Birchbox: Monthly Beauty Products Samples Delivered to your Door

One for the ladies, this is Birchbox, a successful cosmetics startup that’s gaining momentum and becoming the go-to service for thousands of women looking to ‘try before you buy’ on the latest beauty products. You pay a $10 monthly fee and receive a freshly picked, hand delivered beauty box filled with cosmetic goodies that you’ll probably really like.

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GiftRocket – Personalized Gift Cards for Absolutely Any Business!

GiftRocket – Welcome, ladies and gents, to the gift card of the future: An online gift card that can be used absolutely anywhere, on anything, at any time… Without ever running out or taking up space in your wallet!

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Rately- Get your Online Shopping Advice from your Friends!

Rately – Online shopping. In so many ways the best thing to ever happen to average Joe Couch Potato. No longer did he have to waste valuable energy browsing around endless endless shops with a friend in the nearest mall looking for that perfect pair of trainers. Now he could simply switch on his laptop, get onto Amazon and buy those same trainers without ever leaving his easychair. There is however one downside to all this convenience: it’s quite lonely! And what happens when you can’t decide whether you want your Ugg Boots in camel, beige or wood brown? Your friends aren’t standing next to you in the shop, helping you make these important decisions.

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Photojojo Store – The Most Awesome Photo Gifts & Gear for Photographers

If the thirteen words in this site’s tagline (“Only the Most Awesome Photo Gifts & Gear for Photographers”) don’t already say it all, I had better let a few pictures say a thousand more words. I actually think this online photography gear shop is so much fun to look around, that I can’t really say too much other than show you a couple of screenshots from it, and let you decide for yourself:

Continue Reading → – Social Shopping, Design Inspiration, Daily Deals – If you’re looking to help that design freak in you screaming to come out, you simply have to try Fab. Its ‘social shopping’ model has been described as the future of online shopping, and while its certainly not going to be replacing Amazon for general shopping any time soon, when it comes to design-conscious shoppers, many would say it already has!

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ThisIsWhyImBroke – Buy a Flying Car – Crazy Inventions

Ever wanted to know how much a Jet Pack costs? Ever wanted to buy one? This Is Why I’m Broke has dedicated itself to sourcing and bringing you the world’s craziest, coolest, most bizarre inventions.

Fancy spending your pocket money on a flying car?

It’s a great read over the coffee break, and actually helped me find a couple of novelty gifts for friends’ birthdays (and no I’m not talking about the flying car to the right, although you really can buy one if you want to! Incredible!)

How about a water jet pack? ThisIsWhyImBroke has it all!

ThisIsWhyImBroke is a strong contender for next year’s nominations for Coffee Break site of the Year. But for now, check out our Top 10 Sites For Your Coffee Break 2011. You’ll discover some awesome sites like this, and you can vote for your favorites!

CityPockets: Organize Your Deals Vouchers & Coupons in One Place

Citypockets is apparently “Your Personal Daily Deal Wallet”. What does that mean you ask? Well, you know all those deal vouchers and coupons you spent ages getting and forgetting to use? Citypockets makes you use them! It automatically imports all your daily deal vouchers and coupons from the best deal sites so you can keep track of them in one spot. This is why CityPockets works. It just makes it easier to organize all the deals, vouchers and coupons you have in one daily deal wallet. Try it out, it definitely gets you to use the coupons you save up better.

If you love hot deals, you’ll also love our All My Faves Holiday Shopping Homepage. It’s stuffed full of the best deals, gift ideas, holiday cards, books, gift cards and loads more. Click here to discover what you should be buying, and how to get it at the best prices this holiday season.

Top 10 Cool Gadgets: Christmas 2011

Well folks, it’s that time again. Yes, good old Black Friday is here, the deals extravaganza launching us into our annual Christmas shopping frenzy. And I’ve decided to take you (almost) directly to a select group of gadgets that really are the dog’s bollocks (pardon my French). Enjoy, and let us know what you think you think!

1. Kindle Fire

This isn’t an iPad. It looks a lot like an iPad, works a lot like one, and most importantly, is under half the price of an iPad! Ladies and gents, this is the Kindle Fire: the MUST HAVE gadget of Christmas 2011. It’s a simple, well-crafted tablet PC that lets you read books, newspapers and magazines; watch videos; play games; and browse apps, all in the palm of your hand. It’s sharp display, intuitive touchscreen and beautiful user interface are just amazing for a price of $199.

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Your Guide to the Best Holiday Gifts 2011

The AllMyFaves Holiday Gift Guide 2011 – Happy holidays from All My Faves! We’re totally dedicated to making it easier for you to use the internet in every way, whether it’s your holiday shopping or finding you the best Black Friday deals on the web.

Gadgets | The AllMyFaves Holiday Gift Guide 2011

Every holiday season we found ourselves searching through endless websites and blogs, looking for the best deals or the best holiday gifts. It’s a black hole of information out there, and it really can consume hours and hours of your time finding that perfect Christmas present. So that’s why we’ve come up with the easiest to navigate, most simple, straightforward page, linking you to the most popular gifts of 2011. Click on the samples from our Holiday Gift Guide above or below, and find that perfect present in minutes!

His & Hers Gifts | The AllMyFaves Holiday Gift Guide 2011

Now, if you’re looking for something even more comprehensive, we’ve actually searched through the web to find the top 10 gifts in categories like ‘Top 10 Books’ and ‘Top 10 DVDs’; as well as the top 10 deals sites. You’ll find all that information in an easy-to-use visual directory created with you in mind, called The AllMyFaves Easy Holiday Gift Guide.

And if that isn’t enough, this week we’re featuring the amazing Amazon Black Friday Deals Week as a Weekly Fave (just click on the logo below). It really does have some great deals, helping you to save money this holiday season!

Happy Holidays!

First Chapters – Top Book Lists – Discover New Books for Free!

First Chapters – Do you enjoy reading and discovering new books? Maybe you’re the kind of person who loves going into bookstores; browsing the Top Book List; and reading the first chapters of titles that catch your eye. Well now you can do that on the internet, from the comfort of your own living room, with FirstChapters, for free!

FirstChapters is an innovative book discovery platform designed with you, the reader, in mind. Browse top-rated book lists, including ‘Pulitzer Prize Winners & Finalists’, ‘New York Times Bestsellers’, ‘USA Today Bestsellers’, ‘Amazon Bestsellers’, or ‘Oprah’s Must Reads’ to read free first chapters of books. Click on the picture below to start finding the best new books for free!

Countdown to Black Friday: Cheap Amazon Deals!

Amazon’s Black Friday Countdown – Oh you lucky, lucky consumers. We all love a good deal, and Black Friday is the greatest deal day of them all.  And basking in its status as “Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company”, it holds a whole WEEK of deals, starting the Monday of Black Friday. And to get us all pumped up and ready, it’s launched a countdown to its week of awesome deals.

I for one literally can’t wait. I’m sitting with my credit card poised at my screen right now… I’m considering whether to spend my birthday money (from the past three years…) on a shiny new iPad. Where better to visualise all my favourite websites on my All My Faves Homepage!? What do you guys want to get a great deal on? Comment, tweet us, let us know!

Wantworthy – Your Ultimate Fashion Wish List

Wantworthy – Find something you want while you’re shopping online but not ready to whip out the plastic? We feel your pain. Keep it safe on your new Wantworthy list. Add to your list from any site as you shop online. Come back later to see all of the items you’ve saved, organize them into groups, get feedback from friends and more.