Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on I♥GAMES Facebook fan page to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

redandblue Red and Blue Balls 2The Red and Blue Balls are back for another adventure! Once again, the two friends find themselves shipwrecked on an island after mysterious events…

starlight2 Starlight 2There’s only you and a night sky full of stars. Turn your imagination on and find out what pictures are hidden between the stars! . You’ve asked for challenge? Two new gameplay modes are there to satisfy those who aren’t looking for easy ways.


imperfectbalance Imperfect BalanceStack the shapes, but then get them to all fall off the screen.


stonepunk Stone PunkYou are a Stone Age scientist who wants to travel around the world in his homebuilt vehicle. Your device will need numerous upgrades before you can travel as far as you want to go. Start do the necessary upgrades after each try. Do it right and you might just make it around the world.

marchmayhem March MayhemThink you can do better than those punks in the NCAA? Build a basketball team and take the rock to the hole, stick-style! Play a quick scrimmage or haul your team through the brackets to the finals!


bigtree Big Tree DefenseBuild your tree out and up and place weapons on the trunk and branches to fend off the invading insects. Your weapons will not fire on insects once they’ve landed on your tree’s trunk, so spread out and place weapons with that in mind.

turtlebreak Turtle Break A turtle’s shell is a great source of protection. But it also makes a great paddle for a breakout game!

circlesandsquares Circles and SquaresTurn the world upside down as you move your heroic blue shapes home and free them from the tyranny of their red shape oppressors.

wonderpills WonderpillsGuide Alice through a maze of topsy turvy rooms to reach each of the exits. Pop pills in your gob to alter your perception.

timesphere Time SphereShoot a time sphere that freezes time of all objects inside! use it to stop bullets in there tracks or freeze a spinning blade so you can get past. Sometimes, you will have to unlock the door by grabbing the key first. You only get one time sphere shot, but you can shoot multiple times.

Go Try it On – Get a Second (Fashion) Opinion from the Community

gotryitonGo Try it On – This site’s concept is absolutely amazing and my guess is it’ll catch up fast. I love shopping, but sometimes when I try on that cute dress I had just bought, I’ll look at myself in the mirror, and doubts will start to sink in. To get a definite ‘go’ or ‘no go’ for such items, I usually call my best friend over to settle the matter. But sometimes I feel it’s that sincere compliment from a stranger that truly reflects how well or not-so-well a particular clothing looks on me.

Go Try it On fills that very gap for women and men who would like an honest second opinion on a particular apparel item. Users can choose between getting feedback from the site’s entire community or from a pre-set group of people (i.e. your friends and family). Go Try it On is “an easy and fun way to share your look with a community or even just your friends.” This SXSW 2010 finalist is highly recommended! You can submit your photo wearing that skirt, blouse or denim you’re not so sure about, and get responses from the community. Alternatively, you can have your say on pictures of other doubtful women and men. Instead of thumbs up or down for picture ratings, the site cleverly uses the up and down-facing hanger icons…. See the pics posted by Diana and Isanne I voted for. What’s your opinion?

Diana B

Isanne S

The Sixty One – A Totally Novel Music Experience

61 The Sixty One – Imagine a first of its kind music venue, a place where you’re greeted by full screen, HD images of the playing artist, amazing sound quality, user ratings on any given track, and numerous options and music recommendations to choose from? Good morning everyone, the future of online music discovery is here. The Sixty One is alluring in every possible way, inviting you to take a whimsical ride on the waves of innovative music showcasing. See this page of the Manana Band as a nice starting point. To explore additional artists simply hit the big green arrow on your right, or check out similar tracks in the nicely presented box on the lower right corner of your screen.

This is an absolute must visit for music lovers all over, and an excellent, not to mention exciting method of discovering new emerging artists. I really enjoyed The Fall/The Flight by Awake! Awake! (includes lyrics!) and Josh Likes Me by Sleep Whale. Amazing stuff.

Manana Band

The Fall The Flight

Josh Likes Me

Listicles – The Media’s ADHD Baby Brother

listicles Listicles – It’s a bit difficult to explain the general concept of Listicles, a site brought to us by the L Magazine. Even their About page is a bit vague. Nevertheless, browsing this great blog’s list-based posts will take you to the interesting corners of the media, and I’m sure you’ll get some serious laughs on the way. To get an idea of the topics covered in Listicles, see this 25 Weird Mailboxes entry, or the post on 12 Re-Purposed Plastic Water Bottles. In addition, users are invited to submit their own list to the blog and share these with the rest of Listicles’ community.

Avatara – Create a 3D Avatar


Avatara – This site is so much fun! I spent hours here, trying it out. Don’t confuse it with the movie Avatar because it has nothing to do with it. Avatara is a website where you can “create a true 3D avatar for your social network presence.” You can choose a premade one, create your own from scratch, or construct your clone. Needless to say, I have tried all of the above options. If you are looking for a fun pastime, I recommend trying it out. In the meantime, see the ones I created below. They are dancing, bowing, breathing, coughing or simply presenting themselves.

