Killers of the World – A Real Whodunit on a Colossal Scale

killersoftheworld Killers of the World – What do you, Charles Manson, Elizabeth Bathory and Jack the Ripper have in common? Well, you’ll have to see the video to find out. Without giving away too much, I’ll just say the video is part of a project of a non-profit organization. It’s an attempt to increase the awareness of each and every individual on this planet. What the hell am I talking about? The answer hides in the previous sentence and, of course, in the video itself. Enjoy and be inspired, and don’t be shy: do share it with your friends.

People of Public Transit – Next Stop: Deviantham

popt People of Public Transit – A while back we featured a funny website called People of Walmart, showing the odd and hilarious customers browsing the aisles of various Walmart stores across the US. If you had a kick out of those photos, brace yourself; People of Public Transit (POPT) offers the exact same thing, using the buses, trains and subways of America as the scene of the crime. If you’ve ever been to NYC and took a ride in one of the city’s subway trains, I’m sure you’ve had your dose of bizarrely dressed and funny looking individuals. Tap into your NY nostalgia with photos such as this one, browse the site’s archive, or even submit your own photo documenting humanity at its best… Here are some of my favorite pics: Carrot Top Fan Club President, Coolio? and Stay Puft.

Fight Club – Join the Mayhem

fightclub Fight Club – Fight Club is undoubtedly one of the top films of the 21st century, and it’s ranked as THE movie of all times among many of my friends. When it comes to violence, I’m more of a Tarantino fan myself, although I do appreciate the ingenuity of the Fight Club script.

So why am I writing about a movie that came out back in 1999? The answer is simple: a Blu-Ray version of the movie is out (timed perfectly for Christmas and the film’s 10th anniversary), which means you can experience your top choice movie once more, only in a much more indulging way. And what a better way to market the Blu-Ray release than by throwing in users’ Facebook photos and personal information into the movie’s trailer? If you don’t mind the privacy issues involved, sign in with Facebook Connect and join the mayhem. To purchase the Blu-Ray version of Fight Club, click here.

Cgunit – Provocative Art

cgunit Cgunit – If you are an art fan, you will just love this site. Cgunit features superb and unconventional art pieces, mostly photography and animated images. The blog’s creators define it as an “online gallery updated seven days a week and dedicated to bringing its readers the very best art images from around the web. This place is designed to keep you up to date with the art of many contemporary artists.”

Before entering this site I must warn you that it contains nudity and graphic images. Having that said, some images I found here reminded me of a poster by the Guerrilla Girls I saw this last summer (see below), at the Pompidou Centre in Paris, and it’s titled Do Women Have to Be Naked to Get into the Met. Museum? Do you think these numbers are disturbing? So do I. But for your information, the poster is from 1989. I don’t know where the current numbers stand but the poster I saw was part of the largest all-female art exhibition in the world, so I guess things are changing, and rightly so.

Click Play 2 – Click It!

clickplay2 Click Play 2This is a very enjoyable and consequently, addictive game. In this point-and-click puzzle game you have to click, drag and drop stuff to find the button which allows you to pass on to the next stage. If you like this game, you will definitely appreciate Me and the Key, a Weekly Faves veteran. For more cool game, check our Weekly Games every Wednesday or simply join our AllMyGames facebook fan page.

5ft Shelf – Didactic Trophy Shelf

5ftshelf 5ft Shelf – What’s the deal with measuring one’s book collection by its width? To understand the ingenuity of 5ft Shelf, here’s what they say in their About page: “In 1909 Dr Eliot, then President of Harvard University, claimed a liberal education could be achieved by reading a collection of books that would total no more than 5ft in width. A local publisher challenged him to name them and he responded with what became known as the Harvard Classics.” Thanks to 5ft Shelf, users all over- whether hardcore bibliophiles or best seller-only readers- can create their very own 5ft shelf of their most cherished reads, movie classics and music albums.

Here’s the breakdown; you get 2 1/2ft for books, 1 1/2ft for films and 1ft for your favorite music albums. In numbers, those give you about 30 top picks of each, give or take. 5ft Shelf nicely stacks all your choices on your virtual shelf, and you can choose between various display options (spine, cover, list, etc.). As with many other book collection sites on the Web, this one also offers the friendly interaction with other users.

All in all, 5ft shelf is an engaging, beautifully designed platform for showing off the creations that helped to shape the person you are today. After you sign up (it’s free and the process takes about a minute), start browsing for your favorites, see 5ft Shelf’s recommendations and invite friends to join. All books, DVDs and music albums can be purchased on Amazon. Check out my private stash of entertainment delight, and if you were wondering what the Ultimate Shelf according to the website is, click here.

Kapitall – Investment in Simplicity Pays Off

kapitall Kapitall – When I was younger, I used to invest in stocks, and took advantage of Yahoo! Finance to help me organize my portfolio. I was quite satisfied with it; it was reliable, effective, and easy to use. Today I don’t do much investing anymore, but if I were to tap into that game field today, I would probably come back to Yahoo! Finance or Google Finance to help me out.

