LaughFactory – Described as the No. 1 comedy club in the country by USA Today, LaughFactory will bring you to the brink of asphyxiation in the best meaning possible. I guarantee you are going to laugh so hard, and I’m sure you will become addicted to this site in no time.
LaughFactory is a long-established (since 1979), star factory of America’s best comedians who started their comedy career at this renowned club. Some of the big names include Roseanne Barr, Jim Carrey, Jeff Dunham, Kathy Griffin and many, many others. The site is pouring with supreme comedy videos, and even their New Faces category, which in other comedy club sites is less than mediocre, over exceeded my expectations.
Explore the various content options LaughFactory has to offer, including Comedians, Channels, Magazines, my favorite -Videos, Contests, Joke Bank, and of course, Tickets. If you’re at work when browsing this site, be careful; you could easily find yourself still roaming around when the day is over… Enjoy the short video below of Laugh Factory’s ‘new face’ Mathew Taylor, talking about the perks of having a GPS. Enjoy.
Exercise TV – Searching for fitness and exercise guides on the Web is easy -there are thousands of sources out there. But Exercise TV truly is a hardcore, no nonsense fitness resource you’d better tune into, because if you’re serious, really serious about losing weight and keeping it off, Exercise TV is your godsend helper.
Just by exploring their Video section, one gets the sense that Exercise TV is dead serious on doing it right, and physically challenging your body to get long-term results while keeping you healthy. Although not all content on Exercise TV is free (extensive workout plans are available for $$), there are many videos and information you can use without any obligation whatsoever.
I’ve never really given kick boxing a chance, and I think it’s time to move on to something that’s high-paced and challenging. See the video that inspired me, below. Be sure to consult your physician before your workout using Exercise TV.
Explore Your Memory – BBC always does it right, and their Science & Nature website is no exception. Learn more on and test your brain’s memory functions, both short and long term, and see how well you perform compared to other users who have taken this test.
Don’t worry: this ‘test’ is a great deal of fun and interest. I had the best time exploring subjects such as color identification, short term memory of number sequences, spatial memory and more. I also suggest taking this test a second time, several days after you’ve taken it for the first time. You will still be surprised at how difficult it is to remember certain things (it’ll be different for each of you).
The Decorista – Interior design can be a blessing if it’s done right, and conversely, a terrible collection of mismatched items if you don’t know what you are doing. Thankfully, The Decorista, created by the professional and talented Ashlina, is here to help. Don’t rely solely on Ikea to make your home the beautifully designed crib you’re looking for. You’ll need the assistance of the creative eye on this one.
Ashlina gathers all the best and most inspiring interior design ideas on the Web and neatly presents them to her readers. I just love her taste and I can only wish I could have made my own apartment look like the photos you’ll find on the Decorista. Armed with a degree in interior design and experience of decorating people’s homes, Ashlina offers a decor gem worth exploring. See the photo below of Art + Room taken from Lona de Anna. Lovely!
Photography Served – Brought to us by the always satisfying Behance Network, Photography Served can only mean yet another form of visual bliss. The site describes itself as a collection of “fresh works from leading creative professionals,” and that’s a gross understatement. You will find nothing short of top notch, magazine quality photography here, and each photo is even more inspiring than the previous one.
Below are a couple of photos I was mesmerized by and wanted to share. In addition, I recommend exploring our Photography mini page for additional photography resources and how-to’s if you are interested.
Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright; photographed and retouched by Greg Bennett
Earth by Navid Baraty
Steak and Jake – You will have to be quick with matching your colors to make sure the milk cow has a clear path to proceed and collect coins. For more great and fun games, be sure to visit our I♥GAMES page, and be the first of our readers to play new addicting games on the Web.
Wakerupper – Chosen as one of the 50 Best Websites of 2010 by, Wakerupper is so simple and useful we just had to give it a Weekly Fave spot. As you might infer from its name, Wakerupper is a computer-to-phone wakeup call and reminder service. Use this tool as a great reminder for meetings, to-do’s, birthdays and anniversaries, and picking up your family members from yoga class, soccer or any other recreational activity.
If you’re not sure Wakerupper is right for you, give the service a shot by scheduling a test call for free. Wakerupper currently works only in the US and Canada, so I’m afraid using this service for an overseas meeting or wake up call is not an option. Hopefully with time Wakerupper will be available in other location as well.
Foodspotting – As opposed to the standard research-and-read restaurant reviews, Foodspotting offers an out of the box and in-your-plate take on food recommendations. According to their About page, “Foodspotting makes finding and sharing food recommendations easier: Instead of reading and writing reviews of restaurants, you can share photos of specific foods you recommend and see what’s good wherever you go.”
Foodspotting offers so much more than just dish recommendations with mouth-watering photos you can almost smell and taste; make use of the site’s Guides section where you will find recommendations made by renowned chefs such as Anthony Bourdain, Marcus Samuelsson, and Zagat restaurant recommendations, just to name a few. Foodspotting also has a feed page (People section) where users publish short Twitter-like messages for the rest of the community to explore. See the video below to learn more about the Foodspotting iPhone app.
Techdirt – With over 700,000 subscribers, Techdirt is definitely a must read blog. What will you find here? Oh, just super smart content about technology, governmental policies and legal issues influencing innovation and growth of companies these days.
It’s not by chance that top Editors of major publications (such as Wired Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Business Week) highly recommend tapping into Techdirt. See this intriguing article on legalizing file sharing in Brazil as an example of the top notch content Techdirt is all about. Other content categories on Techdirt include wireless technology, entrepreneurship, IT and others. I rarely repeat myself when writing posts for the All My Faves blog, but in this case I’ll make an exception: Techdirt is a must read.
Online ConVert – I just love it when a website offers a useful service for free, without any background noise. That’s the case with Online ConVert, a ridiculously simple conversion site for practically any type of media file you can think of.
Use Online ConVert to handle all your audio, video, image, document, eBook and hash files and transform them to the file type you’re looking for in your desired category. Oh, and the best part? No download is required. Period. That’s just wonderful. – Homeless people have practically become invisible by you, me and everyone else, as everyone walking down the street intentionally avoid eye contact with ‘those people.’ We simply continue on, minding our own business, thinking homelessness is someone else’s problem. Well, it’s not. That’s why is here, to throw it right at your face. That’s our society’s reality, folks. We might as well come to terms with it and see these people for what they are: they’re the same as you and me, trying to make a better life for themselves.
This most compelling vblog by a former homeless person is touching, difficult at times yet extremely poignant. Made up of videos of actual homeless people across America, aims to make us open our eyes and acknowledge all those men, women and children who are striving for life’s basic needs on a daily basis. This vblog truly makes the invisible visible again, pointing out the need for our admission, recognition and realization. That’s it.
To start exploring InvisiblePeople, I suggest you first read the About page, then start exploring the videos. Mind you, some are hard to watch. Below are the stories of Dennis from New Orleans, and of Candace and her children in Missouri.
Yes Yes Y’all – A music and artists center here to help others on their way to music creation, Yes Yes Y’all is a beautiful website with this declared aim: “to promote and push the artist first and foremost. We want to help support them and you in the best way possible and if anything try to help artists and listeners in these times of change.”
Superbly designed and unique in character, Yes Yes Y’all is all about bringing up the good in music creativity and helping artists on their way to making their mark. Explore the site’s Radio section (it’s amazing), the blog, and Channel Y. If you’re in the field, help yourself and submit your music. Cruise among big name artists such as Kayne West, Bon Iver, Pariah and many other talented creators. Great concept, excellent music, design and user participation? Yes Yes Y’all!