Cinderella Wine – Savvy Sommeliers without the Pretense

cinderellawine Cinderella Wine – When thinking about wine recommendations and ranking, Zagat usually comes to mind. But accessing the complete Zagat wine guide requires $$, and I personally feel there are too many movers and shakers involved in these rankings anyway. I’m looking for some solid, friendly and yes, free wine resource that could help me out with my Shiraz/Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot dilemma.

Cinderella Wine is a great wine shop/resource online, offering 24 hour deals (really cheap) on selected wines. This online wine store in my cup of tea (Syrah, actually), and it certainly met all my criteria. Although it’s first and foremost an eCommerce site, it is linked to the Wine Library and Wine Library TV (does the name Gary Vaynerchuck ring any bells?). This is exactly what I was looking for, and you can buy wines here as well. I honestly think I’ll be coming back here in the future. In the meantime, see the list of the Wine Library’s Best Selling Wines under $20. Salute!

The Smarter City – Innovative Solutions for Today’s Metropolis

thesmartercity The Smarter City – For all urban dwellers out there, are you happy with the way your metropolis operates, provides the services you need, and handles core issues such as health and development? Sounds serious, I know, but urbanization is an ongoing process. As long as urban populations increase, so do the challenges of keeping the city, its tangible and intangible facilities in harmony with the population. IBM’s The Smarter City campaign is here to educate us on both the problematic issues and innovative solutions of today’s urban needs.

When you enter the site, you’ll have 6 different categories to choose from, each addressing an important urban theme: Transportation, Public Safety, Energy & Utilities, Education, Healthcare and Development. Think the computer giant is a bit too ambitious? Perhaps. But they sure know how to make me wish I had lived in the Smarter City….

Blues Maker – Do it Muddy Waters Style

bluesmaker Blues Maker – Not everyone likes Blues and/or its sub-genres. The most prevalent complaint about Blues is that it’s the gloomy and depressing side of music. To some extent this is true, but Blues is much more than that. First and foremost, it’s the telling of a story about the events and desires of unfortunate souls. I find Blues as one of the most heart-warming, sensational styles out there. If you feel the same, drop by Blues Maker and create your very own Blues track, lyrics, harmonica and guitars included.

This website is beautifully designed and well executed, which make it stand out of the create-your-own-music site bunch. And if you’re looking to broaden your private Blues collection, I’d recommend Muddy Waters, Slim Harpo and Elmore James. See the video below, one of my favorite songs by Muddy Waters.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Start Your Day with a Smile

smbc Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Webcomics are huge on the Web, and we’ve already featured a couple of sites that fall into that category. If you’re into webcomics (2D comics meet the digital age), I’d strongly recommend Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. This long established webcomic fountain (since 2002) offers a pinch of humor (sometimes dark, sometimes politically incorrect) on a daily basis. I think it’s a funny and refreshing way to start your day. While you’re having your (first) cup of coffee, why not click on the SMBC Random button and surprise yourself with some witty reflections on life? To get a feel of the type of humor you’ll find here, scroll down to the image below…

Chibi Knight – A Small Warrior Saves the Kingdom

chibiknight Chibi KnightThree beasts have ravaged the kingdom of Oukoku. Legend has it there is a small warrior who will save the kingdom. Enjoy this action RPG with tons of fun and challenging boss battles! If you’re having fun with our games, join our I ♥ GAMES facebook fan page through your facebook account and get all the latest on new games, play online and experience loads more.

Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on I♥GAMES Facebook fan page to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

polarpwnd Polar PWND Use bombs, mines and ramps to launch a bear called Boris to deal with some thug penguins who are hiding a secret. The penguins are waiting for you like sitting ducks, all you need to do is line up your explosives correctly and watch Boris fly high.


werebox Were BoxAt first glance they are ordinary Balls, there are thousands of them in every city. But they can transform into… BOXES! Other balls call them WereBoxes.


aliceisdead Alice is Dead Ep.2Venture further down the rabbit hole to answer old questions and meet new friends in Alice is Dead Ep.2

proseandmotion Prose and MotionArrange the letters in the correct order to spell out the word for each level for this rich physics game.

ninjaball Ninja Ball Ninja Ball is out on a mission: to collect a bunch of stars that are hiding in a world of 20 crazy levels. Use the rope to jump around.


lethalracing Lethal RacingWelcome to Lethal Racing! The ultimate racing game, based across 3 exciting locations sees you racing in mine carts, lawnmowers and shopping trolleys! Collect the coins and finish as fast as possible to earn points for upgrades!

worldofconfusion World of ConfusionDraw lines to create paths for your coin carriers. Mind your drawn lines age, they disappear.

lastbreath Last BreathYou are a lone freelancer who hopes to free his people from the tyranny of an unknown species. Activate your shield, upgrade your weapons and get ready to face an army.

spaceattack Space AttackSpace Attack is mix of a strategy game and a puzzle game. The goal is to destroy the enemy base by building space ships. You have to play the puzzle to earn money.

lasteggalive Last Egg Alive You’ve been thrown onto a level that never ends! survive for as long as you can!

AMF Australia – 10 Things you didn’t Know About Australia!

allmyfavesau AMF Australia – Last week we launched a new All My Faves homepage for Australia. You can read the update about it on our new Updates page. Based on the premises that action speaks louder than words, I don’t think a lengthy description of the Australian page is in order. Instead, I would like to share with you some interesting facts I learned about Australia, facts which might be new to you as well. The information below was gathered from various sites, so click on the title of each to see what else the respective sites offer.

1. Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus is the world’s fastest growing tree. The Australian Eucalyptus can grow at a rate of 10 meters (33 feet) per year. There are over 700 species of Eucalyptus and most are native to Australia. Eucalyptus oil is so flammable, some trees of this family have even been known to explode.

