All My Faves Video – Hottest Videos Served Daily

AMF Video – Explore All My Faves’ most recent addition, our spanking new videos page. You will find here only the hottest viral videos circulating and buzzing around the Web, listed under these categories: Humor, Tech, Music, TV & Celebs, News & Politics, Movies, and Sports.

Updated on a daily basis, the video page presents unique and entertaining videos you won’t easily find elsewhere. Powered by PopScreen, this amazing video page truly offers high quality, censured content suitable for the entire family. You are invited to vote for your favorite videos, and share them with friends and family. To see a closer look at the videos you’ll find on this cool page, see the screen shot below of the viewing mode on the page, as well as the actual video of OK Go’s new music video.

By the way, for more video sources (including educational, inspiring and how-to’s) I recommend stopping by our Video mini page.

8tracks – Creating and Sharing Playlists

8tracks – Playlists galore, this not-so-new web radio site has slowly and rather stealthy grew to capture many users’ and our attention. Completely free and easy to use, 8tracks invites users to create playlists listing at least eight tracks, share these with others and follow other users’ profiles and tastes. According to their About page, 8tracks “offers a simple way for people to share and discover music through an online mix, a short playlist…”

Even if you’re not dead set on creating your own playlist, I encourage you to sign up and try it nonetheless. The music quality is superb, and you can filter your search by clicking one of the various genre buttons on the homepage. In addition, you can simply sit back and enjoy other users’ playlists. That’s how I came across the blues playlist of eight tracks, all dedicated to the best drink that goes along with blues: whiskey.

Food on the Table – Stress-free Meals for Busy Families

Food on the Table – Unique in every possible way, this practical site’s concept “was born out of a need to get organized with menu planning, to create easy prep meals that everyone enjoyed and to save time and money at the grocery store.”

So, how does Food on the Table work, exactly? After you sign up (the basic plan is free, upgraded plans are available), submit your zip code and locate the various supermarkets in your area, and choose your top three. Next, set your taste preferences and food categories you are interested in. Then, click on Meal Plan and see which items are on sale based on your supermarket and food items settings. All you need to do next is buy the items and cook up a meal that’s within your budget and suited to your taste buds and nutrition plan.

Food on the Table is a great service, and it truly is a bliss for all the busy multi-child families out there where parents come back home from work to job no. 2 (family time). Thanks to Food on the Table, creating a healthy meal that’s on budget, on time and good is easy and quick.

ooVoo – Online Communication Taken to a New Level

ooVoo – Video chat is all but new. Google does it, so does Skype; MSN offers it as part of their Messenger service, and online video conferencing is also provided by Rounds. And this is just a quick list. ooVoo tries to be different, and in fact, based on a recent study commissioned by ooVoo, 8 out of 10 Skype users apparently prefer ooVoo over the former.

Let’s see how it measures up to or, if it really exceeds Skype as ooVoo claims. In terms of features, ooVoo offers video chat, video conferencing, phone calls and desktop sharing (that’s right). Right off the bat, desktop sharing is a crucial business tool I can definitely see coming into high use. Secondly, the ooVoo video chat is possible with friends and colleagues who don’t have ooVoo installed. You simply provide them with a certain link you receive from ooVoo after you sign up, and your friends’ browser will use that link to get in visual touch.

So, final verdict? ooVoo is easy to use, the sound and visual quality is terrific (which reminds me of those countless times when Skype lacked sound and video quality), and the video chat feature is free. I’m going to switch from Skype and give ooVoo a real test drive. Seems worth it!

The complete list of all ooVoo’s features is right there on their homepage. You should also check out their business solutions overview. See the screen shot below of my ooVoo profile, offering the video chat link for friends ooVoo-less. That’s ingenious!

Dear Blank, Please Blank – Short Frustration Venting Wrapped Up in Laughs

Dear Blank, Please Blank – This long name is the shortest way I can think of to explain what this exquisite site is about. Regularly updated short feed-like messages of anonymous users make up Dear Blank, Please Blank, and this is a must RSS website.

