GeoEye – Google Earth, Above You!

GeoEye – Here’s how GeoEye describe themselves: “GeoEye, Inc. is a premier provider of superior satellite and aerial imagery, location information products and image processing services. Our products and services enable timely, accurate and accessible location intelligence that translates into timely and vital insights for our customers, anywhere and at any time.”

Although this sounds very corporate-y, it’s super cool to know the GeoEye uses an actual satellite to take these amazing pictures. I’d just skip right to the website’s gallery section (over 100 amazing images!) and then you’ll understand why GeoEye is so great at what it does. I’ve included two images that blew me away: Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, Africa, and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. I highly recommend reading the annotation accompanying each image. Click the images and you’ll get their respective page plus annotation.

Amazing Pics – A Tumblr with a Keen Eye for Drama

Amazing Pics – This tumblr page belongs to an anonymous user who has the ability to identify pictures that speak much louder than words. A former Weekly Blog, this one’s a winner and it got the most clicks out of the entire lineup that week.

Each picture is pouring with drama and interest such as the one below which appeared on Gizmodo:

Rentalic – The New Green and Friendly Economy

Rentalic – Now there’s finally a solution to all those unused household items and old appliances you keep stored away in your basement: rent them to people who need them. Sounds surreal? Just visit Rentalic and a whole new world of income and sharing opportunities will open up to you.

Rentalic’s basic concept is so simple and useful, it’s surprising no one had thought of it before. Rent out your bicycle for a week or rent someone’s 4-persons tent for your weekend camping with friends. All these and numerous other options are available to you on Rentalic, all with the added value of saving money, helping others and making the world a more sustainable place. Rentalic is the perfect rental marketplace! See the photo below as an example of what people from San Francisco are renting out.

Gather – Community-Generated Content

Gather – This site offers a totally different approach to staying up to date with what’s going on in the world and in our life. It is “the place where millions and millions of people come for fresh perspective on what’s happening now. Gather members can share their own views and join in conversation with others who share their interests.” Thanks to their broad network of talented freelance writers and dedicated members, Gather offers great content for over 15,000 (!) groups.

See this cool gardening group I found on Gather. I think I’ll join this group to get some much needed tips on how to keep my plants alive and well…

Climate Central – Macro, Micro Climate Change and Everything In-between

Climate Central – This godsend independent nonprofit organization offers the public with all the content, reports and statistics you could possibly imagine on climate change, global warming and energy. Climate Central, acting as a central authoritative source for climate change information, is beautifully designed and truly offers a comprehensive look at the causes, consequences and by products of climate change.

Aside from breaking news, huge library and climopedia, Climate Central also offers a remarkable gallery section that takes the entire topic and understanding of climate change to a whole new level. The gallery offers amazing tools such as graphics, maps, microanimations and collections. See the More CO2, More Poison Ivy graphic below for the tip of Climate Central’s information iceberg.

In short, Climate Central is a most valuable resource to educators, scientists and professionals of the field, or simply curious laypersons such as you and me.

Climate Culture – Minimizing Our Environmental Footprint

Climate Culture – Everybody’s talking about the pressing need to change the way we live today to help the environment and reduce our impact on the planet. That’s obvious. But now for the first time we have an actual fun tool that will help us “make smarter choices that reduce your impact on climate change and save some cash.” That’s right. Climate Culture offers an amazing, creative and bottom line saver you should start making use of a.s.a.p.

To make our footprint’s impact more comprehensible and proportioned, Climate Culture assigns you an island that reflects your current effect on the environment; you’ll see there coal and gas power plants, transit forms, work area, etc. As you continue to commit to reducing your impact via Reduction Center (see screen shot below), you will earn more points, save cash and see your island -your life- become greener and more sustainable. Climate Culture offers an innovative, fun and most importantly, effective community tool to help each and every one of us improve both our life and the environment. Kudos, Climate Culture!

Gazelle – Get Hard Cash for Old Gadgets

Gazelle – This site truly offers a refreshing and rewarding solution for the old gadgets lying around in your house. Gazelle offers “a practical, rewarding way for people to finally rid themselves of all those old cell phones, digital cameras, and gaming systems that they no longer use, but can’t seem to find a way to let go of.”

The Gazelle service surpasses those of other electronics recycling programs because its green approach not only means they ensure your old gadget is put to reuse, but they also reward donors with hard cash! Saving the environment and getting paid for it? Yes, please. – You Can Help: Sign the Petition! – “Be the one to restore America’s Gulf” is what this petition by Women of the Storm organization is asking of you, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t do your part. Founded in 2006, Women of the Storm is a non for profit organization established “in response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina, Women of the Storm is a diverse, non-political, nonpartisan group of women from the New Orleans area and across South Louisiana.”

