Damm Birds 2 – Shoot’em Down!

damnbirds2 Damm Birds 2What do the statues of the past, present, and future have in common? Winged demons which have become a nice resting spot for birds’… hum… poo. Now it is time for the statutes for revenge, and they mean business! The birds are going down. This game reminded me of yep, you guessed it: The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. If you want to be updated with the latest games, why not join our AllMyGames facebook fan page?

Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on the All My Faves Games fan page on Facebook to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

paradoxembrace Paradox EmbraceDiscover the true meaning of the Paradox and master the worlds of Nature, Technology and the Supernatural, Watch out for roaming demons and mech bugs while you navigate the dynamic levels and uncover the purpose of the mysterious Changers.

mircosports Micro Sports Complete each mini game as they get harder and harder until you fail enough to lose.

sandcastle Sand CastleMix of strategy and shooting in medieval defense game. Defend your city from the invading ships. Use different types of cannons and ammo to sunk them!


ninjacubes Ninja CubesTest your ninja skills! Collect as many Ninja Cubes as you can in 60 seconds!

bodydefence Body Defence Defend the body from the invading viruses in this challenging Tower Defence game with 10 different maps. Strategically place and upgrade your towers to beat each level and unlock the next.

flysquirrel Fly Squirrel, Fly! Launch the squirrel as far as possible. Collect cash to upgrade your equipment in the shop.


dfinder4 D-Finder 4 A new twist to spot the difference games! There are 4 near identical images – each image has one change not present in the others. Your objective is simple, find that difference for each image – total 4 differences per level.

pictogrid Pictogrid Pictogrid is a challenging slide puzzle game where you must shift pegs on a grid to match the solution image. Pegs move in unison by row or column, depending on which arrow you click. If this sounds confusing, don’t worry! The game is really easy to pick up and play.

missilerush Missile RushMissile Rush is a classic “defend your cities against incoming missiles” game updated with eye popping particle based explosions. Challenge your skills in arcade mode or practice your reflexes in Asteroids or SmartBombs modes.

flowerinsects Hanamushi :Flower Insect – Journey through the land of melting lollipops and bizarre creatures . Hover the cursor carefully and notice the changes to find clickable areas that yield various bits of clothing or other fashion accoutrements. Collect them all, for they will aid you in your search for… well, that would give away a major plot point.

Earth Aid – Get Paid for Cutting on Energy at Home

earthaid Earth Aid – Being aware of a problem, as they say, is 50% of the solution. We’ve all heard of the energy crisis and of America’s heavy dependence on oil, as well as on our need to find alternative energy resources, fast. But more often than not, being aware of a major global crisis is not enough for a collective action to take place by everyone. Earth Aid flips the energy crisis’ script and offers tangible incentives for people who actively work to cut on their household energy production and consumption.

How did they manage to pull it off? According to their website, “Earth Aid has developed a free service that measures your monthly energy use and rewards you based on how much you save.” Now down to the nitty gritty: they “review your household’s energy use from your utility company and use it to create a ‘baseline.'” Next, they structure specific tips relevant to your household that will help you use energy more wisely, and they calculate your next year of energy use. Last but not least – most importantly actually – “Earth Aid empowers you to earn rewards based on the amount of energy you have conserved.”

Signing up is easy, yet providing your utilities providers information might take a while. Despite this minor hassle, Earth Aid is an absolute must and totally worth it. If you’d like to learn a few tips and taste the website a little before signing up, see their tips page and start doing things right!

WebMii – Search Yourself (online…)

webmii WebMii – Yesterday I saw an episode of The Bachelor, and one of the female contestants knew everything about the handsome protagonist. Her knowledge was apparently so in-depth that even the other female contestants were amazed and asked her “how do you know so much about him?” She answered: “before joining the show I Googled him.”

Google is indeed one of the best searching tools out there, but where should you go if you want to know exactly what details are out there about you or someone you know (or want to know)? WebMii offers exactly that sort of information, both in organized and accurate manner. Try it for (and on) yourself, your friends, a celebrity you admire or detest, etc. If you don’t find this service worthwhile you can always try another one called Pipl, previously featured on AllMyFaves. If you are still dissatisfied, there’s always good ol’ Google.

infoMania – News AND Funny? Oh Yes…

infomania infoMania – infoMania is “a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media.” The show airs on Thursdays at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific Times, and is also available on YouTube. If you are a big satire fan why not become an infoMania facebook follower?

To get you started, check out this video (see also below) or see their recap on the events of the week of January 14th. And if you didn’t end up completely hooked on infoMania’s beautiful and innovative news casting angle, check out some of Current’s other shows such as Vanguard Journalism, Embedded, SuperNews, The Rotten Tomatoes Show and Max and Jason: Still Up. I am sure you will find something interesting (and hopefully funny as well).

