VernissageTV – According to the About Us page of VernissageTV, they take us right into “opening receptions (vernissages) of exhibitions and events. Online, worldwide, on demand. VernissageTV provides insight to the social side of the art world.” But that’s not all. The About Us intro ends with: “For you, Vernissage TV is talking with artists in a relaxed style.” I appreciate the fact that they have simplified things for us common and lay art lovers. I appreciate art but I’m no expert. Having that said, I still feel like sharing with you my artistic taste, so here are two favorite examples: Jean Nouvel: 100 11th Avenue, New York and Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?
Nightmares Never Sleep – This is yet another massive campaign where users log into with their Facebook or Twitter accounts for the mind blowing advertisement power to really show you what it can do. This time it’s Nike, and they’ve done a great job as you’d expect. I’m not going to tell you what will happen after you’ve logged in – it’s a thrilling experience, that’s all I’m going to say…
Totem Breaker – The tribe “Coco-do-do,” while celebrating the harvest, found out that the neighboring tribe members were placing enemy totems everywhere on their land… Now your objective is to get rid of all strangers, to destroy the remaining totems and finally to set your land free of the neighbors’ magic spell! By the way, if you are into exploring some real totems, check out the videos below which showcase a nice collection of these Native American art pieces.
Do you ♥ Games? I know I do, that’s why I joined I ♥ GAMES fanpage!
Welcome to the Weekly Games post, our weekly feed on the very best and newest games buzzing around the Web. Think of it as the perfect kickoff to your weekend; a sublime collection of excellent games, updated every Thursday.
We hope you enjoy these as much as we did, and now the game experience is even better with our new individual game page design (once you click on a certain game, you’ll be redirected to the new format).
Join us on I♥GAMES Facebook fan page to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!
Volt Connect – Connect the different volt creatures to connect all that are on each level.
Demolition Dude – Destroy buildings by using your head.
Penguins Attack TD 2 – Once again the penguins are waging war on the human race.. Were not sure why, or who’s funding them but one things for.. they want to wipe us out!!.
Kaleidoscope – Much easier to play than to spell! Choose from four flavors of gameplay, then twist bits so colors face each other.
Bad Birds – Help the mischievous birds succeed in their escape from a maximum security prison by tasking each jailboard to dig,float and build like lemmings.
Shape Shape – In the physics skill game ‘Shape Shape’ you have to fling your shape through various levels.
Stranded Viking – After a storm our viking fell of his ship and woke up on a strange beach. Spot the differences to help the viking along in his adventure, trying to get home.
Nob War : The Elves – A strategy game between elves and humans. Your task is to venture into enemy grounds and take out all their troops and castles. Lead your troops, defeat the enemy for victory.
The Flood Runner 2 – Will you beat the flood? Run hard and jump for your life in The Flood Runner 2!
Quietus – Play as a man who has hanged himself and was sent to Hell by Death himself to run a gauntlet in order to regain his life along with the riches he so desired.
All My Faves Business – We are proud to announce the launch of our brand new Business page, a comprehensive one-stop place for all things business and finance, with the absolute best sites in each category. Similarly to our other designated pages on the site, the Biz page offers an all-inclusive resource for the huge world of economy. Some of the page’s highlights include small business tools, knowledge, management, blogs, legal resources, relevant podcasts and videos, and even a coffee break faveline for you to enjoy.
Despite its rather formal title, the Business page is intended for everyone. Even if you’re not trading in stocks or running your own company you will find this page a most valuable resource. To get you started, I invite you to explore the Videos faveline (scroll down alphabetically), where we’ve compiled an interesting lineup of engaging videos relevant to the Biz umbrella. I would also like to take this opportunity and invite you to explore this new AMF addition, let us know what you think about it, and pitch any related websites you feel should be included.
Geocaching – This cool website “is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers called, geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online.”
When I first heard of this concept my response was that this is a cool idea, but it will only work if people would really commit to it and actively participate. Despite my mild skepticism, Geocaching is alive and kicking; there are currently 1,036,739 active participants around the globe. So get your GPS and search for the treasure! – The Twitter micro-blogging revolution has subsided a bit, but it’s still going strong by all accounts. Just about everyone has a Twitter account, including all major media and newspaper companies. The list of feeds on Twitter is rather simple to consume, but if you’re tired of the monotonous scroll-down routine, there’s a new innovative way of exploring the twitter feeds of any user you’re following, including your own account. is what happens when Twitter feeds are translated into a newspaper. What’s that?? This cool website has come up with a new, and as I see it, most enjoyable way of consuming the Twitter-based information users create on a daily basis. Aside from article like content, Paper offers videos, discussions and other cool features for you to explore. For a quick example, see the page for GOOD, a great magazine for “people who give a damn.” Other pages I enjoyed exploring were the Twitter feed of Bill Gates and Clay Shirky. You can also browse topics (look for the tag cloud at the top of the homepage). And just in case you’re interested in publishing your own Twitter newspaper, all you need is either a Facebook or, you got it, a Twitter account.
