self improvement

Forest: Stay Focused, Be Present

Forest is an app that helps you stay focused in a pleasant way. (more…)

Habitica: Gamify Your Life

Habitica is a self-help app in which you gamify your life. (more…)

HabitMinder: Healthy Habit Reminder App

HabitMinder is an app that helps you stay on track with your healthy habits and…

Sick Day Box: Everything You Need To Make It Through A Sick Day

Sick Day Box contains everything you need to make it through a sick day. (more…)

ENDPAIN: Reimagining The Way We Think About Pain

Unfortunately there is a stigma that pain of any kind is something to hide. ENDPAIN…

Stop, Breathe & Think: Guided Meditations Tailored to your Emotions

In today's world, it's hard to live a busy life. One thing in the day…

Glyco Leap: A Smart Coach for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes can be hard to manage without any help for many, but they…

Crisis Text Line: Text-based Counseling Service

Crisis can strike anyone and at any time and the Crisis Text Line is here…

Shine: Daily Texts for Self-Fulfillment

Sometimes it's hard to get your day going, but make getting up a little easier…

The Habit List: Build a Better You

Habit List is everything you need to reach your goals and more. (more…)

Mission 360: Meditation and Fitness, Anywhere

Make time to strengthen your body, enrich your spirit and expand your mind from anywhere…

Prelude Character Analysis: Find and Compare Personality Types

Prelude Character Analysis helps people succeed in their lives through a practical understanding of personality.…

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