Dear Blank, Please Blank – This long name is the shortest way I can think of to explain what this exquisite site is about. Regularly updated short feed-like messages of anonymous users make up Dear Blank, Please Blank, and this is a must RSS website.
Browse the various categories of anonymous witty, funny and often compelling messages users have submitted, addressed to their in-laws, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, parents, sisters, brothers, colleagues, you name it. Thanks to Hans Johnson and Jared Wunsch from Seattle, Dear Blank Please Blank is here for us to enjoy and explore. Tip: I suggest that you start with the How Dare They category. That is where I found the message below:
To submit your own Dear Blank Please Blank message, click on the Submit icon on the upper right corner.
The Curfew – This super fun web-game project created by Littleloud, published by the UK Channel 4 and written by acclaimed comic book author, Kieron Gillen, is a must stop. What is it, exactly? The Curfew website explains it best: “Set in 2027 [Britain] in the heart of an authoritarian security state, The Curfew could be described as a miniature Canterbury Tales set in a not-so-distant future, where citizens must abide by government security measures and ‘sub citizens’ are placed under curfew at night.”
You will need to work your way in this virtual world and interact with the characters you’ll meet to learn who you can trust and who you can’t, and weather you can make a difference or be part of the herd while others make that change for you. This is exciting, intriguing and beautifully done. What an excellent project!
Twitcam – Experience a whole new kind of Twitter with Twitcam, the priest who has brought together under God tweets and video. How does it work? Set your webcam and turn it on; sign in with your Twitter account log in info; start Twitcamming.
The Twitcam interface looks great, it’s easy to work with and interaction with other twitter users is a lot of fun. Your Twitcam broadcast is automatically posted to Twitter (video description and link), and your following audience sees it all. Twitcam also makes it easy for you to stay connected with your Twitter friends without the need to switch back and forth between the two sites; it’s all accessible from your broadcast page on Twitcam!
When you’re finished with your video, don’t worry; Twitcam archives it so you’ll have it on your page next time you log in. I wonder when there will be an option to video chat on Twitter. I hope Twitcam will take on the challenge…
56 Sage Street – Brought to us by Barclays, this super fun game will teach you how to earn money the right way, avoid scams and fraud, and save up. Play this mission-based game and help your character earn money and rewards within a givin time period. During that time, you will have to work, find a place to stay for the night and eat so you’ll have the strength to work again… The superbly executed game, 56 Sage Street is an innovative way to teach us all on how to live within budget, and how to save up for what’s important.
See if you manage to score all 50 rewards and show your Facebook friends how well you did on the game (sign in with Facebook Connect). And most importantly, enjoy!
Explore Your Memory – BBC always does it right, and their Science & Nature website is no exception. Learn more on and test your brain’s memory functions, both short and long term, and see how well you perform compared to other users who have taken this test.
Don’t worry: this ‘test’ is a great deal of fun and interest. I had the best time exploring subjects such as color identification, short term memory of number sequences, spatial memory and more. I also suggest taking this test a second time, several days after you’ve taken it for the first time. You will still be surprised at how difficult it is to remember certain things (it’ll be different for each of you).
Urlesque – Explore the hottest trends, memes and viral videos currently circulating the Web, all on Urlesque. Browse the site’s various categories; Video, Photo, New Trends, Exclusives, Animals, Humor, Weird, Lists, and The One.
To dive right into the great content on Urlesque, read the article (video included) on Flying Baby Turtles, and see the photo below titled Last Shot – Oh Hai! Enjoy.
Climate Culture – Everybody’s talking about the pressing need to change the way we live today to help the environment and reduce our impact on the planet. That’s obvious. But now for the first time we have an actual fun tool that will help us “make smarter choices that reduce your impact on climate change and save some cash.” That’s right. Climate Culture offers an amazing, creative and bottom line saver you should start making use of a.s.a.p.
To make our footprint’s impact more comprehensible and proportioned, Climate Culture assigns you an island that reflects your current effect on the environment; you’ll see there coal and gas power plants, transit forms, work area, etc. As you continue to commit to reducing your impact via Reduction Center (see screen shot below), you will earn more points, save cash and see your island -your life- become greener and more sustainable. Climate Culture offers an innovative, fun and most importantly, effective community tool to help each and every one of us improve both our life and the environment. Kudos, Climate Culture!
Ranker – Top 10 lists of virtually any possible category humanly imaginable, Ranker offers community-based lists of everything (that’s why they call it ‘rank the universe’) from facts, film, travel, universities and beers to auto models, entertainment, artwork and many, many others.
Using Ranker is fun and easy, but simply sitting back and exploring the top 10 lists other users have created is also entertaining. Simply browse the offered categories on the left hand-side of the homepage, see the recommended Site We Love section, or create a list of your own. I wanted to share with you an interesting list of Companies With The Worst Customer Service.
Photovisi – Create your customized photo collage with this exciting free service by Photovisi. Choose a template, background color and added shapes, and upload photos (these can be from your PC, webcam, mobile device, etc.). Next, you can play with the photos’ position on your canvas and arrange them as you wish. This is a great deal of fun and the best part about it is that Photovisi also offers free download and sharing of your collage, and for a small fee you can also order prints and mugs of your photo creation.
Here’s my personal collage made up of a couple of photos of my cat, my summer feet and a winter day’s rainbow.
SinFest – Online since March 2000 (!), SinFest is one of the best webcomics resources you will find. What’s the difference between regular comics and webcomics, you might ask? Well, it’s pretty straightforward; comics = printed books, webcomics = online pages. All of the SinFest webcomics were created by the most talented Tatsuya Ishida, a person with what seems like an infinite amount of creativity and charm. They also all have to do with the devil, sins, the Cross and religion; if these issues and/or making fun of them is offensive to you, I suggest you skip SinFest.
Explore the site’s archive of many many webcomics of years past, or start by clicking on the two here below and follow your own path once you’re inside SinFest.
Twaggies – This funny and creative site is unusual in the most positive sense, offering original and totally hilarious illustrations and graphics, usually accompanied by sarcastic/downright funny commentary. Having scored the crown of the Weekly Blogs, Twaggies nailed the Weekly Fave spot last week and it’s also one of my personal favorites.
Twaggies does it right: a sort of a creative visual tweet generator, each post is short, composed of one illustration or visual creation, and you are invited to follow that visual’s creator on Twitter. Moreover, navigating through the site is easy and appealing; you can dig the archive, choose a category or click the Random Twag Generator for maximized entertainment. That is how I found this lovely visual, created by @xenijardin. Enjoy.
Lost in Val Sinestra – Another Facebook Connect movie creator, Lost in Val Sinestra is a scary movie with your Facebook friends as the cast. It’s beautifully done and it’s always cool to see your or your friends’ faces on the screen as part of a professionally made film. Enjoy.