12 Times Mirrors Me Put All Other Selfies to Shame

12 Times Mirrors Me Put All Other Selfies to ShameMirror mirror on the wall, who has the best selfies of them all?

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Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Siege Hero , Awesome Ranger, A Stroll In Space…

Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Siege Hero , Awesome Ranger, A Stroll In Space...Start your weekend with the best games of the week! We already took care of the sorting to bring you only the very best of what the games world has to offer. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did.  Join us on our Online Games page and discover the best free games. And check out these awesome Adventure games too!

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The DNA Project: An Interactive Album By j.viewz

j.viewz has created a first-of-its-kind music platform, allowing access to the DNA of the songs as they form.j.viewz has created a first-of-its-kind music platform, allowing access to the DNA of the songs as they form.

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Maptia: A World Of Stories

Maptia offers a beautiful way to publish and discover a world of remarkable stories, told by inspiring photographers, writers and adventurers.Maptia offers a beautiful way to publish and discover a world of remarkable stories, told by inspiring photographers, writers and adventurers.

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Epic Time Pirates – Gather Your Squad and Commence Blasting!

Epic Time Pirates is an arena based shooting flash game where you shoot your way through a fast paced and brutal battle against other teams.Epic Time Pirates is an arena based shooting flash game where you shoot your way through a fast paced and brutal battle against other teams.

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Hillydilly: Curated Music Discovery Service

Hillydilly is dedicated to unearthing new music, pushing only the best and ultimately connecting the average music fan to all the good music that's out there.Hillydilly is dedicated to unearthing new music, pushing only the best and ultimately connecting the average music fan to all the good music that’s out there.

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Yoogaia: Live, Interactive Online Yoga Classes

Yoogaia offers live, interactive online yoga classes that can be attended from the comfort of your own home.Yoogaia offers live, interactive online yoga classes that can be attended from the comfort of your own home.

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