Origami is a private sharing platform dedicated to a specific audience – families. It provides its users with an easy way to stay in touch with loved ones.
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Plenty of Colour is a daily design blog devoted to showcasing and celebrating colour. A colorful photo Blog about the spots of color that decorates our life.
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Love it or hate it style is around us wherever we go. Whether you’re looking for the best shopping sites to create a new wardrobe for 2013, looking for new sites to upload your favorite outfits, or want the latest fashion trends from bloggers, I’m here to let you in on all my fave style and beauty tips sites you should be visiting this year!
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Girls we have all been there. Dazed and confused over a slew of text messages from our man of the moment. Maybe it’s Sex and the City brunch style with three other girls and their advice, or maybe it’s your go-to friend guy friend who definitely knows what guys mean behind their words (normally exactly what is written). But sometimes we need a little more help, and that’s where HeTexted comes in.
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With a motto of “stay high, stay fly,” Jet Life Company is your destination for all things fly!
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For those of you who wonder if people out there have the same interests as you whether it’s movies, song, favorite sandwich, or places to travel, connecting to others you don’t know can seem weird and forced. Youtopica brings you a new way to interact with people and topics you care about.
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Take 1 second from every day of your life and stitch it together in a virtual timeline. 1 Second Every Day is an app that lets you chose 1 second of video footage from your smart phone and post it to a calendar to never forget the important moments of your life.
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Hello sign is a company against wasting paper that allows users to create reusable forms of documents, sign files, and create reusable links for free.
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Quixey is a brilliant and unique website that uses functional searching to help you find the best apps.
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Alas we have yet another social network conglomerate. But this time-it’s different and made for your viewing pleasure. If you want to browse through the most recent status updates, tweets, job changes, and photo uploads, CHNL is the world’s first social content browser that allows you to create your own personal channel.
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Step aside ladies, because today your man has a new site to find his new favorite items on. While online shopping is done mainly by women, Man of Many is changing the scene by bringing the best curated items to a man near you.
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If you’re a fan of all things tech, culture, and great ideas, Next Draft has a daily newsletter for you. Full of information in a quick, top 10 format, and ideas that will keep you thinking the rest of the day.
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