Kendi Everyday – Small Town Girl with Big City Style

Kendi Everyday – When young and gorgeous Kendi got married and moved with her husband to a small town, everyone thought the natural next step for her would be having a baby. Instead, she started a fashion lookbook-ish blog where each post shows Kendi in a different outfit. The photos are amazing (thanks to her talented hubby photographer), colorful and they all make you want to dash to the nearest shopping mall.

What I love about Kendi Everyday is that in each post she includes a hand-written comment that tells you where she got that skirt, blouse and shoes. Most blogs with a similar concept include these much sought-after details in the lowest frame of the post, often even in the comment section. Kendi puts it right on top, and right under the photo she’ll provide direct links that will take you to the item’s respective online shop! Now, here’s Kendi herself, definitely working it.

Svpply – Find and Share Your Taste of Art, Style & Home Decor

Svpply – Back in December I talked about a cool tagging site called Nuji, where users roam around the Web and tag things (can be fashion, interior design and more), share their finds with others and find inspirations from other users’ tagged items. Svpply offers the same overall service, with additional slight improvements. With Svpply you can filter ‘finds’ by selecting product category, gender and price.

Follow users who have the same taste as you do, and get you-centered product recommendation, plus the direct path to buying that dress, sofa or artwork. To start off, why not explore the site’s Editor’s picks?

Happy hunting.

Decide – Make Your Next Electronics Buy a Smarter One

Decide – Don’t you just hate it when you buy say, a digital camera you have been craving for a while, and a week later you find out the price dropped by $50? is here to help you make smarter purchases of electronics by letting you know if now’s a good time to buy that laptop, camera, game console or any other gadget you’re after. uses sophisticated prediction algorithms that make rational forecasts of price drops and new model releases to help you make smarter purchases that actually save you money. also comes in a mobile version (not an app per se) so you can make better choices while in the electronics store.  Here’s a glimpse of what looks like when searching for a Samsung digital camera (which I’ve been dying to get):

I’d better check out the new model first before making the purchase. How else would have I known about this? Thanks, Decide!

Olioboard – Create and Share Beautiful & Inspiring Moodboards

Olioboard – Since I had a hard time putting into words what Olioboard is about, here’s the site’s own description: “Olioboard is an easy and intuitive application for creating digital mood boards. It is also a community of interior designers and creative thinkers coming together to share inspiration and offer feedback.” Even if you’re not a designer but have an eye for aesthetics and a great looking decor, collect you favorite items, color swatches, fabric samples and other virtual items, and use them to create your own moodboard.

Each post is a moodboard someone has shared, and you can get lots of design ideas from each by scrolling down to the ‘get this look’ section. Here’s an example (click the image to get all the details).

If you’re a professional in the interior design field, make the most out of Olioboard. Get in touch with the community, take part in contests and even shop for your clients. What a wonderful source of vibrant and colorful inspirations for the home!

BillGuard – Your Credit Cards’ Protective Big Brother

BillGuard – This new service aims to be the dead-serious watch dog for your credit card bills, calling itself the ‘Antivirus’ for credit card bills. What does it do, exactly? “BillGuard scans your card activity for hidden charges, billing errors, forgotten subscriptions, scams and fraud, and alerts you via email when your attention is required.”

BillGuard truly is a personal finance savior, and it’s particularly essential to those owning more than just a few cards and finding it hard to keep up with it all. Another cool BillGuard perk is that in addition to its automated transaction scan for errors and hidden fees by over 100 tests, it also scans the web to see if other people have posted complaints or flagged certain transactions and merchants. This ‘people power’ makes the BillGuard community a watch dog in and of itself. All for one and one for all, so to speak.

To learn more about BillGuard and how it works, watch the video below.

Creative Criminals – Sharing Sophisticated and Effective Advertisements

Creative Criminals – This cool Weekly Blog winner scored lots of attention and therefore made it into this week’s Weekly Faves lineup. Creative Criminals is a website created by Rindert, Bert and Sander “who all have links to the advertising world.” This means the ads you will see here (in both poster and video forms) are filtered, top-notch advertisements from all over the world that are bound to impress and call to action. Want an example?

