Facebook Timeline Movie Maker – A Movie All About You

Well if there wasn’t much incentive to move onto the Facebook Timeline before, you may well have found a good reason to now… Facebook’s Timeline Movie Maker is a cool app that takes photos, posts and videos from your Timeline, and turns it into a cool little movie, all about you.

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StyleSeat Network | Top Beauty & Wellness Professionals…and their clients!

Want Charlize Theron’s Oscar winning hairstyle? Want to give someone Charlize Theron’s Oscar winning hairstyle? Whether you’re a top stylist (or beauty therapist, masseur or more), or a client with high standards, StyleSeat is a free style network to connect you with the right people.

A great idea, following recent trends on the internet (connecting service providers with customers and clients in niche networks), StyleSeat makes it easier for consumers to book their next hair styling, massage, personal trainer session, manicure and more; and helps those businesses to grow by providing them with a dynamic, bookable online profile to connect with new and existing clients. As you can see from the stylist’s profile below, it’s easy to see the sorts of hair styles he creates, and it’s so easy to book an appointment or get a special deal! Click here to get inspired for your next beauty, wellness or hair treatment.

A Stylist's profile on StyleSeat: Click to browse the top stylists in your local area!

Cover Canvas – Pimp your Facebook Timeline Profile Picture!

CoverCanvas Facebook Timeline Cover Creator – Ah Facebook, how we love you, and your endless stream of service changes (or not…). And ah how we love your latest big change: the Timeline (or not…). Now we can all share the story of our lives with relative strangers over the internet, with a nice big cover picture to go at the top. Now most of our previous profile pictures just don’t have enough beauty to be a big glossy photo cover for our timelines, and that’s where Cover Canvas steps in… and does a really great job!

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Frequency – Your New Personalized, Social Online Video Feed

Find video that interests you, and you alone!

Frequency – There’s just so much interesting video content floating around the internet on any given moment, on any given day. And that means it’s really easy to miss a heck of a lot of good stuff! Stuff that gets posted on Facebook or Twitter by your friends or people you follow; stuff that gets posted on news websites (of which there are far too many to browse through in one go…); or just random, funny videos that get posted by random, funny people on Youtube.

And that’s where Frequency comes to the rescue.

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Rately- Get your Online Shopping Advice from your Friends!

Rately – Online shopping. In so many ways the best thing to ever happen to average Joe Couch Potato. No longer did he have to waste valuable energy browsing around endless endless shops with a friend in the nearest mall looking for that perfect pair of trainers. Now he could simply switch on his laptop, get onto Amazon and buy those same trainers without ever leaving his easychair. There is however one downside to all this convenience: it’s quite lonely! And what happens when you can’t decide whether you want your Ugg Boots in camel, beige or wood brown? Your friends aren’t standing next to you in the shop, helping you make these important decisions.

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Color App – Broadcast a Live 30 Second Video to Facebook!

Color – The makers of this cool little iPhone and Android app are heralding what they call the new type of Facebook status update. And they’re right, it is new. And it really is cool!

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Onefeat – How To Turn Photo Taking & Sharing into a Game!

Picking up on Foursquare’s idea of “gamifying” life, by giving you rankings, badges and prizes when you check into places you like to visit, Onefeat takes this one step further, into the world of Photo Sharing.

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Ruck.Us – Align your politics with People, not Parties

If the Americans among you haven’t already noticed, I’ll let you know now. There’s an election coming up in 2012. A big one. The problem is, you’ve not got much of a choice when it comes to voting for your next President. It’s Democrat or Republican, Good vs. Evil (whichever way you look at it!). There’s no in betweens when it comes to policy, no grey areas. And that’s quite annoying according to the politically minded creators of Ruck.Us.

Ruck.us believes that politics is far more people and issue based, and not simply about the one’s the Big Parties tell you to follow. That maybe it’s possible to believe that being fiscally conservative DOESN’T mean public healthcare’s a bad thing. It’s a clever idea, and it’s the idea forming the basis of their site. You answer questions about your political positions and most important issues, and form a network of people with similar “Political DNA” as you. And then take action together, getting recommendations on petitions, candidates, causes and more. Click here to get started!

Tripping for Travellers – Couch Surfing, Home Stays & Meet Locals

Tripping is an online community, made by travellers for travellers. If you’re dusting your backpack down in preparation for that trip of a lifetime (on a budget), then really, Tripping is almost an essential site to visit.

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Flipboard – Your Social Magazine on Your iPhone

Flipboard – Folks, this is one of the best news aggregators you can get on the iPhone. It’s been a sensation on the iPad, and now with a flurry of fanfare, the social magazine’s made its merry way into the world of the iPhone app. And it’s already the No.1 ‘news’ app in the store.

Its popularity is mainly due to its innovative ‘flipbook’ navigation. You add in your favorite news sources, social services including your Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other sources of info, like ‘Tweets mentioning “All My Faves”‘ for example (try it!). And then you just flip through them! It’s great looking and intuitive, and if you need any more convincing, watch the video below.

Don’t forget to discover and vote for the Top App of the Year 2011. We’ve taken our favorite weekly faves from this year, and put them into voting categories, in order to find the ultimate sites, apps and games of 2011. Take part in our big vote here!

Trippy – Now your friends can plan your trips for you!

Trippy is a social travel site. What’s that you say? Well it’s simply a trip planner that connects to social networks like Facebook and asks your friends who know about the place you’re traveling to (those who have checked in, live, work, or go to school there) to give you recommendations.

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Flowd – Social Network for Music Lovers

This is Flowd.com. A cross-platform social network that works on both your computer and your smartphone or tablet. It helps you get up close and personal with your favorite artists by following them and their latest news.

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