Glo – Glamour? Vanity Fair? Perhaps Vogue? I’d say yes to all of these when it comes to women’s magazines, but Glo is a different one worth investigating. Browsing the Glo topics is a breeze with its super cool interface; visual thumbnails direct you to the respective post, and it’s all very nicely organized, as is the juicy content itself. Brought to us by MSN, Glo is a terrific slideshow based blog about fashion, style, love & relationships -what you’d expect from a conventional women’s magazine these days. I particularly enjoyed the two slide shows, Look Fine On A Dime and Double DIY. Have fun…
Year of Giving – The concept behind Year of Giving is simple; blog creator Reed gives $10 to a different person every day for a year, he interacts with the people and tells us their story. The goal of this blog is “not to change the lives of those with whom I come in contact. Let’s face it, $10 dollars is not going to change someone’s life in and of itself. I do believe, however, that the act of giving will hopefully inspire others to pursue the ideals that the French philosopher Auguste Comte envisioned when he coined the term “altruism.” Whether that comes in the form of someone who reads this blog and wants to embark on their own Year of Giving or someone who uses the $10 to help someone else out, the specific results are less important than the overall good that we can achieve together.”
If the About Us paragraph above paints you a picture of struggling people who need the money to get by, you should know Year of Giving isn’t that kind of blog. The majority of the stories here are of people who need something, yeah, but not $10 necessarily. I especially enjoyed reading Day 111 – Katy S.. Katy actually needs a bit more than $10; she needs $10,000 for financing a film project she is working on.
Domestic Ease – Home is where the heart is, right? For the women among you who have mastered Martha Steward’s ideas of home embellishment and style, Domestic Ease is here for your upgrade. This website offers five different categories of lovely inspirations for the home and family; ‘nest,’ ‘kitchen,’ ‘family,’ ‘in the moment,’ ‘in the heart’ and my favorite, the top 12 ideas. These are neatly organized in large thumbnail photos which you click on to get to the respective post. It’s a site “dedicated to anyone out there who just wants to enjoy the home they have been gifted, the family they love and the career they cherish–blemishes and all.”
In addition to their inspiring projects and insights, Domestic Ease offers weekly giveaways you should look into. Their diverse team of experts produces engaging posts on the various topics listed above, and I was particularly happy to learn that one of them (Martin) is a chef, writing about great food and cooking.
Click on the photos below to read the corresponding posts.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour – When the Tiger Woods scandal exploded, many of his endorsing advertisers were less than pleased of the whole ordeal, to say the least. Most of them released statements about their disapproval with Tiger’s ‘actions.’ A post on published back in December was insidiously titled Tiger Woods’ Endorsement Deals Are Toast. But apparently not all advertisers have ditched Tiger. About a week ago, Nike released a controversial ad featuring the voice of his late father, Earl. So, does this mean Tiger’s been forgiven by the media and society? I guess it will still take time, but it seems that Woods is back, at least for now.
Whether you can find it in your heart to give Tiger Woods some slack or not, this PGA Tour game is a wonderful bundle of joy. The game is very well designed, intuitive and easy to play. Create your own personal player, interact with other users and join one of the various tournaments. I personally am not a big fan of golf, but I still enjoyed it very much. Therefore, I guess that you give it a shot as well, even if golf isn’t your cup of tea. If it is, then the PGA Tour game is an absolute must.
Motionographer – Although catering mostly to film and animation professionals and freelancers, Motionographer is a great source of creative inspiration and enjoyment for everyone. According to their About page, “Motionographer (pronounced like “oceanographer”) seeks to be a source of inspiration for filmmakers, animators…” The site is a colorful platform for sharing works, comments, insights and experiences of the entire creative process involved.
In addition to the Jobs and Forum pages, Motionographer offers delicious articles and posts relating to film, graphic motion and animation, plus compelling movies and loads more. See the short animated video below concerning Japan, and continue to explore this wonderful website.