Here’s an innovative ad concept by a natural insecticide company in Thailand:

Company: Shieldtox
Agency: Euro RSCG, Bangkok
Country: thailand Thailand

AHAlife – Exclusive, Curated Products for a Sophisticated Lifestyle

AHAlife – This upscale website is an “online discovery destination where you can learn about – and purchase – the best unique products from around the world, collectively curated by our group of influential tastemakers.” In other words, AHAlife (‘aha’ referring to the sound of discovery) features high quality products for you to admire and buy, ranging from fashion and home decor to food, travel and technology. Think of it as an online store offering a curated collection of items for people with exquisite taste.

To get an idea of the sort of things you can buy here on AHAlife, here’s the What’s New page.

What really makes AHAlife stand out from any other upscale store is its team of curators. This certainly serves as worthy added value you won’t find elsewhere. I strongly encourage you to register to AHAlife and be inspired by beautiful, meaningful things on a daily basis.

SHFT – Sophisticated Media Resource for Green-Minded Users

SHFT – “Curating the Culture of Today’s Environment” is what SHFT creators, activist/actor Adrian Grenier and film producer Peter Glatzer strive to deliver. Explore SHFT’s huge video archive where each video tells a different unique story about the environment and the good souls trying to make it better. In addition to video, SHFT offers top-notch content on a variety of topics including art, design, energy, fashion, sports, travel and more.

SHFT not only looks great, it also delivers engaging content on important matters, whether cultural or environmental, or both. Another cool feature on SHFT is the shop section, although some products featured there can get quite pricey. Either way, SHFT is a shining eco star! Here’s a cool video I found here, Backyard Sun Boxes by musician Craig Colorusso, showing music created by the sun and the solar panels Craig put in his backyard. Each solar panel was set to play one guitar note on loop, with the all the notes collectively making a B-flat chord. Amazing, isn’t it?

Where To Get It – Find and Buy Your Gotta-Have-it Fashion Items

Where To Get It – Ever seen a photo of a pair of shoes you just fell in love with, or saw someone on the street wearing a to-die-for dress you craved for yourself? Thanks to Where To Get It, now there’s an easy way to find all your gotta-have-it items.

Based a community of ‘fashion advisers’ who know where all the cool shops are, Where To Get It is a globally connected network of style assistants that guides you to the places where you can buy what you want. All you have to do is upload a photo of your must-have item, add a few details and let the community help you find it!

Here’s the perfect example for Where To Get It in action: Kate Middleton (Prince William’s new wife and royal family member) caused quite a stir with her stunning blue dress and sapphire engagement ring. Here’s how one Where To Get It member found Kate’s famous dress (click the image to see all the details):

One for the Guys: Top 10 Must-Visit Sites for Men


Sometimes you just have to celebrate the common man. John Male loves his easy chair with easy access to his beer fridge and even easier access to the Plasma TV remote. John Male LOVES football. John Male doesn’t DO chick flicks. He DOES what he likes. John Male’s got 1 problem though… He can’t find any fresh, new sites online made just for him. And we’re writing this article to come to the rescue of frustrated men everywhere, with a really rather cool mix of man-focused websites that go beyond the GQ’s and Men’s Healths of the Web. Here’s our list of the Top 10 absolute best sites for men (nudity excluded)…

Continue Reading →

The Dieline – Packaging Design Galore

The Dieline – This packaging design hub is a beautifully created website with a mission: “to define and promote the world’s best packaging design, and provide a place where the package design community can review, critique and stay informed of the latest industry trends and design projects being created in the field.”

What makes The Dieline so special is its professional know-how and community oriented approach. They’re here to inform, help and inspire. Aside from the gorgeous packages covered, The Dieline also has designated sections for job offerings for those working in the industry, The Dieline Conference (next one will take place on June 22nd),  and a special Dieline page for wine packaging. Here is a package design I instantly fell in love with:

Urbio Vertical Garden, designed by Enlisted Design and Volare Studio, San Francisco

Beso – Top Fashion Finds for the Entire Family

Beso – What seems to me like a smaller Amazon with a less ‘for the masses’ attitude, Beso is “the online shopping destination that allows you to browse products at thousands of stores – from big name retailers to exclusive boutiques to the shop around the corner just waiting to be discovered.” As opposed to Amazon, Beso finds you the items you are looking for and then directs you to that item’s store to make the purchase.

You will find here hundreds of the leading brands you trust and love, including The Gap, Macy’s, J. Crew, Guess, Ralph Lauren, True Religion, Crate & Barrel and many, many others. Beso is all about shopping finds for him, for her, for the home, even for the little ones in your family. I have my heart set on this dresses page. Now comes the hardest part; which one to choose?