Pocket (formerly Read It Later): Find & Save Content, Images, Articles, Videos for Later

Posted on Monday, April 23rd, 2012 by

Pocket (the app previously known as Read It Later) lets you save images, videos and articles  you find on the Internet to one place, on your iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone or Kindle Fire.

Here’s a scenario for you. It’s the first day of the winter. You turn on the TV, the temperature’s dropped by 10 degrees. If you’re anything like me, you probably hid your coat in the bottom of the closet last summer, hoping that the wind and the rain were gone forever (so naive!). You’ve had to waste 15 minutes looking for the coat – yes, you’re going to be late – and now your mood matches the awful weather… But just when you thought you couldn’t salvage your day… Surprise! There’s a twenty dollar bill in the coat pocket! Now imagine the joy of running into things you once found on the internet and wanted to go back to, from the comfort of your smartphone…

Read It Later becomes Pocket, so you can save anything you want for later

Pocket is the new version of Read It Later – a popular app that gives you an easy way to save videos, pictures, articles and images to view later, directly from your browser or from Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and over 300 other apps. As a gallery of your personal taste, the brightest side of Pocket is that you don’t even need an Internet connection to go back to this contents: it’s offline reading on your your iPhone or iPad, your Android, your Kindle Fire and even your browser. And in good news for those of you who are already Read It Later users, you can still log in to you account and have all the same content you previously added to your queue.

This new lighter and clearer version of the site has new features worth a trial: The new Content Filter makes it easier to see all the saved videos and images in one place; the Favorite mark makes it simple to find and share; and the new bulk edit feature helps you organize your contents so that you can search for keywords, publications and titles. Liked it? Loved it? Save it for later!


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