2. The Largest Island – Australia is the smallest of the world’s seven continents, but also the largest island in the world and the only country to occupy an entire continent.

3. Compulsory Voting – All Australian citizens above 18 years old (except those of unsound mind or convicted of serious crimes) must be registered to vote and show up at the poll on Election Day. Australians who do not vote are subject to fines, although those who are ill or otherwise incapable of voting on Election Day can have their fines waived.

4. Convicts – It is estimated that by the time transportation of convicts ended in 1868, 40 per cent of Australia’s English-speaking population were criminals. In 2007, it was estimated that 22 per cent of living Australians had a convict ancestor.

5. The Capital City – The Capital City of Australia is Canberra because Sydney and Melbourne kept bickering over which city should be the capital. It was decided that neither will be capital and instead, a new capital would be built in the middle of them both.

6. The Driest Place – Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid.

7. Over 7000 Beaches – Australia has the most beaches for any one nation and a total of over 34,000km of coastline.

8. Ayers Rock (see video below) – Ayers rock (Uluru) is one of the world’s largest monolith. It is a dedicated Aboriginal sacred site. It is located in the Northern Territory near the city of Alice Springs.

9. Waltzing Matilda (see video below) – “Waltzing Matilda” is Australia’s most widely known bush ballad, a country folk song, and has been referred to as the unofficial national anthem of Australia.

10. AllMyFaves Australia – AllMyFaves Australia is our sixth branch, with the previous five being US, Canada, UK, India, and Brazil.

AllMyFaves Australia Top Sites

TubeRadio – Tune into Something Different

tuberadio TubeRadio – I listen to music every day, mostly online through different websites such as, and (all of these are included in my personal faves – have a peep). Having that said, I am always eager to discover new ways to search for and consume great tunes.

TubeRadio is based on music from YouTube but so are many other web radio sites. Its uniqueness is manifested by the way you search for music, navigate the site and listen to selected tracks. In a nutshell, TubeRadio’s execution and appealing interface are what distinguishes this music site from the rest of the bunch. The greatest part about TubeRadio in my book is that you can look for and listen to complete albums of your favorite artists; the site will find for you all the album songs on YouTube, and organize them in the original order. That just blows me away.

The overall experience is quite similar to that of iTunes, and to get a broader understanding of how it works click here. I sure will give this music site a chance, and maybe if I like it enough I will eventually add it to my personal faves. By the way, when I first tried out this service my first search was for Elton John, so as a tribute to the flashy Sir see the video below.

The Adventure Life – For the Audacious Explorer

theadventurelife The Adventure LifeThis terrific blog is a refreshing take on the bolder side of life, examined from various interesting angles such as travel, gear, people, environment, even art. Presented as the personal blog of Steve Casimiro (West Coast Editor of National Geographic Adventure), the Adventure Life offers nothing but amazingly engaging content including mesmerizing photos (see the Photography section), videos and articles about an entire gamut of subjects from ski to falcons and on to shark attacks and even interstellar space. Sounds too ambitious? Steve makes it feel like it’s a piece of adventure cake. To get a feel of this great blog, see the pics below, my favorites.

HabitForge – Making Goals a Tangible Reality

habitforge HabitForge – As the name suggests, HabitForge is here to transform aspirations into actions, and installing a change for the better in your life. With the help of the HabitForge community (to help you in terms of staying accountable and receiving support), users are invited to join and start making things happen. What things exactly? You name it; users seek to create a daily exercise routine, stop smoking and even meditate every morning.

This site reminded me of 43Things, which we featured as a great New Year’s Resolution facilitator. At any rate, HabitForge is well-intentioned and well executed. I seriously believe this site will give you all the necessary support and solidarity you’ll need if and when you choose to make a change. My best tip for you is this one: keep it up for 21 days, and you’re more than likely to have a long-term success.

A Collection a Day, 2010 – Daily Doses of Art, Year-round

acollectionaday A Collection a Day – A Collection a Day, 2010 is brought to us by Lisa Congdon. Lisa is a talented artist and this project of hers combines her obsession of collections with the thing shes does best – art. At any rate this is my interpretation of A Collection a Day, although this is how Lisa presents it: “this is a blog documenting a project that will span exactly one year, from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. On each of those 365 days, I will photograph or draw (and occasionally paint) one collection. Most of the collections are real and exist in my home or studio; those I will photograph. Some are imagined; those I will draw or (occasionally) paint. Since I was a young girl, I have been obsessed both with collecting and with arranging, organizing and displaying my collections. This is my attempt to document my collections, both the real and the imagined.”

Why do I love this project? Because I think each one of us can relate to it since everyone has some of the collecting bug in them. Lisa takes a simple concept and makes a wonderful and creative story out of it on a daily basis. Although the project has just begun, here are the collections I related to the most. Enjoy!

Lamebook – Facebook’s Bad Boy

lamebook Lamebook – Ever stumbled upon a particularly lame status line or group name on your Facebook feed list? Yeah, me too. I’m all for people’s right to express themselves, but you have to admit that sometimes users take it too far. Lamebook is quite self explanatory; it presents a list of lame Facebook feeds, status announcements and group names, among others. All entries are submitted autonomously by users, so privacy is taken care of (to some degree).

According to Lamebook’s About page, the site posts “lame and funny pictures, status updates, and other gems found on your favorite social networking site.” Dark humor seems to be a Lamebook favorite, so take these posts with a grain of salt. Here are some of my personal thumbs down posts: Keep on Haitin’, Tuesday TypOHs! and New Kid on the Chopping Block.