Hypebeast – Fashion on the Streets

hypebeast Hypebeast – What started out as a rather basic sneakers blog back in 2005 is now a full fledged swanky resource for street fashion at its best. The Hypebeast is “a one-stop news source for internet-savvy street fashion enthusiasts,” offering great content and even better photos of all the current must haves for ultra sexy and chill attire. But Hypebeast is loaded with so much more than just wardrobe recommendations; the site’s Features tab will bring you to a wonderful section of culture, trends and up close and personal interviews with major trendsetters of music, fashion, art and more.

The Hypebeast is already included in my Reader, and it’s one of those websites where a seemingly cute URL serves you the most generous doses of style, excellent content and great visuals. To get a taste of the Hypebeast’s magic, check out the results for the ‘sneakers’ tag, and then move on to either the homepage or the blogs page – there are some really interesting and posh stuff for you to discover…

The Optimist – Smiles are Top Story

the_optimist The Optimist – In 2009 we featured on our Weekly Faves two optimism-oriented news sites: Good News Now and Happy News. As the names of these suggest, both deal with good news worth knowing. The initiative of creating such sites is indeed blessed and appreciated, but to tell you the truth, neither of these offers a well-executed solid source for good news in my view (in terms of content and appearance).

The Optimist however is a different story. Its design is simply superb; starting with a cute lovable logo and on with the site’s overall look and feel that is fun and enjoyable to navigate through. In addition, the content is excellent and engaging. I found myself spending quite a lot of time browsing through the various sections and enjoying consuming the goodness in hefty amounts. I especially enjoyed the Optimist TV, which offers a list of many (smiley) videos. My favorites were 4 Laughing Babies and God is a DJ.

Fifty People One Question – Average People, Unique Reflections

50people1question Fifty People One Question – Back in May 2009 we featured a wonderful website called PostSecret, where people submit anonymously their deepest secrets with the rest of the user community. The website was (and remains) a great success and the resulting book was a huge bestseller this holidays season. The site was also one of the ten Best Sites of 2009 winners here on All My Faves.

As a sort of an extension to PostSecret, we are fortunate enough to have Fifty People One Question; five different films of random people answering one question. Here’s how the creators explain it: “we had an idea. Go to a place. Ask fifty people the same question. Film their responses. Brought to you by Crush & Lovely Moving Pictures in partnership with Deltree.” My favorite film/question people were asked was ‘Where would you wish to wake up tomorrow?‘ Enjoy.

Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.

Crash the Super Bowl – Choose Prime Time Ad Lineup

crushthesuperbowl Crash the Super Bowl – Every winter when it’s time for THE game (the Super Bowl XLIV is on February 7), major corporations fight to the teeth for that half time air space for maximum ad exposure on TV. Besides, it’s become quite a tradition where commercial breaks in between game runs offer the funniest and most memorable ads of the year. What if you could influence that delicious lineup of ads that will be aired on national TV? Yes, you can.

Doritos invites you to vote for your favorite video out of the six finalists (submitted by users), and the top three will be aired during the football game. In addition, the three winning ads according to the USA Today Ad Meter will take home some $$$ (first place will nail $1,000,000!) For more info, check out the contest rules and see the six finalists. My favorite is Kids These Days. What’s yours?

Black and WTF – Strangeness in a Colorless Package

blackandwtf Black and WTF – Some sites can be explained in one sentence, and that is exactly the case here with Black and WTF: “a photoblog of really strange black & white photos.” Are there enough black and white photos for constant updates? Apparently yes, and you will be happy to hear the site updates quite frequently. I enjoyed going through its various photos, and below are some of my favorites.

Brainless Tales – The Drawing is Alive!

brianlesstales Brainless Tales – Simple pen sketches are somewhat obsolete in this digital age of visual manipulations, and I often wish someone would pay tribute to that old fashioned, simple art of pencil or pen sketches. Lo and behold, Brainless Tales is exactly what I wished for. Seeking immediate gratification via simplicity and creativity, Marcus brings us nothing short of no-nonsense amusement. According to Marcus, “each comic is drawn with pen on paper, then scanned into the computer, and modified as needed before moving to the website for your viewing pleasure.” And pleasure is indeed the result. Below are some of my favorite ones.

Civilization Wars – Lead you Nation

civilizationwars Civilization WarsChoose one of three races and lead your nation -after the fallen star- to find the secret force and to victory over the land invaders. Use the mouse cursor to select and order your troops. By the way, while searching for information on this game I stumbled upon War Before Civilization, which is a book with an interesting concept. It “deals with warfare conducted throughout human history by societies with little technology. In the book, Keeley aims to stop the apparent trend in seeing civilization as bad.” So I guess this means that civilization is great… For more intriguing games, click here.