People of Walmart – Walmart is known as the largest corporate company in the world, and its infamous employee care (or lack thereof) has made numerous headlines in the past decade. People of Walmart doesn’t really care how this department store treats its workers, but rather focuses on Walmart’s most interesting types – its customers. People of Walmart puts especially bizarre and quite stereotypical American customers on its center stage via hilarious photos of actual buyers at Walmart.
Here are some of my personal favorites (it should be noted that some photos featured on this site might be offensive to some users, as these may contain subtle nudity and ‘bad language’): ‘Cause I Like to Party, Silver Bullet and Who Needs a Whole Shirt Anyway.
Web-Cam-Stop-Motion – What can I say? Simply put, this site is packed with fun and creativity. Make your own stop motion movie with this platform’s easy webcam recording segments, and you will get in touch with your artistic side and imagination. The entire process from start to finish takes less than five minutes, yet your glory will last forever. If you’re fresh out of ideas for your one man (or woman) show, check out other users’ takes and be inspired.
The Expedition Game – Sometimes I hear people describing a good game as something you shouldn’t play if you have work that needs to be done. The Expedition Game most certainly falls under this category of games, and is brought to us by the website. The Expedition Game puts you at the center of an African Expedition – you are the lead explorer. You are asked to make important decisions along the way, such as which trail to walk in, which weapon to use for protection, and the number of porters you should travel with.
The most important challenge I encountered while playing this terrific game was how to maintain enough food supply that will last for the entire duration and distance of the expedition. In addition to these crucial calculations, The Expedition Game provides amazing videos, special graphics and safari sounds. Enjoy it and make it to the end. Good Luck!
Just for kicks, below is Hollywood’s most famous and most cherished explorer.
Qbox – This is a challenging brain teaser that combines the magic of wisdom quotes in an online word game. On the game boards, quotes by men and women of letters, thought and fame have been inscribed onto tiles, then scattered and reshuffled to make them illegible. Put the tiles back into their right places and recover the original quote. Don’t forget to visit us every Wednesday for more Weekly Games.
6rounds – 6rounds is spearheading the field of collaborated online activity by offering a unique, engaging and truly fun webcam communication platform. Thanks to their innovative concept and top notch execution, users can now dip into shared experiences online and go where no other users have gone before.
Today the average online user, apart from visiting his or her regular websites, most likely has an account in one of the major social networking communities, uses video streaming services such as YouTube and the like, and engages in online chat on a daily basis. You could hardly call these online behaviors new or surprising. But what if all these activities and others were to occur in the form of shared real-time experiences by two users – regardless of their physical location – using webcam communication and video conferencing? Imagine co-watching a video, co-listening to a cool new song with a friend, or co-shopping online with your mom or best pal.
How does it work? Once you complete the quick signup process, you will be redirected to your profile’s page where you can add friends, upload pictures and start exploring what 6rounds has to offer. After you’ve added a few friends (you can choose between inviting your own or meeting new ones online), you can start video conferencing, co-browsing, even co-playing some of their offered games, and share other activities online with another user.
FoodGawker – Millions of people blog all over the world, many on a daily basis, and the variety of blogs is virtually endless. One of the recent growing trends in the blogosphere is blogging about food and cooking – yummy! I assume people enjoy both writing and visiting food blogs because firstly, it concerns one of our basic interests and passions as humans, and secondly, because such blogs are often accompanied by mouth watering photos.
FoodGawker is a photo gallery of exquisite dishes, showcasing photos submitted by food bloggers all over. If you’re into food and think you can take magazine-quality photographs of your favorite cuisine creation, pay FoodGawker a visit. In addition, clicking on any of the site’s featured photos will redirect you to the original blog, where you can find the recipe for that savory looking dish. FoodGawker will help you discover new sites, dishes, recipes and ingredients that will surely inspire your own cooking. Below are pictures I found particularly appealing and yes, they made me dash to the fridge…
Magma – Magma is a site that compiles lists of the most viewed and top rated videos people are watching right now. Every video is given a score on a scale from 1 to 11 (lowest to highest, respectively), and the site also provides videos’ popularity rank – determined by the amount of related videos, views, comments and social media activity from all around the Web. The site is divided into different sections such as Must Watch, Hulu, Vimeo, Dailymotion, YouTube, Twitter, Icerocket and Top 100 Videos, just to name a few. It is interesting too see the inconsistencies between what videos Delicious considers hot compared to StumbleUpon’s suggestions. I spent hours on Magma going through their recommended videos, and it was difficult to choose only a few. Here are my favorite ones:
CrimeReports – Crime is never a good thing and is a threat to anyone walking on this earth, but being aware of criminal incidences in your area can definitely be a valuable asset. CrimeReports offers an easy-to-use crime report system based on Google Maps with detailed reports and their locations. Simply enter your address and it will show you the latest crimes in your area in terms of what, where and when. Although a bit frightening, this service is extremely effective and lets you be in the know at all times.
The only problem with this service is that in order for it to produce accurate data, it requires the cooperation of cities and towns’ local police department. Unfortunately, many such local police departments have yet to include their information. To find out if your local police force is a CrimeReports participant, click here. If it isn’t listed you can either contact the cops of your town and ask them to join this service or, you can always move to Park City, UT… Below you can see just how cooperative this city’s local police department is.
Craiglook – Have you ever used Craigslist? I guess you probably did at one time or another in you life. Many people find it extremely useful for finding apartment, a job and other classifieds-ish items. Despite its undisputed success, Craigslist’s design and interface are, how should I put it, not exactly their strongest point. Why don’t they do something about it? I can only assume that Craigslist is following the old saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But if you are looking for something that has a more appealing look and feel, and is a tad more user-friendly in terms of search, Craiglook should definitely be on the top of your list. Its well-designed and easy-to-use interface delivers an excellent service. I can only hope you will find whatever it is you’re looking for. If it’s love, see the video below, of romance expert Lionel Richie to get you in the mood. Good Luck!
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories – EvilMadScientist consists of a group of savvy scientists creating ‘crazy’ inventions and devices, and publishing their creations once a week, every Wednesday. What do they create exactly? Well, anything you can label as unusual… You can find here an array of fascinating and inventive pieces that range from bizarre electronic devices to creative crafts, even cat toys. I especially enjoyed the Play with your food section, which offers weird but super cool inventions you can create with edible materials. See images below:
Awkward Family Photos – There is no need to explain what Awkward Family Photos is all about, the name is self-explanatory. OK. If you insist, Awkward Family Photos is a blog that showcases awkward, silly, stupid and consequently, funny family photos. But don’t make fun of them; if you were entirely honest with yourself and flipped through your old family album, you would find similar pics, I’m sure. And if you feel you have an outstanding contribution in the form of an especially awkward moment recorded on camera, submit it! By the way, I recommend that you follow them via their facebook fanpage.
My Modern Metropolis – My Modern Metropolis is a social network and community blog where you can find modern experiences in five main areas: blogging, art, photography, videos and events. Although the interface isn’t exactly first-class, the content certainly is and makes up for any aesthetic mishap. I found several cool things in each of these five fields and felt like sharing these with you. Here they are: History Repeats Itself in the Oval Office, Picasso Meets Light Graffiti, Cloud Cotton Candy (see image below), the U2 360ยบ Tour and the short movie below.