Pirateers 2: Build Your Reputation as the Sea’s Most Infamous Pirate!

Pirateers 2 is a great action adventure flash game where you play a notorious pirate who is determined to become the wealthiest dread of the sea.Pirateers 2 is a great action/adventure flash game where you play a notorious pirate who is determined to become the wealthiest dread of the sea.

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Top 10 Online Games of the Week: Kick The Critter, Stratega, Quebrix…

topStart your weekend with the best games of the week! We already took care of the sorting to bring you only the very best of what the games world has to offer. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did. 

Join us on our Online Games page and discover the best free games. And check out these awesome Thinking games too!

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Back To School 2014: Top 30 Amazon & eBay School Supplies

Find the top 30 back to school items for 2014. Here are the best supplies and essentials that can be found on Amazon,eBay, Target, and Walmart for Back To School 2014.The school year is rapidly approaching so we’ve scoured through the leading websites like Amazon, eBay, Walmart and Target to find you the top 30 back to school supplies and items. Check them out.

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Diet Bet: Win Big While Getting Thin

Diet Bet is an amazingly innovative website that provides motivation to people who are looking to lose a little bit of weight.Diet Bet is an amazingly innovative website that provides motivation to people who are looking to lose a little bit of weight.

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Street Art Project: Explore Global Street Art

The Google Cultural Institute created the Street Art Project to allow users to explore an ongoing collection of art from the streets.The Google Cultural Institute created the Street Art Project to allow users to explore an ongoing collection of art from the streets.

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Journi: Let’s See The World Together

Journi is an amazing app that promises to change the way that you record and share your adventures.Journi is an amazing app that promises to change the way that you record and share your adventures.

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BusBud: Booking For Worldwide Bus Travel

BusBud offers schedules and ticket info for worldwide bus travel.BusBud offers schedules and ticket info for worldwide bus travel.

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The Nature Conservancy: Elephants Need Your Help

The Nature Conservancy: Elephants Need Your HelpThe fact is that the elephant population in Africa has been declining for several decades and has now reached a concerning low. It’s time to step up and help.

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120 Sports: All of Your Sporting News, All In One Place

120 Sports aims to change the way that people consume their sporting news by combining several types of multimedia into one intuitive website and app.120 Sports aims to change the way that people consume their sporting news by combining several types of multimedia into one intuitive website and app.

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