This one goes out to our dear fans and followers… We’re really passionate here at All My Faves about keeping with the times, and bringing you free products that make it easy to discover unique and interesting websites from across the Internet. And these 5 changes are all aimed at doing just that…
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Finding delicious recipes for any occasion has never been easier. There’s so many tasty food and recipes websites floating around; but how do you know which ones are worth your attention? Well if you’re a budding online recipes connoisseur, you’ve come to the right place to find the absolute best ones: Dine-with-your-eyes through our definitive list of the absolute best of online food websites & blogs… Here’s our Top 10 Tastiest Recipes Websites of 2012. Bon appetit!
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Who doesn’t love a quick, free online game? We definitely do in the All My Faves HQ; in fact, we scour the depths of the internet every week to bring you the absolute best free, online games! Perfect for anyone of any age; you have Brain-Trainers, Word Games, Arcade Classics like Super Mario and Pacman, and addictive Coffee Break games like Bubbleshooter. Everything the secret game lover in you could ever want.
And in even better news, we’ve asked our users to help us find the 10 absolute best free games of 2011… And they’re in a nice easy to access list for you below! Just click on the pics below to get playing
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Well folks, happy new year. In a blaze of fireworks and e-greetings, 2012 has finally arrived. And as we stride over the finishing line of a tumultuous year for the internet, All My Faves – your one stop easy guide to the Web – has decided to look past Facebook and Twitter to find 2011’s most unique and interesting sites. We selected the 10 coolest sites in categories like music, travel and education; and then handed the job of picking the absolute best in each category down to you, allowing you to vote on your favorites. And here they are. Ladies and gents, never mind Facebook, here’s our review of the Best of the Web in 2011.
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Well folks, the nominees have been announced. Amid a flurry of elbowing, scheming and shadowy wealthy donors (not really, that was an attempt at a joke), the candidates have jumped every hurdle and secured enough votes in the primaries to make it onto the Official Longlist for the 5th Annual All My Faves Site of the Year Awards.
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Well folks, it’s that time again. Yes, good old Black Friday is here, the deals extravaganza launching us into our annual Christmas shopping frenzy. And I’ve decided to take you (almost) directly to a select group of gadgets that really are the dog’s bollocks (pardon my French). Enjoy, and let us know what you think you think!
This isn’t an iPad. It looks a lot like an iPad, works a lot like one, and most importantly, is under half the price of an iPad! Ladies and gents, this is the Kindle Fire: the MUST HAVE gadget of Christmas 2011. It’s a simple, well-crafted tablet PC that lets you read books, newspapers and magazines; watch videos; play games; and browse apps, all in the palm of your hand. It’s sharp display, intuitive touchscreen and beautiful user interface are just amazing for a price of $199.
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Sometimes you just have to celebrate the common man. John Male loves his easy chair with easy access to his beer fridge and even easier access to the Plasma TV remote. John Male LOVES football. John Male doesn’t DO chick flicks. He DOES what he likes. John Male’s got 1 problem though… He can’t find any fresh, new sites online made just for him. And we’re writing this article to come to the rescue of frustrated men everywhere, with a really rather cool mix of man-focused websites that go beyond the GQ’s and Men’s Healths of the Web. Here’s our list of the Top 10 absolute best sites for men (nudity excluded)…
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As any tech savvy woman knows, you just gotta have the best to be the best! And that’s what I’ve selected in this fabulous list: 12 of my absolute fave gadgets and tech items for us girls. I hope you enjoy them. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
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In addition to the Best Sites of 2010 voting event, All My Faves also held a Best Games of 2010 competition. You played them throughout the year, and your votes nailed down the 40 nominees to 10 winners. Here they are (click the images to play them again):
So you have a webcam. Big deal. Sure, it’s a nice gadget to have, and it probably plays a major role in your online communication activities. But is that all destiny has chosen for this small Peeping Tom device? No sirree. In this lineup of 15 websites I’ll show you how webcam utilization is taken to the extreme to create surprising, innovative and fun experiences you never thought were possible.
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Kids are a blessing and needless to say they deserve only the best. Though, when it comes to the internet, searching for a good site for them could be quite a burden. This is where we step in for your help. We’ve rounded up 150+ sites that will provide the children with hours of endless entertainment.
Keep on reading to learn about the best sites. For the kids we provided an easy logo interface on our kids section (which includes the full list of over 150 sites). Enjoy.
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