Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Bobby Da Arrow, Mad Burger 3, Sportsbike Challenge…

Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Bobby Da Arrow, Mad Burger 3, Sportsbike Challenge...Start your weekend with the best games of the week! We already took care of the sorting to bring you only the very best of what the games world has to offer. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did.  Join us on our Online Games page and discover the best free games. And check out these awesome Bike games too!

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Say You Love Him With More Than Kisses: 10 Creative Gifts For Your Boyfriend

Say You Love Him With More Than Kisses - 10 Creative Gifts For Your BoyfriendMen are hard to shop for… but no one knows YOUR man better then you! Show him exactly how much you love him with creative gifts that will melt his heart, and keep you in good terms with your bank…

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99Gamers: A Free Video Game Trading Community

99Gamers is a free video game trading community that makes it easy to trade your unwanted video games for the ones you’ve always wanted.99Gamers is a free video game trading community that makes it easy to trade your unwanted video games for the ones you’ve always wanted.

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Cat’s Eye View: Wearable Cat Technology

Cat's Eye View is the new marketing initiative hosted on the 9Lives' site.Cat’s Eye View is the new marketing initiative hosted on the 9Lives’ site.

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Charlie: Detailed One-Pagers Before All Your Meetings

Charlie is essentially an extremely meticulous Google user, as all of the information the app compiles is pulled using that search engine.Charlie is an app that combs through 100s of sources and automatically sends you a one-pager on everyone you’re going to meet with, before you see them.

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12 Worst Goalkeeper Mistakes

12 Worst Goalkeeper MistakesGoalkeepers probably practice the most ungrateful job in the world… You stand around for 90 minutes, sacrificing your body for your team , but make one mistake and you’ll be scorned for years…

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AI Vendetta: An Awesome Tibute to a Classic Arcade Genre

AI Vendetta is a fun arcade flash game where you take on evil AI droids with your humble, yet well equipped space ship.AI Vendetta is a fun arcade flash game where you take on evil AI droids with your humble, yet well equipped space ship.

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