Posted on Monday, October 12th, 2009 by Annat Katz
RunThere – RunThere is what happens when an exercise log meets web 2.0. It’s a place for jog and cycling enthusiasts to keep track of their own performance, measure the distance of their covered distance and share all the info with like-minded people. So what’s so special about RunThere? For one, you can use other runners’ provided data for your own jogging endeavors. Make use of the best routes users all over the country and Canada have shared. Another great thing about this site is that you can blog about your runs and rides, and interact with other users via comments and feedback. To really grasp what RunThere is about, see the Montreal Marathon route posted by one of their users. And if you’re in need of some incentives, see the video below to start your adrenaline going. And a big thanks to Boss Springsteen for his hit song which made this post’s title.