Browse the various categories of anonymous witty, funny and often compelling messages users have submitted, addressed to their in-laws, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, parents, sisters, brothers, colleagues, you name it. Thanks to Hans Johnson and Jared Wunsch from Seattle, Dear Blank Please Blank is here for us to enjoy and explore. Tip: I suggest that you start with the How Dare They category. That is where I found the message below:

To submit your own Dear Blank Please Blank message, click on the Submit icon on the upper right corner.

Makers Market – Geeks Are Creative, Too

Makers Market – For those of you who already know Etsy and like the concept of directly buying art and accessories from the artist who made them, you should also add Makers Market to your list of artisan shopping. Makers Market is “a curated market place of wonderful science, tech and artistic creations created and sold directly by some of our favorite Makers from around the World. – From the creators of Make and Boing Boing.”

There are thousands of products here for sale, listed under categories such as tech, science, arts & crafts, home + life (my favorite), wearables, music, even services. Makers Market is a remarkable venue for all those geeky artists to show off their talent and sell their amazing creations. Great initiative, superb execution and gorgeous products make this site a personal favorite.

Oddly Enough Blog – Weird but Funny News by Reuters

Oddly Enough Blog – Reuters, the very serious news company has decided to offer a news blog that is anything but serious. Self-proclaimed “News, but not the serious kind,” Oddly Enough is filled with weird photos and even weirder annotations.

So what sort of posts will you find on Oddly Enough? Click the one below for a quick example.

Notes from the Stall – Deep Philosophy or Sheer Boredom?

Notes from the stall – This site scored the Weekly Blog crown during its week, so we included it in last week’s Weekly Faves. Notes from the stall is described as “the best in bathroom graffiti, tile lines and toilet verse. Always lemony fresh and never crude.”

Reading the declarations, statements and questions here on this blog will make some of you think we’re dealing with intense philosophical truths while others would call it rubbish. Either way it’s interesting, funny and sometimes poignantly sad. The masses have spoken and now the walls (stalls to be exact) are responding… Enjoy.

The Curfew – Play Your Way to Change

The Curfew – This super fun web-game project created by Littleloud, published by the UK Channel 4 and written by acclaimed comic book author, Kieron Gillen, is a must stop. What is it, exactly? The Curfew website explains it best: “Set in 2027 [Britain] in the heart of an authoritarian security state, The Curfew could be described as a miniature Canterbury Tales set in a not-so-distant future, where citizens must abide by government security measures and ‘sub citizens’ are placed under curfew at night.”

You will need to work your way in this virtual world and interact with the characters you’ll meet to learn who you can trust and who you can’t, and weather you can make a difference or be part of the herd while others make that change for you. This is exciting, intriguing and beautifully done. What an excellent project!

Neon Rider World – High Riders Only

Neon Rider World – Drive your bike as quick as you can while making it through the bumpy path and obstacles. Use the W, A, S and D keys to navigate, accelerate and stop. Use your arrow keys to change the neon colors of your bike. For more exciting games, be sure to visit our I♥GAMES page for the hottest updates on the newest, most addicting online games on the Web.

LucyPhone – Good Things Come to Those Who Don’t Wait

LucyPhone – This free service is a true godsend. Don’t you just hate it when you call your cable or phone company, and end up waiting forever for an actual person to take your call, while in the meantime you’re forced to listen to the worst elevator music ever? LucyPhone is here, ladies and gentlemen, and it’s a blessing.

Forget about long speaker-mode calls on hold, waiting for that utility company’s customer service representative to finally talk to you. Simply search for a company or type in the toll-free number into the site’s text box, provide Lucy with a phone number you can be reached at, and lovely Lucy will call you when an actual human on the other side can take your call. In one word – Hallelujah! – The Tube’s Time Machine – Go back in time with, a huge video-based time capsule offering great historic and entertaining videos of various themes (video games, television, commercials, current events, sports, movies and music). Play with the year bar on top to see videos representing crucial and interesting moments in a specific year -as early as 1870!

To see an example of what I mean, see the video below by the film pioneer brother Louis Lumières , shooting the street on Broadway and Union Square, New York in 1896. Oh, and if you have an interesting video you think should be included in YTTM’s colossal collection, click the Add A Video button and pay your tribute to history.