The Mighty: Find Strength, Joy and Beauty in Disability and Disease

Posted on Monday, October 13th, 2014 by

The Mighty showcases stories about people overcoming adversity, the strength of community and beauty of the human spirit.The Mighty showcases stories about people overcoming adversity, the strength of community and beauty of the human spirit.

An Unusually Positive Media Outlet

The Mighty is a media outlet created to be different than the sites that seek to profit off catchy headlines and stories without substance, which are far too prevalent in the online arena. Although The Mighty has a different approach to most digital media outlets, its creators are still smart and skilled at creating attention-grabbing headlines.Similar to sites like Upworthy, The Mighty specializes in stories that will inspire people — about individuals with diseases or disorders overcoming difficult challenges, as well as a variety of different, unexpected stories about regular people living difficult, yet rewarding lives. From the editors’ descriptions of why they created or joined the site to the actual stories that can be found within its editorial pages, The Mighty truly seems like it’s trying to do good in a world that throws difficult situations at everyone.

The Mighty - Find Strength, Joy and Beauty in Disability and Disease

The Mighty is a media outlet created to be different than the sites that seek to profit off catchy headlines and stories without substance, which are far too prevalent in the online arena.Stories By and For Humans with Inspiring Stories

Although The Mighty has a different approach to most digital media outlets, its creators are still smart and skilled at creating attention-grabbing headlines. Examples of articles on The Mighty’s homepage include posts titled “The Best #ThrowBackThursday Post You Will See Today” and “This Legendary Musician’s Final Song Will Break Your Heart.” There’s also heavy emotional content, such as a post entitled “The Apology I Owe My Son With Autism.” The content of articles ranges from short-form with embedded videos to longer, more in-depth stories. Most of the articles are written from a personal angle, adding to their emotional importance. The site is bold for taking an innovative approach to online media, and it should be viewed by anyone facing difficult challenges in daily life — which, really, is all of us.

The Mighty truly seems like it’s trying to do good in a world that throws difficult situations at everyone.


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