
Programmr: Learn To Code And Interact With Other Programmers

Programmr is an online teaching tool for aspiring programmers as well as those that already…

My 80s TV: Watch TV Beamed Straight From The 80s

My 80s TV is a website that recreates the experience of watching television in the…

Wasted Humanity: Waste Time Seeing How Long We Waste Time

Wasted Humanity measures how long society has "wasted" on specific YouTube videos. Plug the URL…

QuizUp: The World’s Biggest Trivia Game

QuizUp is your new favourite trivia game. Challenge people around the world and your friends…

Open Me: Leave Boring Cards Behind

Open Me takes a new approach to sending cards by allowing you to customize a…

Wearable Movie: Coca-Cola’s Onilne Stop-Motion Animation Film

Wearable Movie is a site that hosts an incredible short stop-motion animation film created by…

Uniiverse: Try Something New

Connecting people to their new favorite activity. Uniiverse helps you host and promote your event…

Weavly – Smooth GIF Creation

Weavly allows you to edit existing videos to create your own GIFs to unleash on…

Evver: Classy Slideshows in the Blink of an Eye

The days of monotonous photo-scrolling are over. Evver gives you the power to make crisp,…

PostGradProblems: Outlet for Generation Y Frustration

PostGradProblems offers a forum for sharing the lowered expectations of post-graduate reality. Entry level employees…

UsVsTh3m: The Daily Comedy Competition Where Everyone Wins

UsVsTh3m compiles original comedic content and pits it head to head against the best funny…

Face-GIFer: Create Your Own GIFs

Face-GIFer lets you build a cartoon gif in the style of the cartoons found on…

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