Art Takes A New Form: Book Sculptures

booksculpturesArt can be found anywhere, even where we read.

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Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Fatal Fighters, Family Rush, Gravity Driver…

topStart your weekend with the best games of the week! We already took care of the sorting to bring you only the very best of what the games world has to offer. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did.  Join us on our Online Games page and discover the best free games. And check out these awesome Cars games too!

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This Teacher Finishes His Students’ Drawings

teacherdoodlesNotebooks are for taking notes, not doodling…right?

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The Hart Island Project: Stories From NYC’s Mass Grave

hartisland1Since 1980, 62,315 people have been buried in mass graves on Hart Island. The Hart Island Project contains the Traveling Cloud Museum, a collection of their stories.

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