QuizUp: The World’s Biggest Trivia Game

QuizUp is your new favourite trivia game. Challenge people around the world and your friends in over 250 topics that range from pop culture to math to world flags.

The Most Addictive Game Since Candy Crush

The idea behind QuizUp is simple enough: choose from over 250 topics, and compete in a quick trivia style game by either challenging your friends, or people from around the world. This is my new favorite app for iPhone, and I’m confident this game has the potential to replace the Candy Crush craze. Not only is it beautifully designed, but the quality of the game of outstanding. The range of topics ensure that there is something for everyone to enjoy, such as movies, word definitions, and even more specific topics like boy bands. What they fail to mention in the description is that before you know it, it’s 3:00am, and you’re trying to secure one of QuizUp’s “prestigious” titles, such as The Legionary (winning 100 matches). I’m so close, thanks to having seen every episode of Friends at least 25 times.

Show Off Your Knowledge in Anything

After turning my sister onto QuizUp, we got into a pretty heated dual in which I came out victorious in most topics (it’s about time I’m better at her in something). We were both strong in the celebrities category, but really have no clue what the Slovakian flag looks like (or most flags, for that matter). This is my favorite feature. Being able to challenge your friends takes this game to the next level because it makes it social. It’s also cool to see where your competitors are located, and that no matter where they’re from, everyone recognizes the McDonalds logo. With an impressive amount of topics available, it’s impossible to get bored of this game. Maybe if I’m feeling particularly risky, I’ll try my luck with geography or ancient Roman historyas long as it doesn’t threaten my winning streak.

Emily Mendel:

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