GrowShow – Capturing Transformation of Babies

growshow GrowShow – Photo albums seem to be the ultimate treasure chest of documenting children’s growth and development over time. Thanks to photo applications such as Picasa and the like, creating such an album is a piece of cake. But what these lack is a more up close and personal display of a consistent progression of what your baby looks like as time goes by.

GrowShow is an amazing “time-lapse photo and framing system for parents.” All you have to do is upload photos of your little precious one. The system will automatically assign dates chronologically, making the time-lapse aspect of the photo album a breeze. In addition, you can use GrowShow’s GrowMinder, use the site’s edit tools to maximize photo effect, and even select background music that will play as photos are displayed. Needless to say, you are welcome to share this wonderful private photo documentary with family and friends. See the gallery section for a demonstration and be inspired!

Egg Watchers – A Watched Pot Never Boils…

eggwatchers Egg Watchers – Egg timers come in all shapes and sizes, and boiling an egg is hardly a challenging culinary endeavor. The problem is, conventional egg timers do not take into account other factors which may affect the time it takes to cook the egg as you like. To give an example, an egg that’s been put in the pot straight out of the fridge will take longer to cook than an egg that’s at room temperature.

EggWatchers boils down the boiled egg procedure to just a couple of clicks, while ensuring you’re being entertained as your egg is being cooked. When you visit the EggWatchers site, you’re prompt with a few important questions necessary to determine the number of minutes you need to wait for your egg to be ready. Choose the size of your egg, its relative temperature and the degree of your desired ‘egg firmness.’ When you’re ready hit OK, and see what happens…

Egg Watchers

Egg Watchers - Step 1 + 2

Egg Watchers - Step 3 + 4

Gross Out – Yukky Can Be a Good Thing…

grossout Gross OutThe about us of this site explains it all: “Gross Out is the ultimate tool in barf educing photo enhancement. We’ve all drawn a mustache or an eyepatch on a photo before for a giggle. Well, Gross Out takes that concept, multiplies it times INFINITY, and covers it in eyeballs, zits, slime and tons other gross crap that we’ve compiled for your amusement. Upload a photo to see what we mean!” If you still don’t understand what the site is all about, look at the pictures below.

grossout1 Gross Out 2

5-Second Films – Less is More

5secondfilms 5 Second Films – “Less is More” is the underlining premise of this website. It contains many short 5-second films, and is updated with a new one every weekday. The time frame of 5 seconds doesn’t allow the creator of the movie to bore you, and the result in most cases is intriguing and fun videos. I recommend starting with the ones below, and then click on the random button.

Design You Trust – Aesthetics for the Masses, by the Masses

designyoutrust Design You Trust – If you’re looking for a refreshing take on the latest trends in fashion, art and design, look no further. Design You Trust is “a daily design blog and community, full of new design trends, news and events, great design portfolios, young design bloods, design articles, photographies, fashion, creative advertisements, architectural inspirations, video design and hand-picked design stuff from all over the globe.”

What’s cool about Design You Trust is that everyone is invited to register and publish their design related posts – join the team here. Click on the photos below to see some of my favorite posts. What’s yours?

Ninja Ball – Jump Around

ninjaball Ninja BallNinja Ball is out on a mission: to collect a bunch of stars that are hiding in a world of 20 crazy levels. Use the rope to jump around.

For daily updates of cool games through your facebook feed, click here and join. And if this game has brought you in to the mood of jumping, so what are you waiting for – Jump Around!

Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on I♥GAMES Facebook fan page to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

themcoconats Them CoconutsThem Coconuts is a defense game where you have to defend yourself against the attacking hordes of enemies. To assist you you have 10 weapons including the summoning of meteors and dragons. You can also upgrade your castle and hire mercenaries to support you.


onebuttonbob One Button BobAvoid a bunch of nasty traps and baddies to find a treasure.

4diffrences 4 DifferencesSpot the 4 differences between each panel, Beat them all for great satisfaction!

factoryballs3 Factory Balls 3Factory balls 3 will challenge you with a all new set of levels. As usual the objective of Factory Balls is to create the required balls by using your toolset in the correct order.


ballooninawastland Balloon in a Wasteland When you balloon crash-lands in a wasteland of fowl creature, its time to survive. Upgrade your weapons, fort, and turrets while you try to fix your balloon. Balance your free time between battles so you are prepared for future waves. Try to escape as soon as you can!

monstertruck Monster Truck DestroyerDrive your Big Foot Truck through various tracks and destroy all other vehicles in the badass driving skill game Monster Truck Destroyer!

coverorange2 Cover Orange 2Make sure the smiley faced fruit is protected from the deadly rain. Create your own Cover Orange levels with the Level Editor. You can share levels with your friends and submit your levels to make a chance to be featured in the next official Cover Orange game!

zootransport Zoo Transport Transport the animals!! Help the penguin transport Company to carry all animals to the next zoo.

gswitch G-SwitchYet another simple but fun one button skill game! In G-Switch you can change the gravity by hitting X or your mouse button. Well, just try to stay alive! You can play up to 6 players on one keyboard!


flea2 Flea 2 Hop, skip, jump and bounce your tiny little flea through up 50 action packed levels. Unlock up to 8 backgrounds and 6 fleas as you progress!