KitchenDaily – Easter and Passover Dinners – Check!

kitchendaily KitchenDaily – Since Easter and Passover are this and next week’s holidays, getting the right and delicious dinners ready can be and should be a breeze. Yes, a breeze, not a hassle. How exactly? With the right cooking site of course. KitchenDaily is a wonderful cooking and recipes resource for 365 days of the year, and I found it especially inspiring for the holiday dinners this month. See this mouth-watering Easter Lamb by Chef Marcus Samuelsson video to give you an example. Some of the other perks of KitchenDaily include their How To section, and the Healthy Chef corner for wholesome, healthy recipes.

And now for something to feast your eyes on, see the pics below. Clicking on the images will take you to their respective recipe page.

Guidespot – Guides Galore

guidespot Guidespot – Guidespot is a “collection of online guides created by a user just like you. Making a guide is simple, and gives you the freedom to create guides about anything and share them with the community, or privately with friends and family.” Name a topic, and you will find a related guide for it. I especially enjoyed reading the guides Elijay (A California Girl) created. Check out her What Movies Have You Walked Out Of? guide, and Flickr’s Funniest Pups guide.

OMG Posters – Eclectic Prints and Posters

omgposters OMG Posters – Described as “a blog about posters, prints, toys, dragons, monster trucks and ebay,” OMG Posters gives us a daily fix of fresh and unusual posters and prints you won’t find anywhere else. It includes an eclectic style collection of retro, odd, psychedelic and more genres to choose from. Although this blog will be particularly appealing to graphic designers, artists and typography related professionals, laypersons such as me and you can easily appreciate the wonders of OMG Posters. Click on the pics below – posters I especially enjoyed – and read the related posts which are just as engaging. And for those interested, each post includes information on where you can buy the print or poster, should you be interested.

TatMash – Tattoo Preview

tatmash TatMash – When I was younger I used to play with the idea of getting a tattoo, but I never went thought with it. Why? Mainly because I don’t like needles and pain, but also because I was afraid I wouldn’t be pleased with the result. Today I am not thinking about getting a tattoo anymore, but if I were, I’d defiantly like to see how it looks on the body first, and that is what TatMash is all about; previewing a tattoo on your body before actually getting it done at the tattoo parlor.

For the fun of it, I tried it out. I chose a tattoo and took a picture of myself using my webcam (btw you can also upload a picture). The result is below. I was quite happy with my test, but I’m still not getting a real tattoo…Do you think the lucky turtle suits me?

Elephant Larry – Sketch Comedy Online

elephantlarry Elephant Larry – Most comedy sketches in my view, particularly those I come across online, rank from terrible to barely mediocre. The bottom line is, finding a single website that offers delightful comedy is almost an impossibility. But then came Elephant Larry and flipped the online sketch comedy’s script. This website is guaranteed to get you laughing so hard you’ll need tissue paper to wipe those laughter tears. Please note that some videos include fowl language. Viewer discretion is advised. Click on the video below to see an hilarious spin on a heartburn medicine ad.

Paper Warfare – Shoot Down the Paper Aliens

paperwarfare Paper WarfareThis is a funny and twisted shoot’em up focused on shooting down the aliens before they can invade Earth once again. The interesting part is that it’s based on paper drawn figures. Do you enjoy this twist or would you prefer the classic shooting games such as Space Invaders and Asteroids? I find both kinds enjoying. But if I were completely honest, after a while it’s always good to come back to the classic ones.

For more cool games, check back every Wednesday or simply join I ♥ Games.

Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post! If you’re into kicking off the weekend with some great games, here is the lineup of the best games this week, updated every Thursday.
Join us on I♥GAMES Facebook fan page to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

jolls Jolls The Jolls’ kids have run off. Help collect them in this phuzzle game with 31 levels and 9 diplomas.


steambirds Steam BirdsSteamBirds is an exciting aerial dog fighting action/strategy game that you can pick up in seconds.From a top-down perspective you manage your squadron of aircraft and take on growing numbers of enemies.

minitd Mini Tower DefenceDo you like defence games? Have you tried mini Tower Defence yet? A lot of upgrades, achievements and fun!

thelinegamelime The Line Game: Lime EditionMove your mouse through the tunnels without touching the sides. A polished game of an old classic.

cluesweeper Clue SweeperMinesweeper meets Clue in this murder mystery puzzle game. Uncover important clues and identify the correct killer!


supermariostar Super Mario Star ScrambleCollect all the star sprites and defeat Bowser to save the Mushroom Kingdom!


ericthecircle Eric the CirclePhysics based drawing game, featuring Eric the Circle.

taberinos TaberinosPropel a ballraser across the screen wiping out lines and link nodes to complete the level. Some nodes need to be hit twice to disappear and some grow lines back.

condition Condition You, the lone crew member on a small vessel, find a space station near the edge of explored space beaming out a distress call. As anyone would do in such a situation, you blindly investigate.

eon EON Place gravity wells near gas giant planets to suck the matter from their surface. Stream these particles through space to fill collection rings to solve each puzzle.