Now focused on restoring America’s gulf environment from the blight caused by the BP oil spill, Women of the Storm has created the Be the One site to direct the US citizens power toward the American government so as to make the Gulf’s restoration an immediate reality. I’ve already signed the petition. What about you? See the video below for more information.

See The Difference You Can Make – Earth Hour

Earth Hour At 8PM on March 29, 24 cities around the world will turn off their lights. What began as one city (Sydney, Australia) taking a stand against global warming caught the attention of the world. This act has been created in order to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced. Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming. Wherever you look around – Planet Earth is slowing down so if you can’t change the world change yourself! Earth Hour.

Here at AllMyFaves we try to support each week new initiatives for good causes. We are taking this opportunity to round up a few of the causes that we featured on our Weekly Faves. This way you can take a stand and see how can you make a difference.

Stuff StuffHave you ever wondered where does our stuff come from and where does it go and will it end one day or will we always be able to produce more and more …. Stuff is a 20 minutes video that takes you through the underside of our production and consumption patterns. Stuff has been executed unexceptionable. The animation is simple, the narration is clear, the plot of the story holds you fascinated and above all it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever. It seems that except for recycling and maybe walking instead of taking the car, we as individuals don’t have an impact on the world – WRONG !!!! Watch the video and you will discover many ways you can help the environment, for example – Shop Less – Yes, you heard me, it sounds odd however it really does have an impact. Are you a facebook member – Join the Stop Global Warming cause. Please watch the vid, you won’t regret it.

Carbonrally Carbonrally – Are you passionate about reducing carbon emissions? The issue seems just too big for any single person to make a meaningful difference – MISTAKE. 672 Rallyers have reduced CO2 emissions by over 13.0 tons so far! That’s equal to turning off the electricity of 10 homes for about 1 month! Join the Carbonrally community, help reduce global warming. You can make a difference.

riverwired RiverWired – RiverWired scours the world and the web for the best writers, bloggers, photographers, videographers and filmmakers. After filtering the content it is divided into six easy-to-navigate categories. All this in order to help you live a little greener – and have a lot of fun.

life must go on Life must go onThis is a blog which is written by 2 friends. One lives in Sajaia refugee camp in Gaza and the other lives in Sderot, a small town near Gaza on the Israeli side. There is ongoing violence between Israel and Gaza which has intensified greatly since October 2000. Many have been killed and many have been injured. The media coverage on both sides has been extremely biased. The blog is written by 2 real people living and communicating on both sides of the border.

viropop VIROPOP – Well, you could think of it as a salad. It’s green, sure, but also cool, fresh, crisp and tasty. Full of surprises. Above all it is good for you. I will simplify it, VIROPOP strives to making you greener but in a fun way. Maker sure you check their ZapRoot – ZapRoot is a quick weekly zap of usable news that goes straight to the root of some of the most intriguing environmental issues. I was astonished discovering that Biofuel cars are probably worse (for the environment) than cars running on oil.

dailygreen The Daily Green – The Daily Green is a great green website for regular people. It emphasizes the importance of being Green but it isn’t dramatic and that is exactly what the people need in order to be more green. Mahatma Gandhi said “Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.” The Daily Green comes with a lot of love, showing us how to be greener by useful tips, organic food recipes and cool articles – Will Brad Pitt Become a Green Movie Star Mayor? Lets try and be a bit greener with a smile, before enforcement will be required.

ConsolesClash of the Consoles – Game consoles contain toxic chemicals and can contribute to the massive growth of electronic waste that’s often dumped, causing widespread environmental pollution and health problems. The game consoles manufacturers can help the environment by taking the following steps: 1. Clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances. 2. Takeback and recycle their products responsibly once they become obsolete. So which console do you own? Write your console manufacturer a letter – Dear Mr Satoru Iwata (Nintendo), Dear Mr Ballmer (Microsoft), Dear Sig. Stringer (Sony). You can make a change!

Free Rice FreeRice – A great vocabulary quiz-game. Play it and realize how many you’ve forgotten since you left school. Also, for each right answer, give grains of rice to end world hunger. Great Game. Great Cause.

breast cancer The Breast Cancer Site – Just click here and then click the pink box, thats it. Your clicks will help provide free mammograms for women in need. Do you want to know more? well it has been reviewed fully on our blog. Donating has never been easier. Do the right thing. Click!

razoo RazooTheThe once wrote a song called Lonely Planet, the song lyrics talk about you, me and how we can change the world and I am quoting. “If you can’t change the world change yourself, And if you can’t change yourself …Then change the world” Razoo is all about changing the world. Go ahead. Change the world.

Do The Green Thing Do The Green Thing – Who said that being green should be a hassle, make it fun. Being green isn’t something new, numerous sites and many articles all talk about the importance of being green. So whats new? Nothing, except for the fact that “Green Thing” is a community that makes it easy and enjoyable being a bit greener but with a smile. Try it. Be Green. Be Nice.