Aeon Ideas: Question Everything

aeonideas1Aeon Ideas is a place for conversations about ideas that matter.

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PolicyMic: A Political News Site in the Spirit of Debate

PolicyMic is a high-quality democratic news and media platform with a mission is to engage smart young thinkers in thoughtful discussion around current events.PolicyMic is a high-quality democratic news and media platform with a mission to engage smart young thinkers in thoughtful discussion around current events.

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iSideWith: Whose Side Are You On This Election?

Still on the fence about which candidate will get your vote on November 6th?  I know I am, and iSideWith is a website created just for us undecided voters. Take a quiz, mark your answers, and find out which of the Election 2012 candidates most shares your views…

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VoteIt: An Easier Way Than Facebook to Make Group Decisions

Have you ever tried making a group decision online? You know, for anything from deciding on dinner location with friends to having your colleagues agree on a strategy at work. If you have, you’ve probably used Facebook to get your answers, but there’s an easier solution: VoteIt, a real-time, social decision making platform that works both online and on mobile.

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Ruck.Us – Align your politics with People, not Parties

If the Americans among you haven’t already noticed, I’ll let you know now. There’s an election coming up in 2012. A big one. The problem is, you’ve not got much of a choice when it comes to voting for your next President. It’s Democrat or Republican, Good vs. Evil (whichever way you look at it!). There’s no in betweens when it comes to policy, no grey areas. And that’s quite annoying according to the politically minded creators of Ruck.Us. believes that politics is far more people and issue based, and not simply about the one’s the Big Parties tell you to follow. That maybe it’s possible to believe that being fiscally conservative DOESN’T mean public healthcare’s a bad thing. It’s a clever idea, and it’s the idea forming the basis of their site. You answer questions about your political positions and most important issues, and form a network of people with similar “Political DNA” as you. And then take action together, getting recommendations on petitions, candidates, causes and more. Click here to get started!

OpinionStage – Debate the Latest Trending Opinions Online

Been needing to get that burning opinion off your chest? Maybe none of your friends listen to you, or maybe you get as frustrated I do by the crazy people constantly flooding the comments sections of online newspapers. Opinion Stage was created with these thoughts in mind. It’s an online debating platform, much like TwoSides, which we reviewed as a Weekly Fave a few weeks ago.

OpinionStage filters out the spammers by making you connect with Facebook, which isn’t a bad thing at all, as it improves the quality of contributions. Watch the video to learn more, or click here to start debating or discussing the latest trending opinions.