Uniiverse: Try Something New

Connecting people to their new favorite activity. Uniiverse helps you host and promote your event to an open-minded community.

So, what’s Happening?

If you’re tired of going to the same bars every Friday and Saturday, Uniiverse can connect you to interesting events you might not find otherwise. Their free service allows you to browse by category–sports, drinking, culture…anything you want. Many promoters are looking for some easy publicity, so they offer their event/services at great prices. I found guitar lessons for $20 an hour, a photographer for $25 an hour, and cross-training for $10 an hour, all within 10 miles of my home. Whether you are looking to learn a new skill, get in shape, or just meet up with new people, Uniiverse can connect you with the perfect event.

I’ll Tell you what’s Happening…

Facebook events are easily ignored or brushed aside, but on Uniiverse users are looking for events, so they are more likely to attend. The Uniiverse community emphasizes authenticity in the hope of attracting trustworthy people to their events. There is a strong social component to many of the events; hosts often advertise their activity as “a great way to meet people!” The site allows you to invite people to your events using social media platforms, and they can even pay directly through Uniiverse (with a small service charge).


Danny Rosenberg:

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