Sworly: Discover, Listen and Share Music

Sworly provides you with unlimited access to over 20 million songs readily available throughout the web. Why pay when you can get your music for free?

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Dropmark: Cloud-based File Sharing Made Simple & Beautiful

Using Dropmark you can drag files, photos, videos, songs straight from your computer or the web and easily – and beautifully share them in your online, organized collection. 

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Chill – Create & Share Collections of Cool Videos

Chill.com – Facebook may be the master when it comes to sharing photos with your friends; but when it comes to video there’s still something missing: the ability to create a nice big collection of all your videos, and also collections of cool videos you’ve found on any particular subject across the internet, and show them off in one place. And luckily enough for us avid consumers of online video, Chill’s creators have addressed this gap.

You sign up with your Facebook account, follow a few suggested users based on your interests, plus any of your Facebook friends already ‘chilling’. And then you can view cool videos either from a stream of all these users put together, or by clicking on any user’s individual feed. The feeds are great looking, and really do come out like a lovingly created scrapbook of shareable videos. This idea really works best when it comes to creating a ‘collection’ of videos on any particular subject, like this (albeit slightly Apple-geeky) collection of Steve Jobs videos I decided to follow and share for example. And there’s also a bookmarklet that allows you to post videos you find around the net that you like onto your Chill board (and Facebook and/or Twitter if you want!) for you and your friends to view and share on.

A great concept that’s developing a growing following, click here to watch some cool videos on Chill.

This Is My Jam – Share Your Favorite Song with the World

Everybody loves a good jam!

ThisIsMyJam.com – We’ve all got one. A favorite tune. That song you just can’t stop listening to on your fave online music streaming site.

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Mulu – Find Cool Products, Recommend them, Earn Money!

There’s been a lot of conjecture recently about how the average consumer is getting a raw deal while big corporates roll home with all the money. Well with Mulu, you can take some of that money back by creating an account and acting as an endorser of products you like. Every time someone takes up your recommendation, clicks on your link and buys that product, you share a small percentage of the profit from that sale with Mulu (a product on Amazon can make you between 4 and 8 per cent, depending on what it is!)

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Skillshare – Learn New Skills in Your Local Area

Fed up of online classes? Watching virtual people and ridiculous glossy videos, and not being able to ask question or get a personal answer when you don’t understand something? Well, so are the makers of Skillshare!

The site is pretty much an online noticeboard, telling you about classes being put on in your local area (although so far the only way to get listings for places not in the USA is to ‘vote’ for it to be expanded to your area…). And there really are classes about anything, from how to live in New York City rent free, to how to develop your own website. If you think you’re able to teach skills that you have, you can sign up and list your class on the site too. It’s a great idea, we really like it here at All My Faves. To learn more, watch the video below, or click here to share some skills!

Kicksend – Easy Real-Time File Sharing

Kicksend lets you send files of any size to any friend or email. It will also download and organize your files. Sounds simple enough, and well, that’s Kicksend’s mission: to make the act of sharing and receiving files extremely simple and effortless. You’ll have to download their desktop application first, but once you’ve got past that mini milestone, the filesharing fun should begin instantly!

The big question of course is whether it can replace whatever program you already use to send files to your friends. I normally just use Skype for that kind of thing, but if you’re wanting to transfer a large amount of files, like photos, videos etc, then this might be a good solution for you.

Howdy – iPhone App of the Week: Free Photographic & Video Greeting Cards

Howdy! – We have a lot of ways to send personalized cards to friends and family over the internet. But on the iPhone? Well the choice was pretty sparse until Howdy came along rather conveniently. It’s a free app, that allows you to snap a photo or short video, add it to one of their cutesy templates, and then send it as a greeting card to someone you love. We think Howdy works very nicely, and the interface is simple, clean, yet fun. Check out the cool site Howdy’s creators have made before downloading. Just click on the pic to get there.