Are You Your Selfie: Honest Impressions

Posted on Monday, April 14th, 2014 by

areyouyourselfieAre You Your Selfie? allows you to give your honest impression of strangers’ profile pictures and get their impressions of you in return.

Judge Others without any Consequences.The type of questions Are You Your Selfie asks you about other individuals is somewhat abstract and often quite strange.

Are You Your Selfie is a social experiment that lets Facebook users do what Facebook users do best: judge each other. Are You Your Selfie - When you submit your own photo, you can receive similar responses and see what the rest of the world really thinks about you upon first glance.Once you login to the site using your Facebook account, you’re presented with the profile pictures of random strangers and asked to answer questions about those people. The site asks for honest impressions, and for the purposes of the experiment it’s best to be truthful. At the same time, your profile pictures are being displayed to other users, who give you their own impressions in return. The experiment was created in order to understand whether or not users are staying true online.

Are You Your Selfie is a social experiment that lets Facebook users do what Facebook users do best - judge each other.

Are You Your Selfie - Honest ImpressionsDiscover how Others Judge You.

The type of questions Are You Your Selfie asks you about other individuals is somewhat abstract and often quite strange. As I used the site, I was presented with the picture of a woman who had a “mirrored” version of herself (likely taken using an app like OS X’s Photo Booth) as her profile picture. In the multiple choice box to the left, I was given the question, “What would this person do if they were invisible?” Are You Your Selfie - The experiment was created in order to understand whether or not users are staying true online.The choices were “You don’t want to know,” “Be nosey and listen in on conversations,” “Use it to gain advantage,” or “Fight crime.” The site urges you to “be honest,” and the girl looked cool, so I went with “fight crime.” When you submit your own photo, you can receive similar responses and see what the rest of the world really thinks about you upon first glance. It’s an interesting experiment and definitely one that’s fun to play around with.

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