Summify – The Smart Readers Filter

Summify – Readers accounts (such as Google Reader, Netvibes, etc.) are a great way to stay connected with news and updates of all your blog subscriptions or RSS. But when you add all your Facebook friends’ feeds and Twitter updates, all that information can be overwhelming and time consuming. Summify is here to break it down for you, allowing you to focus on the ‘more important’ updates, leaving out the trivial ones.

How does it do it? Generally speaking, Summify identifies the most shared and discussed items within your areas of interest, and makes these top priority. I took Summify for a test run and was impressed. See the screen shot below of my Summify page based on my Google Reader account. See the video below for an animated explanation of what Summify is all about.

Climate Central – Macro, Micro Climate Change and Everything In-between

Climate Central – This godsend independent nonprofit organization offers the public with all the content, reports and statistics you could possibly imagine on climate change, global warming and energy. Climate Central, acting as a central authoritative source for climate change information, is beautifully designed and truly offers a comprehensive look at the causes, consequences and by products of climate change.

Aside from breaking news, huge library and climopedia, Climate Central also offers a remarkable gallery section that takes the entire topic and understanding of climate change to a whole new level. The gallery offers amazing tools such as graphics, maps, microanimations and collections. See the More CO2, More Poison Ivy graphic below for the tip of Climate Central’s information iceberg.

In short, Climate Central is a most valuable resource to educators, scientists and professionals of the field, or simply curious laypersons such as you and me.

Oddly Enough Blog – Weird but Funny News by Reuters

Oddly Enough Blog – Reuters, the very serious news company has decided to offer a news blog that is anything but serious. Self-proclaimed “News, but not the serious kind,” Oddly Enough is filled with weird photos and even weirder annotations.

So what sort of posts will you find on Oddly Enough? Click the one below for a quick example.

Techdirt – Witty Tech News, A Must Read

Techdirt – With over 700,000 subscribers, Techdirt is definitely a must read blog. What will you find here? Oh, just super smart content about technology, governmental policies and legal issues influencing innovation and growth of companies these days.

It’s not by chance that top Editors of major publications (such as Wired Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Business Week) highly recommend tapping into Techdirt. See this intriguing article on legalizing file sharing in Brazil as an example of the top notch content Techdirt is all about. Other content categories on Techdirt include wireless technology, entrepreneurship, IT and others. I rarely repeat myself when writing posts for the All My Faves blog, but in this case I’ll make an exception: Techdirt is a must read.

The Faster Times – The Best News Portal in the Digital Age

The Faster Times – Although the various long-established newspapers have done their best to adjust to today’s Twitter and Facebook’s lifestyles of users, it seems they’re not quite  there yet. The Faster Times is a promising online news provider that leaves all the other big players in the dust.

Simply visiting the Faster Times homepage will show you just how innovative it is, and I certainly hope you will make this news site a favorite. See this interesting article I found on the Faster Times, and it’s just one of hundreds of other intriguing stories available on the site.

You’re The Boss – Small Businesses are Huge

You’re the Boss – Small business are huge in America and a major issue in the US economy. Many former full time employees have decided to start a new career chapter in their life, being their own boss this time around. The NY Times’ blog You’re the Boss is here for all the small business owners out there, seeking relevant news, tips and tools to make their business stand out.

To start, I recommend reading the article on The Sweet Smell of Marketing Success by MP Mueller. Enjoy.

Gimundo – News to Make You Smile, Every Day

Gimundo – If you’re interested in disconnecting from the violence, stuttering economy and the environmental damage we read about each morning, Gimundo is here to give you a daily dose of good news. According to their About page, Gimundo’s mission is “to bring you the most inspiring news, stories, and videos that we can find.” After exploring their wonderful, beautifully designed website, I can safely say creators Kathryn and Jeff Hawkins certainly keep their promise.

So what kind of content will you find at Gimundo? Kathryn and Jeff have done a great job at offering an array of optimistic, insightful stories for you to discover, including news posts, videos, their take on the ‘best of the web’ and links they liked and wanted to share with their readers. Although most of the videos are taken from other news companies, Gimundo is an absolute must RSS for you reader – you won’t regret it. I especially enjoyed reading about the Tree Life Box and viewing the video of the cutest puppies in America.

Good Noows – A New Way of Reading What’s New

Good Noows – Getting constant online updates on your topics of interest is the easiest thing these days. Making use of facilitation tools such as readers, RSS and email updates is so simple it’s rather redundant. But what if I told you there was a different news update provider out there, one which leaves all the other payers in the information dust? Say hello to Good Noows. This not-only-good-news platform is truly unique in terms of the options it makes available to users. Not only can you choose the news resources to receive updates from (Google news doesn’t allow this yet), but you can switch between an array of display modes to get the perfect visual experience you’re after.

The first screen shot below shows the source selection step (I just love setting my own selection of sources), on the topic of Environment. Naturally, there are numerous topics to choose from such as world and politics, money and finance, travel, you name it.

Another cool attribute Good Noows offers other news update providers don’t -Readers in particular- is the fast headline skimming. Since I’m subscribed to multiple online news providers focusing on technology and communication (TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb and Wired), there are many instances where all three cover the same news story. That means I’m wasting time going over the same general update more times than I need. With Good Noows, all headlines are right then and there, so if you have any overlaps you notice them immediately. All these pluses, in addition to a sleek design, multiple display options and a lot of personal control over content sources make Good Noows a powerful and appealing news platform.