA reported gastro-intestinal hemorrhages after taking it? Did you know that 6.2% of Ritalin (the ADD medication) side effects reported were negative neurological side effects? Did you know that 5.16% of people who took Alka Selzer Plus Cold (a common cold medication) and reported side effects to the FDA needed Cardiac investigations for adverse side effects on their heart rate and blood pressure? No, I didn’t either…
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Small Demons – What have you read lately? I’ve been working through John Grisham’s endless conveyor belt of legal thrillers. What I really like about his novels is that he makes his stories seem real. You know the streets his lawyers and criminals chase each other down. You know that courtroom. You even know that drink the protagonist sips at the bar. They’re places in your City. It’s the same beer you always take at your local bar…
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Loudlee.com – Want to listen to music online, without having to part with your hard earned cash? Think Youtube’s your only answer? Well, if like me, you’ve noticed that it’s incredibly limited when it comes to creating an iTunes-like library of your musical favorites… then get ready to get excited: Loudlee’s taken Youtube, and made it better!
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