HBO Imagine – This is one of those sites you simply must dive straight into in order to fully grasp their concept. The HBO Story Cube “embraces the spirit of HBO telling deeper, more engaging stories in innovative ways, demonstrating that a change in perspective changes everything. The HBO Story Cube shows four sides of a single story simultaneously. Only when you’ve seen all four sides of the story will you begin to see the bigger picture.” My favorite ones include Art Heist and The Affair.
Grow Box – Drag your box and collect all the golden coins along the way. But don’t grow too big or you won’t be able to pass through the narrow passages and move on to the next level or get more coins later on. For daily updates on our top games, join our AllMyGames facebook fanpage. The video below has nothing to do with the game, I simply thought of it while playing Grow Box – it made me nostalgic.
Artwiculate – Think you have the English vocabulary down and covered? There’s nothing like a daily test of your alleged virtuosity to see if you’re a man (or woman) of your…word, or just someone who scored high on their verbal SATs. Artwiculate is a “twitter-based Word of the Day competition that helps clever people look clever and helps the rest of us learn new words.” As soon as you enter into the site, you’ll see a big word on the left. That’s the word of the day. If you’re not sure what it means, click on “Show the Definition.” Now what? The idea is to use that word in a sentence in the wittiest way you can think of – and post that sentence on Twitter.
In addition to your own Twitter account, your short composition will be posted on the Artwiculate homepage for other users to rate and choose their faves. Also, you can see yesterday’s winners to discover just how creative people can be with words. Here’s a great example of the process, using the word Fastidious. Overall, this site’s concept, design and the daily routine it installs for those interested are fantastic. Check it out and get some ammunition for your next Scrabble game.
RunThere – RunThere is what happens when an exercise log meets web 2.0. It’s a place for jog and cycling enthusiasts to keep track of their own performance, measure the distance of their covered distance and share all the info with like-minded people. So what’s so special about RunThere? For one, you can use other runners’ provided data for your own jogging endeavors. Make use of the best routes users all over the country and Canada have shared. Another great thing about this site is that you can blog about your runs and rides, and interact with other users via comments and feedback. To really grasp what RunThere is about, see the Montreal Marathon route posted by one of their users. And if you’re in need of some incentives, see the video below to start your adrenaline going. And a big thanks to Boss Springsteen for his hit song which made this post’s title.
NerdyShirts – Investment bankers, lawyers and accountants all have to abide a dress code which usually includes a dark suit and a tie. In case you were wondering, the dress code for the AllMyFaves team is up to each employee’s discretion. Nevertheless, even though we are free to wear whatever we want, most of us come to work wearing T-shirts because it’s the most comfortable and fun piece of clothing. If you are also a tee kind of person, you will find many great designs at NerdyShirts, where clothes are anything but nerdy. Their concept is a tad geeky but only enough to reach that super coolness level we’re all striving for. Thanks to them, creativity gets an additional outlet. Below are my favorite tees. What is yours?
Information Is Beautiful – Is ignorance truly bliss? Maybe sometimes, but overall I think ignorance is more of a curse than a bliss. Information is the ultimate king. David McCandless, the person behind Information Is Beautiful, would agree with me since he created an information hub where ideas, issues, concepts and subjects are presented in a visual way. I just love this image-based concept because this way, a simple glance retrieves a great deal of info. Does this ring any bells? The visualizations I most enjoyed on this site were Reduce Your Chances of Dying in a Plane Crash and More Truth about Twitter.
YepYep – YepYep is defined as “Your Daily Waste of Time”, which means it’s something you could live without, but if you do choose to visit the site you will most probably enjoy it. YepYep is a blog that is frequently updated with photos, videos and stories of anything that might make you smile. You can browse its featured info by subjects such as Daily Boom, Pictures or Sports, or you can simply click on the randomize button. I suggest you start with the one below in order to get into the mood.
The Animal Rescue Site – Please read this and consider the following statistics: “27 million unwanted animals are given to shelters in the U.S. every year. Over 10 million animals are put to death every year in the U.S. alone because they are abandoned and unwanted.” Grim reality indeed. What can you do to help? Many things, actually; you can adopt a new pet, make a donation and volunteer at dog shelters and other ASPCA facilities. In addition, you can help out by simply clicking a button. Yes, you heard me, each click on the purple “Click Here to Give – it’s FREE” button on The Animal Rescue Site provides food and care for a rescued animal living in a shelter or sanctuary. So what are you waiting for, click here!
Motion Portrait – Currently, our Weekly Faves are focused on websites in English, but every once in a while a foreign site that is particularly appealing and Weekly-worthy falls into our lap. Motion Portrait is one such site. It is very easy to navigate through and is quite intuitive. Here’s the gist: upload your picture, and then start adding bizarre and funny as hell facial and head add-ons. Check this out if you feel you’ve graduated from the simple afro and mustache drill. Press on the camera icon for a snapshot and the site will save your creation as a jpeg file. Below is a picture I created of myself with 4 different masks…. For the original picture – click here.
iNudge – Creating electronic music is difficult, there’s no doubt about it. Take it from me, there was a time I tried it out and to be honest, was quite unsuccessful. Having that said, on iNudge anyone can be a music producer and create their own music. They make the whole process really simple and all you need is to follow these simple steps and have plenty of patience. To all the producers out there, even though iNudge is a nice tool, I doubt it will ever come close to replacing actual recording studios… It simply offers those with some musical ability the opportunity to express their creativity and mess around a bit. Below is a music track I created. It was inspired by AllMyFaves. Can you guess why?
Asylum626 – Back in November last year, we reviewed the scary as hell game, Hotel626, which was a Weekly Fave that month. If you thought it was unique and truly effective in terms of its terrorizing impact, I’ve got great news: The game’s creators (sponsored by the Frito-Lay Corporation) recently launched a sequel. Asylum626 topped all my expectation, as it delivers an amazing experience packed with seat-jumping and frantic mouse moves. As with the first game, you can only play Asylum626 after 7pm, to make sure you play it in the dark… This time, connecting to the game through Facebook delivers enhanced game experience and renders it more interactive and fun. Once again, play at your own risk.
When Penguins Attack – Save the human race from the onslaught of the evil warmongering penguins in the crazy new Tower Defense game. For the previous version, visit the Vector Tower Defense game, and if penguins are what rocks your game boat, make sure you visit Penguin Dinner. By the way, all these games and many more can be found on our designated games page. Have Fun!