YouTube Ad Blitz 2010 – Best Super Bowl Ads

adblitz YouTube Ad Blitz 2010 – Usually when I watch TV and commercials are aired, I make use of that time to bring drinks or snacks from the kitchen, use the restrooms, or simply see what other channels have to offer in the meantime. But the Super Bowl is a totally different ballgame in that respect; I never move an inch when these prime time ads are showing. In pre-Internet days you’d have only one chance to see the Super Bowl ads – in real time as they were aired. Thanks to the wonderful powers of the Web, viewing these sought after ads takes MIA to a whole new level of thrill. I watched the ads during the game through YouTube Ad Blitz (they made the ad videos available immediately following their TV broadcast), but you can also find them on NFL FanHouse and CBS Sports.

Following the game, YouTube Ad Blitz was opened for user votes, and “the winning ad will receive ultimate video glory with YouTube homepage recognition on Feb 18,” so stay tuned. Another interesting voting system is the 2010 USA TODAY Ad Meter, which ranks the best commercials based on responses of a panel of ad viewers during the Super Bowl. The Ad Meter winner is Snickers. Below you’ll find the Ad Meter winner plus my personal favorites, Dodge and Doritos.

Another interesting point is that for the first time in its PR history, Google placed a TV commercial during the Super Bowl. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, said on the official Google blog that “We didn’t set out to do a Super Bowl ad, or even a TV ad for search. Our goal was simply to create a series of short online videos about our products and our users, and how they interact. But we liked this video so much, and it’s had such a positive reaction on YouTube, that we decided to share it with a wider audience.” Is that really the reason or maybe Google is afraid of facebook? You be the judge. In the meantime here’s the Google ad below.

MovieClips – Find that Unforgettable Scene

movieclips MovieClips – The team behind MovieClips describes itself as “movie fans – no, we are movie freaks! We love movies. We love to see movies. We love to talk about movies. We love to discover, rediscover and relive movies. For this reason, we have created – to bottle that insane, enthusiastic energy and share it with the world. With over 12,000 movie clips, you can search, find, view, discuss and share scenes from your favorite movies.”

So now we know they are passionate about their endeavor, what do they do? Well, “the team at MovieClips has worked tirelessly to collect clips and make them completely searchable by actor, title, genre, occasion, action, mood, character, theme, setting, prop, and even dialogue. This makes it simple to find a scene fast.” So if you usually go to IMDB to search for information on a specific movie, why not give MovieClips a try? And if we are talking about movies, I encourage you to check our AMF Movies Minpage, which is absolutely the best one-stop place for the top movie related websites out there.

RainyMood – Soothing Sounds

rainymood RainyMoodMany people find the sound of rain relaxing. It is even said to help troubled sleepers get a sounder sleep. But what can you do if precipitation is 0% in your area? You could always buy a Sound Machine (like the one in the Sex and The City, Perfect Present episode), or you could simply visit The latter offers a 15-min loop of high quality rain sounds. The website suggests that you play their rain sounds along with your favorite music for an enhanced effect. I followed their tip and here’s my conclusion: RainyMood is indeed an interesting and enjoyable experience. Try it out for yourself and if you you’re inclined to experiment, I recommend the below songs to play simultaneously with the sounds of falling rain (these are covers I used).

SoulBounce – Funk + Soul + Originality = Exquisite Urban Music House

soulbounce SoulBounce – Whether or not you consider yourself a music connoisseur, when you stumble upon an amazing music blog recognition kicks in instantly. SoulBounce is an urban music blog gem, offering not only the inside info on original, talented under-the-radar artists, but also HQ tracks of featured singers and performers (streaming). The rationale behind SoulBounce is “to expand the conversation of urban music beyond the over-exposed and the obvious.” And boy, do they mean it! With such an encompassing repertoire of interviews, reviews and music samples (full track samples, mind you), it would simply be a crime not to visit this swanky blog. My favorite posts were Janelle Monae Balances Big Boi, Soul & Funk On Her ‘Tightrope and The Mixologists Valentine’s Day Edition: Keyknow. Simply irresistible.

Cribcandy – Browsing in Style

cribcandy Cribcandy – For those of you interested in or working in the field of interior design, finding out what are the latest trends is really easy; you have the entire Web at your disposal, and there are hundreds if not thousands of relevant blogs out there. However, that very abundance of blogs can turn the simple goal of finding good design resources online into a cumbersome and exhausting task. Thank god we have Cribcandy.

If you’re familiar with Food Gawker, Cribcandy works in the same showcase-kind-of way. Each page displays 24 posts of various design and interior design blogs from all over the world. Each post is showcased nicely and is quite inviting. Clicking on any of these square posts will redirect you to the original blog of that post. What can I say? I love window shopping, and Cribcandy makes it real easy to browse in style. Click on the images below to see my favorite posts.