Everlater – A Travel Log with a Twist

EverlaterEverlater is a free application that allows you to record and share your travel experiences all from one spot. To begin, login and create your trip by adding your travel details such as itinerary, destination, cool places you visited, your tips, a review of a restaurant that served a great meal, etc. You can even add people you traveled with. If you’ve traveled the conventional way, you probably uploaded some or all of your trip’s pictures to picasa, flickr or facebook. Well, with Everlater you have the option of importing the pics from these services and adding them to your travel story. For a visual understanding of this service, check out Tanya’s trip to Russia.

BlindSearch – Search This!

BlindSearch – According to StatCounter Global Stats during July 2009 89.78% of all online searches were performed using Google, 5.48% using Yahoo and 3% using Microsoft (Bing, MSN and Live). But would these results have been the same if we were to remove the brand name from search engines? How differently would you, the user, perceive the results? BlindSearch gives you the ability to do just that: type in a search query in the top box, hit search and then vote for the column which you believe best matches your query. The columns are intentionally randomized for each query. I did several tests and my results are the following: 40% Google, 40% Bing and 20% Yahoo.

Oh Joy! – Design Delight

Oh Joy!Joy Deangdeelert Cho has a solid designing background; she began her career as a graphic designer at a boutique advertising agency in New York, and transitioned into home accessories and textile design at Cynthia Rowley, designing home accessories for Target. In 2006 she went on the independent path and opened her own studio – Oh! Joy. As part of her design business she enjoys blogging about her fave pics- great designs, naturally. Here you will find a collection of exceptional designs from the industry’s various fields such as home-decor, fashion and food plate design, just to name a few. Although not all designs are Joy’s, she does an excellent job in tickling your aesthetic nerve ends by sharing her input with her readers. Enjoy!

Luxist – Luxury Redefined

Luxist – Luxury can be defined as something that is more of an indulgence than a necessity, but this is just what the dictionary says. Luxist has taken the task of defining, both visually and in writing, what Luxury is all about. Luxist is a blog concerned with all luxurious things, including Jewelry, Beachfront houses, and it even touches on the gossip buzzing around the luxurious life of the rich and famous.

Clumsy Crooks – The Funny Side of Crime

Clumsy Crooks – Crime may not always pay, but it sure can be funny sometimes. Clumsy Crooks features real crime stories that, when viewed from a different angle, show the ridiculous side of criminal intent. I especially liked the Celebrity Mug Shots section where famous rich people join the common folk when arrested by the police and brought to the police station down town. Plus, once these mug shots are taken, tabloid publications soon get a hold of these and make them available to the public. Below are two pictures I found most amusing. Do you recognize the guy in the second picture? Click on it to reveal the story. Enjoy.

InsaneWiches – Insane Sandwich Fun

InsaneWiches – I love sandwiches; they are tasty, fast to order or prepare, and you can have them on the go. Another reason why I like sandwiches is that you can’t go wrong with them. You usually know what you are getting and what’s in between those two slices of bread. Having that said, apparently a lot can go wrong with sandwiches. See for yourself in the pictures below.

Translation Party – How Do you Do?

Translation Party – Did you know translation can be fun? Neither did I, but there is someone who believes otherwise. With Translation Party you start with an English phrase that is translated into Japanese, followed by a reverse translation and so on until a final result is reached. Confused? That makes the both of us. For clarification, check out together we can do more, don’t you want me baby? and How do you do?

Color Bounce – Color The World (not by numbers)

Color BounceMy favorite color is Magenta (yes, there is such a color), but it has nothing to do with this game – just felt like sharing… With Color Bounce you have to bring back colors to the world! Throw the colored balls up toward other balls of the same color. Continue until you will pass on to the next level. For daily updates of cool games, subscribe to facebook.com/allmygames. Color away!

The Universal Record Database – Let’s See what Humans can Do

The Universal Record Database – The Universal Record Database believes every person on earth holds the potential of becoming the world’s best ‘something.’ The general guidelines for being the best in ‘something’ are simple: every record in the database must be a) quantifiable, b) breakable and c) legal. If you want to set a record in, say, “Most Peanuts Smashed With Forehead In 15 Seconds“, go for it – just make sure you can document it. Who sits at the judges’ panel? Despite what many would assume, it isn’t under the supervision of the Guinness World Records, but rather a Wiki-based judging platform.

Kids and Students are getting ready for Back to School, and so is AllMyFaves (see our designated faveline). Why am I telling you this? Because the kid below reminded me just how important pencils are :-).

LyricRat – Find that Song – no Need to Hum!

LyricRat – If you’ve been keeping up with this blog for a while, you probably noticed that words often remind me of songs (i.e AnyBodyOutThere and WeHeartThis). Having that said, sometimes I seem to have the opposite affect; I hear a great song on the radio but have no idea who is the performer. The song then ends and the radio show host doesn’t give any identifiable details, and all I have left is a sentence I managed to remember while the song was playing.

Until today, if I were to find myself in the above situation, I would search for the song’s title on Google by typing in that crumb of lyrics I jotted down, and narrow down the results until I found the sough-after tune. LyricRat cuts the middleman (Google) in this case, and offers direct access to the desired song. The added bonus is that they let you listen to a sample of the song, to make sure that this is, indeed, what you’re looking for. Writer’s tip: when searching for a song by its lyrics, try unique phrases instead of the usual ‘I love you’ ones, otherwise you’ll have to sieve through semi-endless results. Using my own tip led me to the song below. Enjoy.

Documentary Heaven – Blissful (and free) Doc Films

Documentary Heaven – The movie industry consists of many different genres, most of which are guided by the underlining goal of making $$$. Thank God documentary movies aren’t as greedy (even though some documentaries can be very profitable). The reason people create documentary movies to begin with is because they want to tell a story, make a point, or share an important message with the rest of the world. If you are more of a docu kind of person when it comes to movies, check out Documentary Heaven. As the name suggests, it is a divine resource of numerous doc films online, offering a huge archive of films – all full featured and 100% free of charge to watch online. Yesterday I watched 24 Hours on Craigslist, what is your pick?

MotorMouths – Buying a New Car?

MotorMouths – The people behind MotorMouths don’t review cars, they don’t sell cars, and they don’t endorse any automakers or car models. What DO they do, then? MotorMouths is a helpful web application that simply tells you which new cars get the best reviews and scores from leading automotive critics. So before you pay a visit to your auto dealer, stop by this site. And if you are not into buying a new car at the moment, you can always enjoy the best reviewed coupes or best reviewed convertibles just for fun.