My past experience in investing really came in handy in checking out Kapitall – “an online investing platform that combines the world’s friendliest investing experience with powerful yet simple tools to build your skills – and maybe even your net worth.” I was happy to see it featured as a Weekly Faves because I was eager to test their “friendly platform” statement. Signing up prompted the welcome video (see below), which seemed promising. The problem was that when I actually started playing around with the website’s various features, I became rather confused. There were way too many pop-up flash windows, each asking me many questions.

Investing in stocks is a tough mission as it is, and when an online tool that’s supposed to ease things up ends up complicating them, one’s natural reaction is frustration and disinterest. If only Kapitall’s interface was a more intuitive and simpler one… Although I did manage to work my way around the site in the end, it’s a shame users need to spend so much time figuring out the site’s navigation rather than focusing on what’s important – easy and happy investment! Having said that, Kapitall’s Investor DNA and the News Viewer sections are note worthy, but my overall experience is not a positive one. I don’t think I’ll visit this site in the future, but maybe it is just me. What do you think about it?

Maggwire – Adios, Magazine Subscriptions

maggwire Maggwire – Don’t you just hate it when you flip through a magazine while you’re in line at the cashier’s, debating whether you should spend money on a magazine issue you’ll read once and then it’s off to the paper recycling bin? And what about those subscription pitch postcards that always fall out of the pages? It’s time to upgrade to a more efficient, engaging and paper-free magazine experience. Maggwire is a magazine aggregator that does a terrific job in offering you free posts of top magazines, and learns to recognize your preferences as you go. This way, Maggwire recommends new magazines and articles you will probably enjoy discovering.

Maggwire offers a huge collection of over 600 magazines online, and the platform itself is intuitive, nice to look at and easy to get addicted to. Users can also rate articles, so you can get an idea of just how good an article is before reading it. To give you an example, here are the search results for Cooking. See how the articles rated the highest show up first. That’s an added bonus in my book. See also the variety of articles offered for the topic World News. If you wish, you can also browse the articles by checking out the Top Magazines and start your Maggwire adventure there.

Top Magazines

Accident Sketch – A Better, More Accurate Accident Report

accidentsketch Accident Sketch – Concerning oneself with car accident reports is far from being regarded as an enjoyable activity, but today’s world is one of great influx of people and vehicles. Highly populated areas are always prone to accidents and fender-benders. The German company ClaimMS GmbH is a designer of interactive web 2.0 online applications, and one of their projects -Accident Sketch- is here to help all of us get things straight beyond the crooked radio antenna of our car. They created this innovative platform to help you get a more visual perspective on what went wrong on the road.

If you are lucky enough to have never been involved in an accident, believe me, your rational thought flies out the window in the first 10 minutes following the incident. Seeing the vehicles, road signs and speeds of the cars involved all in one coherent frame makes life much easier, and this can also help to tweak police reports. Check out the Accident Sketch demo video and start creating your own scenarios. Mind you, several features are still under construction, so bear with these guys, it’s worth it!

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facebook logo AllMyFaves Fan Page – Join All My Faves on Facebook and Be ahead of the Game!

Get the best of what the Web has to offer – fresh out of the oven. If you’d like to stay on top of the net’s absolute finest finds, join the All My Faves Facebook fan page and you’ll receive early notifications of new cool games, blog posts and other exciting stuff, especially for you!

Use the All My Faves Facebook fan page to have your say, make suggestions, take part in discussions and get in touch with the All My Faves team. We see it as the perfect venue to interact with our users and get inspired by their preferences and ideas – sharing is what it’s all about.

To join the All My Faves Facebook fan page, click here. Start suggesting your faves, giving out shout outs and making comments on our posts – we’re looking forward to hearing from you! And if you’re eager to explore the best and hottest online games buzzing around the Web, stop by the All My Faves Games fan page on Facebook for guaranteed satisfaction.

Shareable – Sharing is Everything. Absolutely.

shareable Shareable – In a world where social interaction both on and offline is such an integral part of our life, sharing is a major component of it. But using something in common with others is only one way to look at it. Shareable is an amazing resource for all things, well, shareable. As creators Neal Gorenflo and Jeremy Adam Smith note on their about page, they “cover the people, places, and projects that are bringing a shareable world to life. And we share tools and tips to help you make a shareable world real in your life.”

The range of fields Shareable touched on (quite deeply if I may add) is overwhelmingly great; read stories of sharing in art, business, the civic sphere, science and environment, just to name a few. In addition, you can browse through the site’s intriguing posts by going through top tag words, most commented, most recent posts and other search parameters. My favorite posts were Five Shareable Bridges, Trust Each Other, Share the Roads and How Do I Share a Vegetable Garden?

Up Next In Sports – LOL Balls, Bats and Nets

upnextinsports Up Next In Sports – Sports encompass various physical activities drenched in emotions and adrenaline. Therefore, it’s not surprising that sport photos are sought-after, high profile visual items for us all. Like the celebrity paparazzi we all crave, photos of pro athletes and sport stars are remarkable and astonishing.

Up Next In Sports is based on the same overall concept, but from a different, more ridiculous and a hell of a lot funnier angle. Each photo is annotated with a laconic, sarcastic depiction (made up of course) to spice things up. By the way, you’re more than welcome to submit your own LOL sports picture – simply click here. My favorite ones are shown below. All I can say about these is that I just love it when they fly…