Accident Sketch – A Better, More Accurate Accident Report

Posted on Monday, November 30th, 2009 by

accidentsketch Accident Sketch – Concerning oneself with car accident reports is far from being regarded as an enjoyable activity, but today’s world is one of great influx of people and vehicles. Highly populated areas are always prone to accidents and fender-benders. The German company ClaimMS GmbH is a designer of interactive web 2.0 online applications, and one of their projects -Accident Sketch- is here to help all of us get things straight beyond the crooked radio antenna of our car. They created this innovative platform to help you get a more visual perspective on what went wrong on the road.

If you are lucky enough to have never been involved in an accident, believe me, your rational thought flies out the window in the first 10 minutes following the incident. Seeing the vehicles, road signs and speeds of the cars involved all in one coherent frame makes life much easier, and this can also help to tweak police reports. Check out the Accident Sketch demo video and start creating your own scenarios. Mind you, several features are still under construction, so bear with these guys, it’s worth it!

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