Posted on Monday, January 14th, 2008 by Shachar Pessis
Check out some of AllMyFaves latest discoveries. Every week we review as many as 200 sites in order to bring you our top 10 list. In order to never miss a fave, make sure you subscribe through E-mail (on the right) or by RSS.
iMedix – Are you feeling sick? Headache? Migraine? Are you dripping, blowing or hacking? I am not asking all the above questions to make you miserable. Unfortunately, being sick is part of life, so better cope wisely than ignore it. iMedix is a health social search engine, enter a health term and you will find comprehensive health information from the top sources across the web, go deeper and share your personal knowledge with people that experienced similar symptoms. Be Healthy!
TheSixtyOne – TheSixtyOne has established itself as the digg of Indie music. How does it work? Musicians upload their music for listening, but rather than allowing the Simon Cowells of the world decide which songs go on the homepage, the listeners do. How, you say? If you like a song you’ve found on TheSixtyOne, just click the “bump” button to increase its bump count. Doing so will cost you points, but if songs you bump get bumped by others, you can earn more points. Collecting points increases your level and reflects your skill in picking top songs in your favorite genre. Please bump thriller – I love this cover! If you would look in deep you may find a few mainstream artists… My Morning Jacket, Infected Mushroom, Beastie Boys.
io9 – io9 is an outstanding new science fiction blog that will show you a new world that’s shockingly different from what you’re used to. On io9 you will find articles about science fiction in every format: books, movies, TV, Web, comics, games, art, music, and fashion. Good science fiction begins with the present, where the line between what’s real and what’s speculative grows fainter every day – io9 delivers it unexceptionably. Check my Glowing Cube.
Buxfer – The name Buxfer is an abbreviation of “bucks” and “transfer” (since Buxfer tracks your money transfers). You can also think of Buxfer as an abbreviation of “buddy” and “transfer” (since Buxfer tracks money transfers among friends).
So really – what is Buxfer? Buxfer is an online place that helps you manage your money. You can monitor all your accounts at a single place, analyze and visualize your expenses and you can
Wellsphere – Concerned about your health? Do you perform aerobics, pilates on a regular basis? Do you eat healthy food? All these questions are important questions however how do you know if you are doing the right activity for U !!!! Wellsphere is here for U !!!! Check what people similar to you do, how do they keep healthy, learn from their experience – Want more? Back it up by checking related articles from a huge health database. So … A recent study showed that workouts were more effective in the evening as opposed to morning workouts. What do you think?
MyStudiyo – You can divide the users of MyStudiyo to 2 kind of people. People that like asking questions and people that like answering questions. Feel like asking and challenging other people – make a quiz and share it with the world by link or embeded on your site/blog. Feel like testing your IQ – answer questions and see how smart you are compared to others. My 2 faves quizzes are: The Optical Illusion Quiz and The 7 Amazing Finance Facts of 2007. Ask, Answer and above all Have Fun!
Ripoff Report – Do you feel like a victim of Rip-off? Don’t let them get away with it, let the truth be known – File a report. Ripoff Report is a worldwide consumer reporting Web site and publication, by consumers, for consumers, to file and document complaints about companies or individuals. I always have the feeling I am ripped off by the cellular companies, well the curiosity killed the cat so I checked if I am the only one out there, apparently not, check reports about several companies – AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon.
Friends Abroad – When I was younger I traveled with my girlfriend to Central America. Oh Central America I miss you sooo much, we had a heck of a time… Time passed and we broke up – shit happens. So I decided to travel to Colombia. Oh Colombia is amazing. I hooked up with 2 locals Marce and Fredrico, we had a splendid time, a blast!!! I enjoyed both visits very much, however, the difference was that on the later occasion I truly learned to speak spanish. Entonces make friends abroad and learn a new language – it is the only way.
1MiniYou – Oh Bobble Head, you always think that you will get bored with it but you never do. Now you can create your own personal customized figurine by choosing your clothes, positions and by sending your digital photo 1MiniYou will prepare a handmade Bobble Head of YOU!
Cursor 10 – Your goal is to make it to the 16th floor by clicking on the staircase in each room. You get 10 chances. Once your time runs out, you start with the next cursor, but the previous cursor is along for the ride. Tricky at first. Still Confused ?!?!?!? Check this walk through (but only after you attempted solving it yourself).